Chapter eleven - I love parties

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{ Emma POV }

I woke up with a start and remembered what special day it is today Luke's birthday !! I

put on a dressing gown since it was freezing and tippy toed across to his bedroom. I

opened the door a jar he was awake scrolling through his phone.

" babe " I whispered.

He looked up and showed a toothy grin I ran over to him and jumped onto of him

singing happy birthday in a whisper.

" I love you so much " he said before crashing his lips with mine.

" Your eighteen ! Can you believe it you can drink now " I laughed.

" I love how you get all excited " he bite down on his lip.

" Why do you do that Luke " I sighed.

" What ! " he asked obnoxiously.

" You bite your lip and it turns me on " you mumbled

He did an o with his mouth before kissing you again. I logged onto twitter I had

currently 1 million followers ! Now that Luke and I were going out. I use to love

twitter but I recently haven't used it that much because of hate and stuff. I typed a

quick message

@Emmajones spending the day with my beautiful boyfriend x happy 18th babe


The message popped up onto his phone and he ignored it.

" I have lots of presents but first I want to make breakfast so you can come down or

stay here " I looked at him. His hair was mess bags were under his eyes but he still

looked perfect in my eyes.

" I'll come down and watch, but you may want to put a bigger clothes and by that I

mean longer " he looked down. I then realised my dressing gown just covered my bum.

" Yeah can I have one of your shirts " I pledged.

He chucked me over his nirvana shirt and I was filled with warmth and his smell.

I walked down stairs to for once a very quiet house. A began making pancakes stirring

the mixture and I turned on the stove.

" We better start cleaning the house considering family is coming over and stuff " Luke

said while reading over lyric paper with his glasses on.

" How long have you had glasses for " I asked.

" Since school really, I don't really mind them that much " he blushed.

" I think you look cute " I said and pecked his nose.

" Wow it smells good in here " Calum came down the stairs.

" Nice shirt Emma " he grinned and looked at Luke.

" Happy birthday mate ! " Calum came over and hugged Luke before another two boys

came running down the stairs jumping on top of Luke singing happy birthday.

I served up the pancakes and everyone dug in. I quickly grabbed one before they all

went considering there are four hungry boys.

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