Chapter twenty Four

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{ Emma's POV }

We only had two days left before we had a two week break over Christmas. Finally going home. Today we were currently all going to a meet and greet.

I stood in my mirror trying to look at least half decent. Touring has really tired me out. I can't even imagine how the boys feel ..... I had been getting a lot of hate recently which has really bought me down. I don't think the boys have really noticed because they are so busy as well as Ruby. I have tired so hard... But I don't know how much longer I can't keep this huge secret from Luke for.

I looked at myself again maybe I was those things




I had lost my toned figure because I never surf anymore and have dark circles under my eyes caused my lack of sleep.

" Morning " Ashton said as I walked into the kitchen area of the bus.

" Hey " I said sitting down.

" Do you want pancakes, I finally made them. " Ash cam over and asked me.

" I'm fine thank you " I said picking at my nails.

" Emma , morning " Calum and Michael said walking in as well.

" Morning " I said half smiling.

" Emma there you are, good morning too " Ruby came in looking stunning her hair and makeup done.

Luke came in and smile coming over and lightly kissing me.

" Morning sunshine " he whispered.

" Morning " I mumbled looking away.

He brushed it off and sat down to eat. Everybody was sitting at the small table eating pancakes.

" Come on Emma " Luke said moving over. I sat next to him just to keep them quiet.

" Are you eating " Calum asked.

" I'm fine I'm not hungry " I just said shaking my head.

" Are you sure " Ashton said offering me more pancakes.

" No I'm ok " I smiled.

Everyone had downed about two pancakes and there still was spare. I wanted some bad but I knew I couldn't eat it.

" Come on I know you want one " Luke said waving it in front of face.

" I'm fine " I said.

" Yes you do babe, I can see you drooling " Luke laughed.

" I said I'm fine ! " I snapped standing up. Everybody was taken back by my sudden outburst.

" What's wrong Emma this is not like you " Michael said looking over at me.

" Would you guys just leave me alone " tears spilled down my face and I ran into the bedroom locking the door.

I cried hard what was wrong with me ?

" Emma open the door " Luke yelled from the outside.

" Emma please " he said pledging.

I felt bad and unlocked the door jumping back over to the bed. Cuddling the pillows that was covered in my tears.

" Please don't cry " Luke said rubbing circles in my back.

" What's wrong " he whispered.

" And don't tell me you weren't hungry " He said lifting my chin up.

" I wanted to tell you " I said.

" Tell me what " Luke said frantically.

" You-r f-an-s ha-v-e bee-n g-iving me h-ate " I chocked out.

I saw Luke's expression change and he looked down at me.

" No, no, no please don't listen to them " Luke said kissing my forehead.

" I'm such a mess maybe I'm those things they'd do call me ugly, fat- "

" Emma, Emma look at me " He grabbed his hands and cupped my face.

" I love you okay, only you. Don't give up now we have has such a great time touring together. We have travelled all over England, seen and done so many things. Made memories don't let something like this bring you down. Christmas is in one month and we get two weeks off thanks to Calum's pledging. " I saw him look at him waiting for me to speak.

Inside my head though was a different story. After Christmas the boys were touring for another seven weeks and this time Ruby and I weren't allowed to come.

" Babe please say something " Luke said and I saw his eyes begin to water.

" I uhh " I started crying and clutched onto Luke's shirt. He just rubbed circles again in my lower back , it always seem to calm me down.

" Thank you " I whispered.

" Emma there just jealous. Come on let's go get something to eat "

{ Luke's POV }

It tore me I'm parts to see Emma so unstable. The fans really can hurt people a lot, she stayed in the from to get dressed and cleaned up while I went to make her toast.

" I'm putting up a status on twitter now " Ashton said coming over to me.

" We may have heard " Calum said.

" I just don't know what to do anymore " I put my head in hands.

" Look the last ten months have been have been hectic but not one of us would change the world for it " Ashton said.

" Come on let's go to this meet and greet and show off your beautiful girls " Ash said laughing before grabbing a banana to make another banana cam video.

[ few hours later ]

She really didn't know how beautiful she was. I wanted to send out something on twitter but I was afraid she would then get more hate. It really didn't just hurt but also the band. Ash was right the last ten months have been crazy but I wouldn't change it for the world.

" Luke I think I'm ready " Emma came out of the bathroom with Ruby and she looked amazing.

She wore a cute blue dress that touched just above her knees and her hair was out natural wavy, it sat on her shoulders and she looked over at me and smiled.

" Luke you lucky boy " Michael said. He went over to Emma and spun her around, Emma laughed and look over at me.

We went to the meet and greet and so many people were happy to see Emma. She got pictures and and talked to so many fans.

" Man what are you staring at " Ashton said looking at me.

" Just Emma " I blushed.

I stared again over at her she was talking with fans. Smiling and hugging them, I knew some of them wouldn't be nice but she didn't care.

I love Emma it will be so hard after Christmas leaving her for seven weeks. Today had been a big day, and when we all packed up and went back into the tour bus I was glad we were on the road again. I loved this tour so much it had bumps and downs but playing to 50k and more audiences is all I want to do when I'm older.

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