"What would I do without you?" - Jin

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It was 12am Jin and his band mates were going to a bar to celebrate their new album: Love Yourself: Tear. I am currently sitting at home, listening to it, worrying about Jin. He is my boyfriend, and our relationship has been kept a secret since summer of 2014.

Suddenly, I hear someone open the door. The door was opened so harshly, it ended up banging on the wall. Jin stumbles into the apartment, coming toward me, collapsing in my arms. I turn off the music.

"Jin! I told you not to come home too late!" I said. Jin sloppily picks himself back up.
"I-I'm sorry, Y/N.. the boys just wanted to have fun!"

"Jin, you better have taken an Uber or a taxi!" I half-yelled at him.
"Babyyy! Of course I did! Jin is smart!" He said. Then suddenly, he runs to our bathroom.

Oh god...

I hear him puking his gut out, and then the toilet flushes. "Jin! Are you okay?!" I yell, as I ran to the bathroom.

When I get there, I see Jin sitting on the tiled floor, his shirt stained with his own vomit.
"Let me get you a new shirt.." I said. I walked to the bedroom, and grabbed Jin a white T-shirt.

I walk back to the bathroom, and get on my knees. I take off his shirt, and put on the new one. I quickly threw the vomit-stained one into the wash...

"Babe, get up, let's get you into bed." I said. Jin got up slowly, and I helped him into the bedroom. I help him into the bed.
"I will get some water.."

I come back with a glass of water, and I help him drink it. I put the glass on the bedside table, and run my fingers through his hair.
"Feeling okay?" I asked.
"I'm o-okay.." he said. "But.. come into the bed with me.." I do as he says, and he engulfs me into his arms, making me feel warm.
"Don't leave Jin..." Jin demands cutely, in his drunken state. "I'm not going anywhere.." I say to him. We soon fall asleep...


(Jin's POV.)

I wake up the next morning, my girlfriend not in my bed...

Ugh.. my head hurts. And I feel dizzy. Then, I see the door knob turn. Y/N walks into the room, holding Advil, and a bottle of water.
"Morning babe," she smiles sleepily at me. "I knew your head would hurt, so I have some Advil and water."

I pop the the pill into my mouth, swallowing it down with water.
"What would I do without you?" I asked. She walks to the bed, and sits down. "I could ask you the same." She says, as she places a kiss on my lips. I blush. "C'mere babe.. I'm cold." I pull her into me, holding her tight.
"I'm warm now." I said.
"Why are you so cute?" Asked Y/N.
"I don't know." I answered. "But I know that.. you are the best girlfriend ever, and I love you."

"Jin.." She said quietly.
"Yes, princess?" I replied.

"As much as I want to cuddle with you forever, you need to eat!" She said. "I'm gonna make some breakfast for you, okay?"

I nod. "Okay."

"I'll let you know when it's down." She pecks my forehead, and left my arms.


My girlfriend popped her head into the doorway. "It's ready!" She announced.
"I'll there in a second." I said.

I sat up in the bed, and stretched my limbs. I walk to the table, where a beautiful beauty was waiting for me.. and a breakfast.
It was a plate of eggs, and pancakes.
"Enjoy!" She smiled.

You better believe there wasn't any leftovers!

Y/N came over from the kitchen, and sat on my lap. She kissed my lips.
"How's your head?" She asked.
"Better." She wraps her arms around my neck. "Drink responsibly, next time. Sober up beforehand."

I nod. "Of course.." I kissed her. "I love you.."

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