Chapter Four - I'm Confused

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{ Luke's POV }

I don't know what I did wrong but she didn't want to kiss me. Maybe it was to soon. I

walked through the front door and put my car keys on the kitchen table. The boys must

have been watching a movie because I could hear noises.

" Hey ! How did it go ? " Ash came up to me and laughed.

" Um okay. I'm sleepy, I'm going out to bed "

" What happened. I can see it on your face " Ashton said.

" Where is Calum and Michael ? "

" Calum went out with Ruby and Michael is out getting food. Sit down come on man"

" Okay ... Well everything was going good and then I went to kiss her and he just

freaked out and hugged me. I offered to take her home and she said no. " I looked down.

" Do you think it was to soon " Ashton looked at me.

" I don't know, everything was going fine " I stared at him.

" Don't worry about it man. Let's invite her over tomorrow it's a public holiday she will

be off from school"

I said okay and walked upstairs still confused about my thoughts with Emma.

{ Emma's POV }

I got a call from the boys asking if I wanted to go to their house. I said yes, and also

asked if Morgan could come and they replied with yes.

I sat on my bed and stared at my blue walls. I was so stupid running away what am I twelve.

" Come on you didn't want to kiss him no big deal. You have ages " Morgan walked over

to me and touched my arm.

" I think, I think I'm Fa-lling for him " I choked I never felt like this before about a guy.

" See that's great, I know your scared about what happened before with your past

relationships that was ages ago come on. Let's go over there and have a great time. "

" Just because you want to suck Ashton's face off " I mumbled.

She hit me with a pillow and we started laughing, and I hit her back.

" So nice place you got here " Morgan said to Luke.

" Thanks, hey Emma " Luke said and stared at me.

I went over to him hugged him whispering " Can we talk "

He said yes and toke me into in the kitchen pulling out a chair for me to sit on.

" I'm really sorry about last night I just sorted of like freaked out " I felt my cheeks


" Its okay we can take it slow. I just wanted to you to know it's okay " Luke grabbed on

to my hand.

" Oh go on kiss him already " Ash said from outside the room.

I looked at him and he leaned in and before I knew it we were kissing. It was gentle

and soft and the best kiss I've ever had. The boys were cheering but it felt like it was just

us to in the room - or kitchen. We both pushed away for air and stared at each other.

" So " I said.

" So" Luke replied and laughed.

" OMG it's so cliché I love it " Morgan yelled.

We all broke out laughing I think this day was a life lesson. Sometimes you can be so

down and want to hid in a hole. But really you have to get back up because you don't

know what could happen over the next two minutes or two hours.

Hey guys please comment is this story boring I have big plans for where it's going. I'm still just introducing characters and getting to know people that's all. Thanks xx

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