21st Birthdays

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Tumblr Request: "Hello! Hope you are having a good day!! I was wondering if you could do #92 with Older!Damian Wayne. Maybe have his s/o asking the question? I have always found the idea of a drunk Damian Wayne funny... Just something to do if it interests you... I love your writing!! ❤️❤️"

#92: "Are you drunk?"


It was almost three in the morning by the time you made it home from a mission. You felt awful having missed Damian's birthday, his 21st no less. When you told him about the mission he understood, in fact he knew exactly how guilty that made someone feel, he had missed your birthday last year due to a mission. You had understood so it was only fair he would too.

You figured Damian would be asleep in bed by now, passed out from the alcohol full knowing his brothers would take him out drinking for his 21st. Jason probably challenged him in a shot battle, and knowing Jason's lack of a tolerance, you could only assume Damian would accept and end up with at least 5 shots. However, you weren't expecting to walk in to Tim brewing coffee in your kitchen, Jason sprawled out on your living room floor and Dick leaning against the bathroom door frame.

"Uhh" You looked around at the three of them, your duffle bag hitting the ground with a thud. Dick seeming to be the only sober one, obviously the DD. "Where's Damian? Why are you all here?" Jason simply grunted from the floor and Tim took a sip of coffee. Dick sighed, "He may have gone a little too hard."

Your eyebrow cocked up and before another word could escape your lips, your boyfriend came stumbling out of the bathroom. "[F/n]! You're back! I missed you!" He staggered over and threw his arms around you. Damian was barely ever this affectionate, every once in a while he'd just need to feel you in his arms or just know you're there, but that was always in the privacy of your apartment with nobody around. But he was doing it around his three brothers? That just seemed outrageous.

You looked him in the eyes and squinted. He wore a goofy smile as his pupils were blown, the alcohol was easily noticeable on his breath. "Are you drunk?" You asked, already knowing the answer to your own question.

"Pfft, no! Tt, I am perfectly sober" He exaggerated his syllables as a few words slurred. He was so drunk.

"Okay, party's over. You need some water, aspirin, and to sleep. Come on let's get you to bed." You turned him around and lightly pushed him toward the bedroom. He stumbled toward the bed and you sighed before facing Dick. He looked at you sympathetically. "I'll take Jay and Tim to the manor. Alfred can help nurse their hangovers in the morning."

You nodded and looked into the bedroom to see your boyfriend struggling to get his own shirt off. Was this actually your Damian? "Thank you Dick, for taking him out and keeping an eye on him."

He shrugged and gave you a quick hug. "He's my baby brother, of course I took him out. I'll call in the morning to check in. Goodnight and good luck."

Dick collected Tim and Jason before leading them out the door. Tim seemed to be decently stable but Dick basically had to drag Jason out.

With a sigh you returned to the bedroom with a glass of water, some aspirin, and a peanut butter sandwich to try and make his hangover the next day a little less bad than it would be. "Babe, I need you to drink this entire glass of water before you go to bed. Understand?"

Damian was laying in his briefs as he groaned. You ran a hand through your hair having never seen him like this, not entirely sure what to do. When you thought about him getting drunk, this was not what was expected. Shouldn't he just be even moodier and broodier than he already is? That's how Bruce is when he's drunk...right?

"Come on Damian. I want this water and sandwich gone by the time I'm done changing, okay?"

He groaned again but turned toward the plate and glass. Nodding, you went to the dresser to pick out some sleep clothes and headed to the bathroom to get ready for bed. By the time you returned, Damian had successfully downed the water, sandwich, and medicine. He had already passed out on his side of the bed under the sheets.

Walking over you turned off the lamp on your nightstand and slid into bed beside him. Your arms wrapped around his right arm as your head nestled on his shoulder. With a content sigh, you closed your eyes, mentally preparing yourself for a very cranky Damian the next day.

Damian Wayne (Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now