FAKE LOVE. // BTS imagine

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Fake love.. it's hard to run away from it. Believe me, I have tried. Never succeed. Every time I thought I've met someone new, someone I love and trust, it's all a lie. It's all just bullshit.

The first one I met...

He was tall, tan, and handsome. He had intelligence, which made me feel attracted to him even more. I longed for him. I longed for a guy like this one to come in my life, and sweep me off my feet. His name was Kim Namjoon. He told me that he loved me by a great big cherry blossom tree, and that I was his princess. He told me I was his, and he was mine.
He told me he'd be with me forever and always, through the cloudiest moments of life, and the brightest. Was he being truthful? No. One day, it was as if a switch had been flicked. He told me he no longer loved me. No longer wanted to be associated with me. No longer wanted me in his arms.... in his life.

The second one...

He was mysterious, and to himself. His soul was just filled with mystery.

But, as I got to know him, it was as if a small fire grew into a great, big, forest fire. He had.. big dreams.. his name was Min Yoongi. I thought for sure, he would be the one. I thought he and I would be together from life to death, to afterlife. Once again, fake love had punched my dead in the face. Our love was like a little campfire... then it gradually grew into one big forest fire, big enough to cover an entire taiga. Well... as you know, fires will be put out.. and like our love, it did. He vanished. Out of my life. Into thin air.. like he never existed..
Like I never knew him.

The third one...

Honestly, I am getting worn out from telling these stories.... okay.. keep it together, Suri.

Anyways.. the third one.. he was.. special. He was quirky, weird, outgoing, extroverted.. he was Kim Taehyung. He and I were like a puzzle... you always lose a part of it. Everything he said was a lie, but I was too foolish and gullible to realize.

"I love you, Suri." He would say.
"I need you." He would repeat.
"I can't live without you." Then die, Kim Taehyung!

He told me blatant lies throughout the relationship, day and night, night and, day! How foolish of a girl did he think I was?!

Apparently... I was quite foolish. I was also apparently blind.. blind from love.

Well.. fake love...

The fourth one...

At this point, you are probably getting very annoyed with me. Just.. sit tight, would you?

As I was saying, the fourth one.... he was just.. terrible. But, I was just so, so dumb, and blind to realize...

"I love you." He would say.

His name was Park Jimin...

He's not just a fake love.. but he was a player. A fuckboy. A womanizer! I was so stupid! I wasn't in love with him, but in love with the idea of him. One night, he came home so intoxicated, he told me he had cheated on me multiple times. That night, I cried an entire ocean.

That night, I had an epiphany, and left him.

Honestly.. I am not sure whether to isolate myself from love, or keep going. I am honestly thinking about the first option. I have been lied to four times already! I am not going to have a fifth.. but knowing my gullible, stupid self, I will have a fifth. Or maybe the universe will let me experience real love. But, clearly, I have committed too many sins to have that happen.

Will there be a fifth?

A/N: GUYS!! I mean no hate toward BTS because you know I love them! This is meant to be sad, and depressing.

But, I hope you enjoy this, and maybe cry a bit !

Ps. I have never suffered from fake love, I just used my name in this imagine :)

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