Spying Spidey

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Kelsey's POV

"So are you guys always like that or...?" Wanda asked trailing off at the end as she helped me hang my clothes up in my new room. Which she made sure was close enough to Peters, but far enough away that dad wouldn't notice for awhile. For some reason she thinks there's something going on even though I've said I'm in a relationship.

"Not usually, unless it involves David, but I think yesterday really got to him. Since he lost my mom, and he was really scared that he might've lost me to" I sighed hanging up the last of my clothes. I glanced around the room the empty walls taunting me, but I had nothing to decorate with. It was a simple L shaped room with brisk white walls, and the top part of the left wall was framed with window's, and stark white shelves lined the floor below. A bed was along the wall fresh white sheets laid on it and a dresser next to it. On the other side of the room sat a desk, but that was it the rest of it was a blank canvas.

"I might have some leftover stuff from my room that we can use for now, and maybe tomorrow we'll sneak out to the store" Wanda whispered a mischievous smile growing, as she ushered me down the hall to her room. As soon as I stepped in my mouth dropped. Her room was so simple yet different from mine at the moment, and it was absolutely perfect. "Trust me mine looked like yours when I first moved in, the decorators have a thing for white, which I don't understand it just makes messes more noticeable" Wanda started ranting making me giggle.

Finally she came up with a stack of twinkly lights that were tangled all over her arms. "Someone gave them to me, but they're not really my style so I never used them, so you can have them." We walked back to my room, and she helped me drape the lights over my still bland walls at least now they have a little shimmer to them.

"Soo..." I trailed off trying to make a conversation, but failing epically. Wanda just nodded a small grin forming as she admired our handy work. I had been trying to start up a conversation all afternoon, but every time I found myself at a loss for words. "I'm sorry everything that's going on its just a little overwhelming" I sighed while falling onto my bed. "What's overwhelming about it?" She asked cluelessly sitting next to me.

I laughed dryly running a hand through my hair. "Yesterday I was attacked by HYDRA. I had to leave my friends, boyfriend, and dance studio; I mean I may never dance again. Not only that I'm living in a facility with the worlds mightiest heroes and I can't seem to figure out how to use my words" I groaned dramatically tossing my arms in the air in defeat.

"Well you forgot to add that there's a super cute guy you're age that is totally into you" she stated nonchalantly earning a glare from me. "Nonetheless we are just regular people" she sighed. "That just so happen to go and save the world everyday" I snapped. "We still do ordinary things remember we are still people, and as for your friends well you have me now. I've never really had a girlfriend before, so I'm not really sure how to do it either" she laughed at the last thing she said and I joined in.

"Plus there's plenty of space that you can use to dance here, and maybe you're better off without Doug..." I sent her a look before stating "his names David." She nodded not really paying any attention to my statement. "Yes well maybe you're better off without David" she smiled glancing towards the direction of peters room.

"Wanda stop he's not even in to me" I laughed nervously. She gave me a 'are you clueless look' before she flopped onto my bed. "What makes you think that?" She challenged raising an eyebrow. I opened my mouth ready to snap back, but I had no comeback so instead I flopped down beside her accepting my defeat. After a minute of staring at each other from lying down I finally responded "we didn't even say a single word to each other" I groaned.

"True, but he did say wow which has to be guy code for something" she laughed imitating Peter just a little over dramatically by falling to the floor. Once she fell I did start laughing then I heard someone sneeze from the other end of my door. We both jerked up instantly glancing at the other. Slowly we both tip toed to the door Wanda playing with sparks of her red energy while I grabbed the closest item, which happened to be a hanger.

"1...2...3!" She whispered as I flung the door open only to find myself face to face with Peter. Before I knew what I was doing I screamed and bonked Peter on the head with my hanger. "Okay I kinda deserved that" he groaned clutching his head where I was sure he would have a bruise. "Were you spying on us?" Wanda gasped. His eyes went wide immediately dropping his hands realizing he had been caught red handed. "Just let me explain..."

"Kels why'd you scream is everything okay?" I heard Nat ask and I whipped around to make sure dad wasn't with her, and thankfully he wasn't. "Uh yeah everything's okay" I stuttered not being able to explain the situation considering Wanda was still twirling the energy, I was holding a hanger, and Peter was inches from my face.

She nodded a skeptical look in her eyes as if she wanted to ask more, but mostly left it at that. "Oh but I would leave before you're dad gets here" she laughed teasingly before turned back around the corner. "Shoot" I whispered shoving Wanda and I both back into my room leaving a startled Peter who was probably to scared to move.

Peter's POV

I was still standing at her door for some odd reason finding it impossible to leave, but a voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Kels what's wrong... Oh it's just you" he huffed as he whirled around the corner just to see me still frozen in front of her door. Oh God please don't notice.

"Kid if that was you then you have a girly scream" the captain laughed for first time cracking a smile that was actually towards me, maybe my idol doesn't hate me after all... "Wait why are you outside Kelsey's bedroom." Spoke to soon.

"Uh... This is my room?" I half stated half asked. He eyed me curiously before knocking on the door still not breaking eye contact. Kelsey barely opened the door poking her head through. "Daddy what a pleasant surprise" she stated happily but there was something else in her eyes. "Peter what are you doing here?" She asked her jaw tightening. "Yeah Peter, why are you here?" Steve asked leaning against the door frame. I stared at him blankly taking notice of his much bigger frame and how he could tear me apart. Well technically we already fought and I held my own, but that was as Spider-Man now I'm just me.

I sent a pleading look towards Kelsey, but she just shook her head. "Oh this isn't my room" I proclaimed dramatically trying my best to make it believable. "I get lost so easily." To that the Captain nodded still eyeing me suspiciously as he walked back down the hall.

"I should probably go back to my room" I laughed nervously as I turned, but she put her small hand on my arm, and I couldn't help but notice how she stared at my forearm. I mean swinging from webs and climbing walls definitely put me in shape. She coughs nervously looking back up at me, and I couldn't help but stare into her blue eyes they were just so pure and almost clear like glass.

"How much of our earlier conversation did you hear?" She asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Uh not a lot I was just coming over to say hi I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I mean I would never do..." I rambled before she cut me off. "Peter it's okay I was just wondering, now you should probably get going before my dad comes back" she laughed. Wow she has a cute laugh I thought as I nodded a goodbye not trusting my ability to speak.

She shut the door, and I could faintly hear Wanda. "You guys just had a moment."

"What no we didn't." Wait did she sound in denial or was it my imagination. Man I've got to stop doing this besides its time to get to work.

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