Can You Stay?

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Peters POV

It's been hours since Kelsey locked herself in her room, and I got very little information on what happened from Nat, so I found myself occasionally standing at her door ready to knock but something always stopped me. So I spent the rest of my day wandering and tinkering with random things on my suit when I noticed that I was running low on web fluid.

I decided to sneak into the lab hoping no one would notice me borrowing some of the chemicals. Poking my head around the corner I slowly pried open the door once I realized no one was in there. Quickly but quietly I grabbed the things I needed, and once I was done I turned ready to leave but someone coughing made me freeze midstep.

"And what do you plan to do with those?" My dads voice rang through my head as I nearly dropped everything I gathered. "Science project?" I asked more than stated. He intensified his glare letting his eyes pierce through my soul. "A science project that you won't turn in."

I gulped wondering if I ran really fast and then locked myself in my room if he would catch me. "Peter I think you're forgetting I to once was a teenager, so I know how this works. Now tell me what's going on" he stepped towards me slinging his arm around my back while never breaking eye contact with me.

I opened my mouth ready to tell him my really lame excuse, but Rhodes stormed in. "Tony last minute mission... Super urgent... Be back tomorrow... Hopefully." He huffed out of breath while slowly lying on the floor.

"You got lucky kiddo" my dad sighed ruffling my hair before he dragged Rhodes out with him. I let out sigh of relief that I didn't know I was holding considering I was not ready for that conversation. I quickly jogged back to my room not wanting to be stopped again.

I glanced at the clock seeing that it was six, and if I wanted to be home at a slightly decent hour tonight I should leave now. So I quickly mixed up a batch of fluid, and slipped on my suit before heading out.

"Karen how do I get Kelsey to realize that I like her?" I asked my suit once safely in the car. I sighed hoping she was okay since she was all alone, sorta, and probably didn't know that her dad left. "She probably already knows Peter. You're not very good at keeping secrets." I scoffed considering the identity of who I was right now was a secret.

"She just caught her boyfriend cheating on her, so what should I do?" I asked simply deciding to avoid her last statement. "Be there for her I'm sure she needs a shoulder to cry on." I laughed knowing that was the last thing she wanted, and I didn't even know her that well.

"Karen you've got to stop being so stereotypical she's not most girls" I laughed.

Kelsey's POV

I stared at my reflection in the mirror utterly embarrassed by the person that stared back at me. There were so many flaws that it hurt to keep track, so here I've been standing critiquing each feature slowly. My thick blonde hair sticks straight down, and always has knots in it. My nose is oddly shaped, I can't see my eyelashes, and my lips are to thin. The only pretty thing about me are my eyes. My light blue irises gave the affect of glass, and always seemed to attract people, but they left realizing a pair of rare eyes wasn't worth a girl with so many other problems.

I've always pretended that I was skinny because people get mad when I say I'm not, but I always look in the mirror and the acts stop once I see my thighs that jiggle when I touch them, and my stomach that makes me look bloated. If only I, and everyone else, could look past my body I feel like life would be easier but these are the cards I've been dealt so now I have to live with it.

I have to live with the fact that I'll always have a double chin when I lie down, or that my hips are really big. I once had a friend that told me that I was more important than the number on the scale, but I felt like that just confirmed she was trying to get me to come to terms with my body. She soon left thinking I was crazy, and just trying to get attention but trust me if I could choose to love my body I would. I don't like to look at myself and say I'm fat so if I could change it I would, but it's just not that easy.

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