The Next Stepping Stone [Pt. 2 to Done]

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[Conner Kent x Reader] - [Damian Wayne x Ex-Reader]


It had been a long time since you had walked out on Damian. There was so much pent up rage and emotion that you couldn't bring yourself to talk to him. Not that you particularly wanted too. Of course you loved Damian but your relationship wasn't the strongest. The both of you were constantly at the other's throats. You hadn't realized this until moving to Metropolis.

You see, your mother had gotten a job offer and your family felt that moving could be the best option. Especially with how torn up you were about the break up. They thought starting somewhere new would be good for you. So, your mother accepted the offer and your father got a transfer. Once you moved and got settled, enrolling in school was the next step to your life and healing.

Being the new girl was hard, especially when still getting over Damian. He was your first love. Making friends was challenging, but there was this one kid in your class. He seemed to always wear a smile. Jon Kent was his name. Son of the rather well-known reporter duo Clark Kent and Lois Lane. He had seemed to taken a liking to you. Offered you help when you seemed to need it which lead to his becoming a really close friend of yours. A real sweetheart.

You already knew of the secret identities of Superman and a lot of the League due to being with Damian. So, you and Jon often talked about those type of things. What you hadn't known was how he and Damian used to work together sometimes when they were younger. Though lost touch in the past couple years.

However, your perspective on relationships didn't change until you met Conner Kent. You knew of Conner through Tim but had never met him personally. You knew of his fiery/short fuse, but also how he was actually very sweet and kind. It was a normal meeting, having been hanging out with Jon when you met. It was your average 'this is my friend [F/n]' scenario. Though after that first acquaintance you both kept running into each other randomly. There was no denying he's handsome and kind, so, when he finally asked you out your response was a resounding 'Yes!'

Which lead to your first date where you both hit it off and one thing lead to another then eventually into this two year relationship. Honestly people envied your and Conner's spark. Your friends from Gotham also noticed how happy you both are together, and how you rarely had a spat. According to them as well, Damain wasn't even aware of the relationship.

Though he'd find out soon, because you had earned a full ride to Gotham University. Honestly, you wanted to attend a school closer to Metropolis, Conner, and your family, but a full ride isn't something to shy away from. Your mother and father took off work when it was time to move, and Conner drove to Gotham with you. How could you not bring your boyfriend with super strength? He's the best to help move!

Though what you didn't realize was that Conner had told Tim of him helping you, therefore Damian knew you're going to school in Gotham. Meaning you'd have to face him eventually, and he preferred sooner rather than later.

"Guys! Guess what Conner just told me!" Tim stated with a grin as he walked into the cave. "What is it?" Steph questioned, slightly tilting her head to the side in curiosity. "[F/n]'s going to college in Gotham. Maybe we'll get to see them both while Conner is still here." Tim smiled, not realizing Damian walking into the cave.

"[F/n]'s back in Gotham? Why?" He asked, the words shooting out of his mouth rapidly. "She got a full ride to Gotham U" Tim turned to look at him. "How come Conner came with her?" Dick was the next to speak up. "I don't know. I guess they've became close friends."

"CAN WE GO VISIT!?" Steph cheered excitedly, she really has missed you. The both of you were super close before everything happened. "Uh, she's moving in her dorm it might not be the best time."

"Maybe you're right. Hey where'd Damian go?" Steph asked, seeing that the youngest Wayne was missing from where he once stood. "That's probably not good." Dick added, exchanging glances with the others in the room. "Follow him?" Jason offered up the suggestion everyone was thinking. "Follow him" they all nodded.

The minute Damian heard of where you are, he just had to see you. Ever since you left he didn't feel the same. As he hurried toward the campus, he was trying to figure out what he was going to say to you. He was lost in his own thoughts the entire way. It didn't take him long to find where your dorm was, he is the son of the greatest detective after all.

Coming upon the sight of you unloading an unfamiliar car, recognizing your mother with you. Witnessing as you went back into the building, a wide grin on your face. 'She's happy' Damian thought while watching your movements. Now wondering if this was a good idea or not. Though, he couldn't pull himself away. Seeing you, it, it healed something broke inside him. However it didn't stay intact much longer.

Damian watched as Conner descended the concrete stairs leading up into the building. Remembering having heard Tim say something about how both of you had grown close, leaving him to wonder if Jon had introduced you. Though he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard you yell, "CONNER!" The joy in your tone sounding the same as when you used to yell his name.

Watching as Conner turned around and caught you in an embrace after you had jumped at him. "Hey" he smiled down at you. "Hey yourself." Getting on your tiptoes to tighten your hold on his neck and pull his forehead to yours. "Are you gonna survive without me Superboy?"

"I'm kinda bullet proof. Physically yes, but I will miss you [F/n]." You sighed at his words, "Is this a mistake? We're going to be so far from each other, I don't want to be far away from you." He smiled before kissing your forehead, "No, this will be an amazing experience for you, it's the next chapter of your life. Don't worry I'll visit and you'll be coming back to Metropolis during breaks. Nothing will keep me from you, I love you."

Those words made you grin and your heart flutter every time he said them. "Stay safe okay? And call me after missions." He nodded with a grin. "I love you Conner Kent, remember that."

"Wouldn't forget it." He beamed before connecting his lips to yours in a soft, loving kiss. Both still wrapped in the other's arms protectively.

Damian stood awestruck. His heart hurt when you said those words. Recalling when you used to tell him that you loved him. He felt the weight of a hand on his shoulder not too long after that. Whipping around to see Dick there, along with his brothers and sisters. "Damian" Dick started before he swatted Dick's hand away.

"Tt, I'm fine. At least she's happy." Damian mumbled, glancing at you and Conner once more before headed away from the scene. Shoving his hands in his pockets, thinking about the night you left. The night he made one of the biggest mistakes of his life.

But... He was also happy? Happy to see you happy. No matter what he'll always love you, but, at least Conner can bring you joy.

...In a way that he never could.

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