Kelsey's Past

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It seemed like the world always wanted our lives to be a battle, and I had no idea why, but now I do because the battle that I thought I started; started way before I was born.

July 16, 2001 was the day of my first battle, the day I was born to be exact. I was born at 11:32 p.m. Weighing six pounds and being fourteen inches long. I had a mop of blonde hair and piercing blue eyes , and how do I know? Well I've seen pictures, pictures of me and my dad and just me, but none have my mom in them because she died, and it was my fault.

Yet I still grew up under the watchful eye of my protective father. Most said that we were the perfect family, but I always scoffed at them even at young age, how could we be a family when I had no mother. I tried asking questions about her, but all I got was "you look just like her."

Back then I thought that my dad died that day too, but I was about to find out that he still had a lot of fight left.

I never noticed my dads traumatic flashbacks until I was seven, once I finally barked up the courage to ask him he just got this really sad look, and said "I can't trouble you with my pain Kels." After that I closely watched him whenever he didn't think I was looking. He often punched the walls, screamed, or just plain cried which broke me but I couldn't do anything.

The June after sixth grade is really when my life changed. My dad got a call offering him a new job, and I for one was overjoyed since he hated his previous job, so I pushed and pushed for him to accept but he just told me over and over that I didn't understand. He was right though I didn't understand.

So one night we went out, and he said it would be the last time we could do this which confused me considering we were at a park. For awhile we just stared at each other, but soon he started crying which made me cry for some reason, and then he started explaining.

"Her name was Sharon, and like I say often you remind so much of her that sometimes it's painful." I nodded as he continued explaining everything from the war to being thawed from ice, and for a tween it was hard to process, and I tried not to believe but how could I turn against my dad. Then he explained his new job which was to become Captain America again. As a child I wanted to jump up and down and go tell all of my friends that my dad was a superhero, but I didn't understand the consequences at the time.

The next morning my dad quietly entered my room while I was still half asleep. He kissed my forehead and promised he would return before my birthday. After that I heard nothing from him, and I woke up to an empty house after that. Most days I went to my friends houses so I wasn't alone, but sometimes I liked the utter silence leaving me to think.

One sleepover I had with two of my other friends we ended up watching the news as the God Loki attacked New York City, and my father and the rest of his team were there nearly being killed every five seconds. My friends giggled about how soft Thor's hair was or how ripped Captain America looked, which made me gag, but I sat on the other side of the couch curled up terrified about what I saw worried he really wouldn't return even after he promised.

It was after that once he came home, that I realized he was really never dead he Just needed to be woken up. Immediately I embraced him in the biggest hug I could muster letting tears spill from my eyes.

After that he just went on small missions nothing to big, but still scary and still dangerous. While he was gone for a day or two I found myself partying with more than just my girls, but with guys. Once I met Alex we immediately hit off, but after that night he changed. When he held my hand he squeezed it to were it left a mark, he let his hands roam over my flat body even though I said no, and he threatened me not tell anyone.

It wasn't until he actually kissed me, taking my first kiss which was supposed to be special, that I ended it with him. But for that he made sure that the rest of my seventh grade year was torture. Boys smacking my butt, rubbing my thigh, or shoving up against me. If my dad knew of the things boys did to me without my permission he would flip out, and show up to my school and go full Captain America on them.

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