Heart Broken Betrayals

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Requested by anon: "5 FOR THE PROMPT LIST?! 😱😱"

Prompt 5: "How funny. You thought I cared."

[s/h/n] - Superhero Name


Damian struggled against the bonds keeping him in place. His hands were bound behind his back, with rope also keeping his ankles in place. He let out a huff, how could he let Deathstroke get the jump on him like this? It all happened so fast he never had the chance to get a distress signal out to you or his family.

But you had to notice something was wrong, right? You have scheduled time together every Friday night, and he was currently missing it. He continued to fight his bonds until he heard the metal door to the warehouse slide open.

He stared as he saw the man walk in, keeping his guard up. "Tt, Slade" he growled, staring down the man behind the mask. "You're not in a position to take such a tone with me little bat." the older villain replied, a certain snark in his tone.

"You made a mistake bringing me here, you're only attracting the attention of powerful people. Batman and the others are on their way as we speak." Damian stated with confidence, even though he couldn't be sure if they actually knew of his disappearance. Slade scoffed, "Batman, are you sure he's coming? Or anyone for that matter?" taking his mask off to reveal his scarred face.

"I know [s/h/n] is coming! She knows my schedule and that something will be wrong." Right after those words left his mouth the sound of footsteps could be heard on the roof of the building. Moments after a figure dropped down into one of the shadows. A small ray of moonlight splayed on the figure's torso, Damian recognizing your uniform but your face was in the shadows.

Damian gave Slade a triumphant smile before realizing the smirk on his lips. Damian's gaze diverted back to your figure just standing there. "Were you followed?" Slade asked not turning away from Damian.

"No, they all think I'm out with Damian. But I guess it wasn't a complete lie." You spoke, coming into the light completely. "Good, I've raised you well my daughter." He turned his eyes to you. While Damian's eyes flew open, "Daughter? You're?" he asked flabbergasted. Your gaze turned to him, a malicious smirk grew on your lips and your eyes darkened, "I must say, it was much easier than I thought to get affections from you Damian. I was expecting more of a challenge, pity."

He listened to your words as you came and kneeled in front of him. Noticing the knife in your grasp, "Why are you doing this?" hearing the heartbreak in his tone. He did, does love you deeply. You're his first love.

A chuckle bubbled from your throat as your smirk widened, using the edge of the blade to lift his chin. His masked eyes meeting yours, "How funny. You thought I cared." amusement in your voice. "My loyalties are to my father, and you were just a pawn used to get to the king. And my father just called 'checkmate.'" Swiping the blade quickly, leaving a cut on his cheek.

"You got the information?" Slade asked from behind you. "Yes, we are set to leave tonight." Not moving from in front of Damian. Slade grinned evilly, "Good work."

"What do we do with this one, send a message?" Damian's eyes narrowed at you. You're able to see the betrayal he is feeling, the harm you caused. And he could see how this was bringing you pleasure. "It's not too late we can help you" Damian whispered, trying to appeal to whatever good was in you. "Help?" you laughed, "I don't think you understand blood son. This is all of my own free will. I want this."

Damian was horrified at your words, this was not the person he knew you as. Were you that good of an actress? Was any of it real? He trusted you, something rare and foreign to him. "[F/n], please" he begged. Your smirk dropped to one of disgust, "Begging? I thought higher of you." Venom in your voice. "You're disgraceful."

Slade smiled proudly, he really has quite the daughter. "We will tell his family of his location, but not until we're far enough away from this godforsaken city. His injuries should be message enough." Your father stated and you nodded.

"Well Dami it's been fun, but duty calls. You know family, don't want to keep them waiting." Grinning amusedly at him, before once more flicking the blade away from him and standing. Turning and meeting your father's side as you both made your leave.

Not stopping until he shouted behind you. "Was all of this an act [F/n]? I thought we opened up to each other, I thought we had something special! I thought we were in love."

Stopping you looked over your shoulder, "Oh honey, I never even told you my real name." Snickering before walking out of the warehouse. Damian's gaze lingered on the door before his head dropped.

Thoughts of the time you spent together swirled in his head. Remembering every moment, every date, every kiss. You had him completely blinded, he didn't even sense anything was off. He bit down on his lip, eyes stinging. All he wanted was to break down, and he did.

Everything was numb, he didn't feel anything until glass shattered and his family dropped in. Bruce running over to him. "Damian, are you okay? What happened?" cutting his son free.

"She, she's gone. She's one of them. She's his daughter." He stared blankly at the ground. His eyes cloudy, red, and still stinging with unshed tears. "Who?" Dick asked helping Damian to his feet. "[F/n] or whatever her real name is. She betrayed us."

The family all exchanged a look, having never seen Damian in such a broken state, "I loved her."

Damian Wayne (Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now