Fur Ball Bargaining

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Tumblr Request: "I've been sitting on this idea for a Damian imagine where the reader is the newest Bat-sidekick and they're always fighting. Then one day the reader decides it'd be funny if they "kidnapped" (batnapped) one of Damian's pets as leverage for something. You can decide where it goes from there, I just thought I'd be a funny (or angsty) idea! Hope your writers block lifts soon!"


Ever since Bruce took you in, Damian was less than thrilled. Everyone else accepted you pretty easily, you thought when Jason accepted you it'd be easy to earn everyone else's trust. However, learning to understand and earn the trust of the black sheep of the family was far easier than dealing with the demon sheep of the family.

Damian did not like having you around. It's not like you did anything to make him not like you, all Bruce did was bring you in off the streets. I guess that alone put you on Damian's shit list.

He constantly picks fights with you both in and out of uniform. He was beginning to drive you crazy. All you wanted was to be his sibling, not his worst enemy.

Though it seemed today would definitely not be the day that you earned Damian's trust. Bruce had decided that he wanted you to join Dick on a mission the following week instead of Damian. In Bruce's opinion he'd been acting impulsively lately and this mission was very sensitive.

Damian argued and argued, occasionally sending a few insults your way.

Having heard enough, you sighed and left the cave after Damian threw an insult your way about how you 'would never be apart of the family.' As you entered the living room and plopped down on the couch, Damian's cat Pennyworth came and laid on your lap. A small smile tugged on your lips. "How can such a grumpy kid have such nice pets?" You sighed and pet the cat as he purred.

Smiling you picked him up and carried him to your room. Locking the door behind you.


After a few hours of hanging out with Pennyworth, you heard a pounding on your door. The cat startled and ran away from the piece of string he was playing with. The pounding sounded again and you sighed. "Who is it?"

"[L/n]! I know you have Pennyworth! Return him to me at once!" He yelled and you rolled your eyes. Crawling over to scratch the cat's head again, he meowed at you. "Why should I Damian? You don't like me so the most I get is your pets liking me."

He growled. "Because you are insufferable."

"Nice vocabulary. How about you apologize for being a rude, obnoxious brat and agree to treat me as a human and maybe I'll give you your cat back."

Damian sighed and let himself relax a bit. Maybe you were right, maybe he was being a little unfair to you. With one more sigh he mumbled on the other side of the door. "I'm sorry."


"And I agree to try and treat you better." He spoke a bit more clearly. Next thing he knew the door was opening and you stood with Pennyworth in your arms. "That's all I ask. Maybe now we can turn over a new leaf? You really are a smart kid Damian, but your abrasiveness with new people is gonna make you very lonely when you're older."

Nobody had really even worded it like that and he nodded. "I really do apologize [L/n.]"

You nodded. "I know, and I forgive you." Maybe you were wrong earlier about not earning his trust today.

Damian Wayne (Robin) x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now