Roller Coaster Capital of the World

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Tumblr Request: "Could you please do Damian x reader where they go to like six flags and go on all the rides.❤"

(So I know literally nothing about Six Flags. But! I do know a lot about Cedar Point so i used that)


"I'm not fond of this place" Damian crossed his arms with a huff. You frowned and shoved him, "Come on Damian, it's a rollercoaster park, what's not to love?!" Just then a couple younger pre-teen kids bumped into him in order to make it to one of the lines before it got longer.

He growled and was about to chew them out before you grabbed his wrist. "Damian please just ride some rides with me? It's not often we get you away from cases and out of Gotham. While your dad has business with Cleveland he agreed to let us come here."

Damian's expression softened before he nodded. "Okay okay. Which one first?"

You grinned and looked around. Spotting a green one with multiple loops in it. "That one!" Pointing to it before taking his hand and dragging him over to it.

"Raptor?" Damian read the front before you pulled him into the line. You nodded, "I've heard people say this one is awesome!" You grinned and stopped to stand in line behind a group of high school kids.

The line moved about as fast as expected. No matter what park you go to anywhere there is always a wait.

Eventually you got to the cars and climbed in. You were toward the front. The seats were five in a row, you were between Damian and another kid as Damian was on the end. Bouncing in excitement you smiled at Damian. "I'm so excited!"

He chuckled and shook his head, holding onto the holster that held him into the seat as his feet hung. Pretty soon the ride started, the clacking of the chain pulling the cars to the top of the hill drowned out the talking and build the suspense in the pit of your stomach.

'Half-way' You thought as a smile pulled at your lips. Though as the top encroached further, fear started to creep up your spine. Your smile dropped a little as you stared at the seat in front of you before your eyes clenched shut.

Damian noticed and let go of the handle on his harness and slipped it into yours. "Open your eyes, you'll be okay [F/n]!" He yelled over the clacking as your eyes cracked a little to look over at him. He gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'm here beloved. This'll be fun"

The fear flushed from your system and you grinned again and nodded.

Though just as you nodded, you reached the top and went speeding down the hill. You screamed and you swear you heard Damian laugh as you spun through corkscrews and loops. Soon your screams turned to laughter too and the ride came into the station again. Your hair was a mess and you were laughing as the ride came to a stop.

"Welcome back riders, how was your ride?!" The worked in the booth asked and everyone on the ride cheered. Soon you were released and your legs felt like jelly as you exited the area of the coaster.

"DAMIAN THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!" You cheered and pulled on his arm. "Let's go on another one! Come on! That one looks good! I think it's called Wicked Twister! Oh! Then we have to ride the giant one! What's it called? Top Thrill Dragster!! Oh and Millenium Force! I've heard it's the best coaster EVER! Lets go!!" You babbled on before dragging Damian over to the next ride.

He chuckled and shook his head. He knew he never should've brought you to the roller coaster capital of the world. But he had to admit, he too was having the time of his life.

Damian Wayne (Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now