Jealous of Who?

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Tumblr Requests: "Can I please have an imagine where Damian is jealous because his S/O is spending a lot of time with his pets? Please and thanks! 💙"


Damian grunted as he searched around the whole manor. He had been in every single room and he couldn't find you anywhere! You had come over to do some homework with him and just spend some time together because lately he had been really busy with his duties as Robin. He felt as if he had been neglecting you, but now you've disappeared into thin air.

He walked into the kitchen, finding Tim there. "Drake. Have you seen [F/n]?" Damian asked, his natural sharpness in his tone. Tim looked up from his cup of coffee, "Try the living room, I think I saw her in there with Titus and Pennyworth.

Without another word Damian swiftly exited the kitchen and headed toward the living room with this new information. Finding out Tim was correct because there you lay on the couch. Titus was on top of you and Pennyworth was on the back of the couch, purring as you scratched his head.

Damian for some reason found a heated anger pooling in his heart. He didn't know why but for some reason he wasn't happy. "[F/n]"

He noticed you jump, having not seen him come in. "Damian! You scared me, don't sneak up on me like that" You laughed, sitting up while making Titus shift off of you. He let out a whimper and you patted his head chuckling.

You noticed the scowl on Damian's face. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Tt, nothing" He crossed his arms, turning his eyes away from yours. Sighing you stood up, "Doesn't seem like 'nothing'" walking over to him, "Dami, what's wrong?"

"I said nothing! Let's just go do our homework" he mumbled before turning and heading to the stairs. You followed as Titus and Pennyworth hopped off the couch to accompany you up and into his room.

Sitting on the floor you both began to do work on a project you had due in a week. Damian would constantly glance up at you laying on your stomach while filling out the packet. The anger was subsiding until Pennyworth began to swipe at your pencil as you wrote. A giggle bubbled from your throat as you began to hold the pen above his head, making the cat stand on his hind legs to swipe at it.

Completely taken away from your homework by the cat. Damian threw his pen down and crossed his arms again in a huff.

You attention averting from the feline and to your boyfriend. "Damian, will you please tell me what the matter is?" Moving to be sitting in front of him.

He stayed silent, keeping his eyes from yours. A glare being sent at his pets.

That's when you had an epiphany. "Oh. My. God."

"What?" His eyes connecting to yours curiously. "You're jealous" Laughing while crossing your arms. You stared at him in awe, this was a new side to him you had yet to see.

"Me? Jealous? Pfft. Jealous of who?" He shook his head, making you chuckle again. "That was so very convincing. You're jealous that I've been paying so much attention to Titus and Pennyworth." Damian scoffed before his arms crossed tighter at his chest. Though, not denying the claim.

"Damian. Why are you all of a sudden jealous? I always spend time like this with your pets. Is there something other than this bothering you?"

He stayed silent for a few seconds, telling by the expression on his face that he was contemplating something. Letting out a sigh he began, "I just, I've been really busy with my father lately as Robin. We only see each other during school and I feel like I'm neglecting you. I'm aware that I can be brazen and blunt, it makes me feel as if you could do better. So I guess I'm getting jealous because I know that there are better people out there for you." He kept his eyes diverted from yours.

"Damian, you sound ridiculous. You're the person I want to be with, and I understand that you being Robin means you have other responsibilities. If I didn't understand that, I wouldn't be here. As for the jealousy, they're your pets. I spend so much time with them because they remind me of you." You smiled at him, taking in his shocked expression.

He chuckled before shaking his head, "I'm lucky to have someone who puts up with me the way you do."

"Yeah you better appreciate it, it's not easy." Laughing jokingly. "Let's finish our homework so we can actually do something enjoyable. Sound good?" You gestured to your sprawled out papers. He nodded and you both continued with the project, finishing what you needed to do that night.

"Finished!" You cheered, throwing your pencil away. He chuckled, "Want to take Titus for a walk?" Damian asked, seeming back to his old self.

"There's the Dami I missed!" You cheered throwing your arms around him. Being the rather affectionate, high energy person you are, you ended up knocking him over in the process. Titus sprinted over to the both of you, finding the high energy in the room fun as he began to lick Damian's face.

Damian pushed the dog's face away, "Ah, Titus you're disgusting!"

You laughed at his response, the both of you sitting back up. Taking the opportunity to pecked his cheek making him blush, "Titus isn't the only one who likes to kiss you." Teasing before getting to your feet and beginning to walk out of the room to take that walk with the two. Damian was soon hot on your heels out the door, making sure you wouldn't disappear on him again.

Damian Wayne (Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now