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Tumblr Requests: "Can you do prompts 35 + 67 where the reader gives Damian the sex talk and the other batfam members are listening in on the conversation"

Prompt 35: "If you make one more stupid pun, I will literally stab you."
Prompt 67: "Don't look at me like that."

Warning: Swearing & an explanation of sex


You've become quite the friend to the batfamily. After being best friends with Dick for the longest time, he told you who he was. You were able to put everything together with the other members of his family.

Now whenever they're out on patrol you're always in the cave to help Alfred with their return.

The Manor has become a second home, you're always visiting. The boys often have come to confide in you as well, Dick always had but now his brothers have found an outlet through you.

So, when you walked in the door and Dick said Damian wanted to talk to you about something it was no surprise.

"Do you have any idea what he has to talk to you about?" Dick asked as he stood at the bottom eating his trademark bowl of cereal, you really have to tell him how sugary that stuff is.

"Not a clue" answering as you reached the top of the staircase.

Now this peeked Dick's interest, usually everyone had ideas of what the others were thinking but this time he was at a standstill.

Lightly knocking on the door before cracking it open, you called "Hey Dami, Dick said you wanted to talk to me"

Pushing the door closed as you entered, not noticing it was left slightly ajar. Dick found that convenient as his curiosity got the best of him.

"TT, Grayson can do something right. It is true I do have a question." He sat up on his bed.

Grabbing his desk chair you pulled it to face him. "Shoot"

"It's a bit of a strange question" he didn't make eye contact with you. "In this house there are no strange question" you laughed, "Go ahead speak your mind" You leaned back in the chair.

"Well [L/n] since I find you the least reprehensible I find I can only confide this in you." He looked at you seriously.

"Thank you?" You weren't sure to be flattered or offended.

You began to tilt the chair on it's hind legs as he began, "Where do infants come from?"

You straight up fell on your back, it was the most graceful thing ever. The chair won in this round.

"W-WHAT?" You yelped staring at him wide eyed.

Completely unbeknownst to Dick almost chocking on his cereal. His choking had drawn the attention of Jason and Tim from their rooms. Great, now you had an audience.

"I-I, s-shouldn't you be asking Bruce this? He's your father or one of your brothers." You sputtered standing up from the floor.

"I do not trust them to not make fun of me." He was embarrassed, something you hadn't seen from him.

"Dami, you don't have anything to be embarrassed about. But Bruce wouldn't make fun" You smiled at him.

"Will you please just explain it to me" he pleaded looking up at you.

Sighing you gave in, "Ok, I'll tell you about the... birds and the bats" snorting at the pun.

He gave you a death glare, "If you make one more stupid pun, I will literally stab you."

"Message received" you put your hands up in defense. So how does one do this, "So, um, when a man and a woman love each other. They, uh.... Have you heard of Ryan Reynolds because he made a very raw explanation of this" you changed the subject.

"No, it must be from you" he commanded as you just got even more awkward.

"Fine, um. So when a man and woman love each other they have.... Sex. And sex is when a man, uh, are you sur-?" you began to change topic again before his glare stopped you.

Clearing your voice you started again. "Okay, you know what, fuck it (heh another pun). Sex is when a man takes his sexual parts and inserts them into a woman's sexual parts. When aroused a man can release these things called sperm which can then get the woman pregnant by fertilizing an egg. If a woman gets pregnant she develops the child in her womb. After around usually nine months she will go into labor where she gives actual birth to the child. To avoid pregnancy ALWAYS use protection, condoms.. birth control. I don't care just use it. Condoms also protect people from sexually transmitted diseases. There are the basics and I'm not going into any more detail then this because this is super awkward."

He just stared at you, "And I broke him... Great"

"I, uh..." he blushed.

"Yeah, I get it's a lot to process but you are at the age to know. Just remember to hold off until you're ready because it's a really big step, and always make sure when it happens that you both are comfortable." You instructed with a softer tone, seeing the poor boy was overwhelmed.

Before walking out of the room you said, "I'll let you process, but just ask your dad about these things next time. He's supposed to be the one to tell you about it."

He nodded before you opened the door and walked out.

Seeing his three brothers trying to play it cool. "Ryan Reynolds huh?" Jason teased, smirking.

"Ugh, don't give me that look." you shook your head before walking down the hall.

The three followed, "So why didn't he ask any of us?" Dick came up next to you.

"Okay so first off, when you heard what the conversation was going to be about you should've left. It was private and second he thought you guys would make fun of him" you scolded.

"Now if you'd excuse me I'm going to go warn Bruce before returning home and hiding in my apartment forever" Making your way to the library.

You were both glad Damian trusted you with that question, and extremely embarrassed you just explained sex to a 10-year-old.

Damian Wayne (Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now