Robin's New Romance?

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Tumblr Request: "Could you do some Damian Wayne fluff where they're both superheroes and they always bicker while fighting and all the citizens ship them and they get together at the end?"


All honesty, you loved being around the batfamily. They all treated you like a little sister, even though you have a mother. She worked for Bruce and after undergoing an accident that left her hospitalized for a while, Bruce took you in. You stayed at the manor until your mother was healthy again. She has a few lasting conditions which makes for frequent doctor and hospital visits. More than often you end up at the Manor again.

Within your time staying you easily found out about the double life they all lived. It wasn't any secretive way you found out. It was Jason stumbling in with a bullet wound and still in a his Red Hood gear, hadn't known you were staying there because he was with the Outlaws. That's how you pieced it all together.

Then eventually you started to train and learn to fight with everyone, becoming another vigilante yourself. Much to Bruce's dismay I might add, but if you were gonna do it anyway, might as well have you where he can keep an eye on you. So that's when Swallow was born.

Nearly everyone loved having you around. Everyone except for Damian. He hated having you on patrols with him and his father. It was less of a feeling like you'd hold them back, quite the opposite really. Everyone quickly learned you were very fast and light on your feet. So you simply beat Damian to the baddies. What were normally his takedowns, became yours. And this did not make the Robin happy.

But you were simply doing your job, you couldn't just stop because he was jealous. You wouldn't. He may scare people, but he's no way scary to you.

"That was my guy Sparrow! Back off!" Damian growled as you finished tying up the last man standing in a bank robbery. Pulling out a batarang, you started cutting the ropes from all the hostages wrists. "Robin, stop complaining and help Sparrow untie these people." Bruce came through your comms.

A small smirk settled on your lips as you helped another person. "Are you okay?" Asking as they nodded and thanked you profusely. Waving it off as nothing you moved to the next person and Damian finally stepped in to help untie people. Once the police and paramedics arrived, you slipped away with Damian beside you.

"Ya know, you wouldn't have to be jealous of me beating you to bad guys if you could keep up." Saying with a grin as you hopped a roof.

Damian was glaring daggers at you before retorting, "I am not jealous, you're a show off." That made you laugh, "And you're not? Newsflash baby Wayne, you're a bigger show off than Dick sometimes"

"Hey!" Dick yelled over comms as Jason, Tim, and Duke bust out laughing, Cass, Steph, and Babs simply chuckled. "Uh, sorry Dick, didn't know comms were on." You heard him huff on his end, "It's okay. I show off in a good way." It was easy to hear his grin in his voice.

"Sure you do" Jason chimed in and Dick chuckled. "You're no better."

"Who are we kidding, we're a family of show-offs" Steph added and everyone chuckled.

All of a sudden static cut in to the communication, meaning Bruce had just tuned into the channel everyone was using. "I think that's enough, let's head back to the cave"

Everyone responded with a sigh of relief, yes sir, or about time.

When back at the cave everyone changed out of their gear before heading up to the manor. Everyone seemed to be giving you pats on the back for how well you had been doing and it just made Damian even more upset and annoyed.

Damian Wayne (Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now