Chapter twenty two

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{ Emma's POV }

It felt like I was sitting in the same spot only months before, waiting to board the plane for Paris. Although this time it is to England ! I feel spoilt never in my life would I dream this lifestyle I have today.

" Emma " Ruby waved her hand over my eyes.

" Sorry I zoned out " I said looking at her.

" I was going to ask you where are we sitting and stuff " Ruby said scrolling through Instagram.

The crew and the boys we all got a private plane ! Which was amazing. There still will be about twenty people on the flight though. I was super excited. We had passed mobs of fans some of course called me names but I didn't care I had Luke.

" Babe " Luke came over and kissed me.

" Ok I'm right here " Ruby said laughing. Luke walked away laughing.

" I need a picture, my fans are going crazy. When I'm over there I think I'm going to go a meet and greet " Ruby said.

" That would be amazing " I said, not only did 5sos fans follow us but also Ruby had a massive fan base as well.

" Yeah I'm going to miss out on shows, maybe when we free we can just film stuff" Ruby said laughing.

" Yes OMG I would love that " I said hugging her.

We snapped a picture with our passports in our hands. Laughing then finally boarding the plane.

Luke and I got our little section it was so cool. There were two seats that went back into beds, a window and a little wall that blocked off the other members. Everybody had the same sort of thing.

" Well we will see in England " I called out to the boys.

Ashton pecked his head in

" Please just don't do it on the plane " he laughed and Luke just nudged him laughing some more.

" Well this is what you call luxury " I said grabbing the wine glass.

" Not yet maybe later " Luke said smirking.

" Okay, okay " I said putting it down.

I turned on the tv to see what movies there was, let's just say there was to many !

" Babe I can't choose " I said laughing.

" Well why don't we just talk then. " He smiled.

---------------------- { five hours later } ---------------------

" Pstt Emma " Ruby called.

" Yeah " I whispered.

" Is Luke asleep " She whispered.

" Yes is Calum " I whispered back.

" Yep come on, let's paint our nails or something " she said.

I walked out of the little room and we sat down at the table and chair.

" The boys must be so exhausted " I said painting my fingers with blue nail polish.

" Yeah they work so hard these days " Ruby sighed.

" I know, I'm going to wait for these to dry and take a nap " I said yawning.

" Mhm me too " Ruby yawned as well.

" Living on tour is going to be good and bad " Ruby said.

" I know I think we will probably fight a lot more and stuff like that as well " I said touching my nails that are now finally dry.

" See you in a free hours " I whispered.

I walked back and sat down, Luke was still sleeping I grabbed a blanket and drifted off as well.

" Babe, Emma, babe " I opened my eyes to see Luke shaking me awake.

" I'm sorry but we going to land. I don't know if you want to go clean up because they will be fans " He said laughing.

" Are you saying I look bad " I questioned him giggling.

" Ok I'm going be back I'm a few " I got out my hair brush and toothbrush and walked over to the toilet area. Fixing myself before sitting back down next to Luke.

Ashton, Calum !!! I love you Mikey, Luke, OMG it's Ruby !

The fans were going crazy we stepped off the plane to be meted by thousands of screaming fans. Some even wanted photos with me.

We pushed our way through and finally got on the bus before sitting back down.

" Jesus " I breathed out.

" I know right pretty crazy " Ashton mumbled.

" Yeah crazy ... " I said looking out the window.

" Emma " Luke yelled from down the bus.

" Coming " I called back before removing my bum from the seat.

I walked into the back where Luke was calling me, and all the beds were out.

" So um normally we have bunk beds but we have a bigger bus. We have a small room each although Ruby has to share with Calum and you need to share with me. " he blushed looking down

" That's fine, don't blush Aww we have slept in the same bed heaps of times before. " I pecked his lips.

" Let's go unpack " He mumbled against my lips.

We started unpacking our bags sharing the same draws all well. Luke came up behind me and kissed me. I was surprised but kissed him back wrapping my hands around his neck, and he wrapped his strong hands around my waist. We got a bit carried just making out.

" Luke an- " Ruby walked in on us, both of us jumped apart.

" Well you finish off we are having dinner " Ruby smirked and shut the door.

I pulled my shirt down and ran my fingers through my hair laughing.

" That was awkward " Luke laughed. I just hit him shaking my head.

" Great now we are going to have to face the humiliation out there " I looks up at Luke.

" I love you " he pouted his lips I quickly pecked them before walking out the door.

" Guess we are going to have to be careful on the bus, hey Emma " Ruby smirked.

I just playfully hit her laughing and saw Luke blushing.

" Hey Emma when do you turn 18 ? " Ashton asked with a mouthful of food.

" Uhh about a month " I said.

" Yeah I think we will be in Ireland then " Luke said smiling.

" Well don't want to walk in on you that night " Michael snickered.

" I'm really excited though " I said smiling around the table.

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