Done [Pt. 1 to The Next Stepping Stone]

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Tumblr Request: "For the angst prompts can you do 18 and 2 with Damian"

Prompt 2: "I don't need you. I don't need any of you."
Prompt 18: "I don't love you. I never have."


It had been a long night for everyone. Patrol had not gone as smoothly as it usually does, it felt like every criminal in Gotham decided to make any appearance. From small time mugger to super villain. When the batfam came home, you, Babs, and Alfred were there to greet them. Everyone was pretty beat up and Bruce was not happy with how Damian had been acting while out there.

The three of you had seen and heard Bruce's scolding over the coms. Along with seeing Damian's recklessness and disregard on security cams. Currently Damian was giving his father the silent treatment. You'd glance over at him as you helped patch up Tim, who had a large gash on his shoulder. While Alfred was sewing up a bullet graze on Steph's leg.

Tying off the stitches, you grabbed the gauze and placed it over the stitches. "There that should do." Saying while tearing a piece of medical tape and taping the gaze down. "Thanks [F/n]" Tim thanked you before climbing off the table and pulling on a shirt.

You looked around at the members of the batfamily. Dick was stitching himself up because he had a small gash on his forearm. Jason was holding an icepack to his eye, bandages wrapped around his torso from where you had stitched up two bullet wounds earlier. Steph was still getting stitched up by Alfred. Bruce sat at the batcomputer looking around at his kids, same as you. Cass only had sustained a few bumps and bruises. Finally your eyes landed on Damain.

He sat with his arms crossed, holding an ice pack to his broken nose. You knew first hand how stubborn he is, being your boyfriend and all. Alfred finished up stitching up Steph and that's when Bruce decided to address what happened.

He stood from his seat, "Okay, shall we reflect on what happened out there tonight?" Bruce asked while looking around the room. You glanced at him but continued to put away the medical supplies. The room stayed silent, "Alright, Barbara pull up security footage please." Asking as he sent a glare at Damian.

Barbara followed directions and pulled up footage from a robbery Bruce and Damian had dropped in to stop. Damian didn't follow a single one of Bruce's orders and it almost resulted in the security guard in the bank getting injured by one of the gun wielding men. Though Bruce saved the man before anything could happen. When the video ended everyone looked to Damian, "Well Damian? Care to explain what happened?" Bruce crossed his arms.

"What happened was you got in my way!" He countered, hands clenched into fists. Everyone's jaws about dropped. "Excuse me young man?"

"God I'm not a kid anymore father! I could've handled that." He yelled, making everyone turn to Bruce. Though Dick was the one to speak up, "Damian, you're acting like you're still 11. Stop!" He scolded, usually if anyone could get through to him, it was Dick.

Damian's glare only turned to him. "Tt, you're one to talk Grayson."

"Damian!" You yelled at him, "For christ sake, just sit down and listen to them." Saying while slamming a drawer closed. You love Damian but when he acts like a child it makes you angry, especially when he disrespects his family. He turned to you before crossing his arms again.

"As I was saying, you can't just go in like a bat out of hell. Do you realize how close that man came to death, because YOU were reckless." Bruce continued. "Going in guns blazing never stopped Todd." He defended as Jason just shook is head at the younger Wayne. "That's my fighting style and I know how to use it. There's a strategy behind it, it's not being reckless. Plus I know when to use it and when not to." Jason crossed his arms, having set the ice pack aside. Of which you walked over and placed it back in his hand, sending him a look that told him to keep icing that eye.

Damian scoffed, not just at what Jason said but the way you both interacted. You'd become an important person to the family and had grown close to all of them.

"I am capable of taking care of things myself. You keep babying me." Damian claimed, still growing more angry. "It's not babying, it's being an adult and knowing when and how to act. You're still too impulsive Damian." Bruce's tone was deep and intimidating, but Damian didn't even flinch.

Damian growled, "I am more than mature enough! I don't need you. I don't need any of you." Looking around at all of the members of his family. "Damian" You said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. Trying to get him to calm down.

Though he turned and hit your hand away. "And you! I guess it's a good thing that you're so close with Todd and Drake because I don't love you. I never have." His eyes were full of anger and jealousy as he stared at you. "What?" you whimpered. "You heard me!"

"Damian!" Dick yelled at him. Though the next sound heard was the contact of skin as your hand connected with his cheek. "How dare you! I've done nothing but supported you and helped your family and you say something like I'm flirting with your brothers! They're right you are a child and I can't take it anymore. Fuck you Damian, I'm finished with your immature and childlike behavior. I guess it works out that you claim not to love me because I never want to see you again." Yelling, as tears stung your eyes, before turning your back on him and storming out of the cave.

"[F/n] wait!" Steph yelled, getting up to follow you with a limp. Cass and Babs joining her to stop you. Leaving Damian there with his brothers, father, and Alfred. "You really are an idiot" Jason said as Damian turned to him. "Jason" Bruce scolded.

"No, it's about time someone tell him like it is. He crossed a line there. [F/n] was the best thing to ever happen to you and you just fucked it all up. Accusing us of flirting, [F/n] loved you dammit. Honestly." Jason scolded, hating having seen you hurt. They all considered you a sister at this point.

"Jason's right. Damian you were out of line." Dick spoke next, staring at his little brother. Gaze less scrutinizing than Jason's but it still wasn't comforting. "[F/n] did nothing but care for you and put up with everything you've done. You need to apologize before you lose her for good." Tim added, before exchanging a glance with Dick and Jason. They all stood up completely and headed out of the cave to see if you were still there.

Damian only looked at Bruce and Alfred who gave him disappointed looks before following the boys. Leaving him to reflect on his own actions. 'What kind of idiot am I? I know they're right, but why can't I just get a grip? I shouldn't have yelled at [F/n] like that, I love her and I told her I didn't, what kind of boyfriend am I? She was just trying to help. I'm such an idiot, Todd was right.' He thought before turning and running up to the Manor.

Finding everyone in the living room, all with somber expressions. "Is she gone?" he asked, regret eminent in his tone. Everyone in the room turned to him. "Yeah, and she cut ties to all of us. Saying that it just made leaving harder if she knew she'd be coming back for us and not you. Hope your happy." Steph said, sending a glare at him. She had especially grown close to you.

Damian hung his head in shame, he didn't mean for this to happen. But it did, and now you're gone. For good.

Damian Wayne (Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now