Birthday = Saved

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Tumblr Request: "Damian x reader (sibling relationship) where the batfam forgets about Damian's birthday except the reader"



Slowly you woke up, yawning while running a hand through your hair. In attempt to tame the rat's nest. Still half asleep and groaning when sitting up. Like it was the hardest thing you've ever done. Your blankets were so warm and cozy, maybe five more minutes wouldn't hurt.

Though when you glanced at the clock, your eyes widened in horror. IT WAS PAST NOON! "Shit!" quickly throwing off the blankets and running into the bathroom adjoining your room.

Panicking while taking your shower. How could you sleep so late on Damian's birthday? Why didn't anyone get you?

Getting out of the shower and changing into some day clothes, brushing your teeth and hair.

Running down the manor steps and walking into the kitchen. "Sorry guys I didn't realize I —" But you were cut off to find the kitchen empty. But seeing a note on the counter. Picking it up, it read:

Out on mission. It's just you and Damian in the manor. Jason, Dick, & Tim are with me. Alfred had personal business and is out of town. Be home later tonight


Wait hold on! They just left on his birthday? His biological son's birthday? You love Bruce but sometimes he's an ass.

"TT, [L/n] I thought you had left as well" Turning to see Damian with his hands in his pockets. Looking pretty down in the dumps.

"Hey what's with the frown birthday boy? Who needs 'em, right?" You smiled at the young man. His face seemed to brighten at the words 'birthday boy'

"You remembered" Shock laced in his voice. You chuckled, "Of course I remembered! How could I forget?" staring at him in disbelief.

"I was just surprised because father.." His sentence trailed off. "Bruce? Oh yeah he's on a mis- wait hold on a sec! They didn't remember it was your birthday?" Your voice raising in the process. Now you're pissed, it's one thing to leave but to forget! Nu-uh not okay!

He simply shook his head. "Assholes" mumbling to yourself. "You know what! We're going to have the best birthday just the both of us. We can go anywhere you want and get cake and after that I'll give you my gift." smiling at him.

"You'd do that?" Was this kid serious?

"Of course I am Dami! We're family remember? Now go grab your shoes, who needs them" Reaching for your keys. He did as told and went to get some shoes as you did the same.

The both of you climbed in your car. "So where to?" turning to him.

"I don't know" he held his chin between his index finger and thumb.

"Well, is there anywhere you've never been but always wanted to go?"

He sat up like he had an idea. "It may seem childish but I've never been to a zoo"

A grin grew on your face, "Hey that's not childish, I'm older than you and I like the zoo still. Zoo it is" before putting the car in drive.

During the drive you listened to Damian talk about his birthdays back with the league. They didn't really celebrate but they always remembered. He especially talked about his grandfather and mother. Honestly you'd never had a conversation like this with him.

It was nice.

Once parking and making your way into the park you walked around the whole place. Seeing every exhibit, but ending with the lions.

Damian Wayne (Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now