How To Be A Kid

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Tumblr Request: "Batsis!Reader with Damian Wayne imagine where she introduces him to normal kid things like cartoons and action figures and stuff like that?"



Damian wasn't exactly thrilled when you were announced to be his 'babysitter.' Even you cringed at the word. Damian hated being treated as a kid, even though he is one. He's always felt he is a mature adult due to his being raised as an assassin. He's never been a normal kid, never had Saturday morning cartoons and picking out something fun from a toy store.

You honestly hated that he never gets to be a kid.

Bruce and the other boys were out on a mission while Alfred had left for the weekend to visit his daughter. Leaving you in charge of Damian. You had woken up before him. Smirking you raced down to the kitchen, grabbed a bowl of cereal, then plopped it on the couch. Grabbing the remote you scrolled through the channels until you landed on Nickelodeon with a certain yellow sponge on it. Grinning you pulled a blanket over yourself and watched tv while eating your bowl of cereal.

After a few episodes Damian emerged from his room and came down the stairs. You were laughing at the TV when he came up behind the couch. He looked disgusted "What are you watching [L/n]?"

You looked back and chuckled. "Saturday morning cartoons, duh. Wanna watch spongebob and eat cereal with me?" Grinning at him as he looked at your bowl. "Does Grayson know you're eating his Fruit Loops?"

"What the golden boy doesn't know won't hurt him." Damian shrugged and you rolled your eyes. "Come on Dami, be a kid. I'm older than you and I still like chilling and watching cartoons. Grab a bowl and take a seat."

Reluctantly he went and made a bowl of cereal before returning and sitting on the other end of the couch. It took him a little while to warm up to it but you noticed a few chuckles come from him and even noticed a few smiles. By noon you took both your bowls and put them in the dishwasher before returning to the living room.

"Hey, let's get ready for the day and go get some lunch. I want to take you somewhere." Saying as you folded up the blankets you both had used. Damian furrowed his brows, "Where?" You shook your head "It's a surprise." Saying with a grin.

Leaving the living room, you got to your room and started getting ready for the day. A grin growing on your lips when you heard Damian pass your door and start to get ready as well.

Once you both were ready, you grabbed a pair of keys to one of Bruce's many cars. He got in the passenger seat and looked out the window, wondering where the both of you were going. Though he couldn't figure it out. Until you pulled into the parking lot to a mall.

As you both walked in, Damian was beyond confused. "Why are we here?"

You stuffed your hands in your pockets and led him through the mall and to the arcade. "You never get to be a kid, so let's have some fun." Grinning and giving him a small nudge. It was easy to see his reluctance while you walked through the arcade.

So, you decided on a classic. Skee ball.

"Winner picks lunch" you grinned and handed him a quarter. His competitive spirit sparked to life and he grabbed one of the balls. "You're on"

After a couple rounds, you lost. "This is ridiculous, I've played this game since before you were born!"

Damian shrugged and held his tickets, counting them. "Train harder [L/n]." He smiled and looked at you and your jaw dropped. "What?" He questioned. You shook your head, "Nothing, nothing." Inwardly you smiled because he actually smiled.

Taking him up to the counter they counted his tickets. He had gotten around 130 so he got a Batman action figure with a smug smile. "Bruce is gonna laugh at that" you chuckled and Damian looked up at you. "Father will?" Smiling you nodded. "Your dad isn't as scary as you think ya know. If you learn to push the right buttons." Winking at him before you both headed to lunch.

After eating, you both returned back to the Manor. Alfred was already back and making dinner. He questioned where you both had went. You explained as Damian went to take the action figure and a few left over tickets up to his room. After having made you promise to take him back there again. Which you happily agreed to.

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