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Kelsey's POV

I slip on my criss cross aqua bikini top with my pink and teal floral bottoms before I grab my teal flip flops and my phone in case my dad calls. Wouldn't want him to leave the mission early if I don't answer his calls.

I reach for the doorknob trying my best to divert my eyes from the full length mirror, but there's no sense in even trying because I can't keep my gaze from wondering.

With a deep sigh I lift my eyes letting them scour over my vulnerable body. A part of me was tempted to grab one of my dads old shirts wishing to just hide everything that I was showing off right now.

The other half knew that I would never over come this obstacle if I try to run from it, so I pulled away from the mirror telling myself it was my imagination, and my thoughts weren't real but how could I believe that when I saw myself in the mirror.

"You don't need a thigh gap, or an excessively flat stomach to be beautiful" I whisper trying to let my meek whisper sink in, but the usual obnoxious voice was back inside my head.

"But will Peter agree with that? Don't you think he'll want to be with someone skinny?" The voice countered and I could just picture my alter ego smirk.

"Ahh leave me alone" I yell weakly shoving through the door hoping to leave it in my room. "But you need my help just look at you you're a mess no wonder Peter pity's you. You do know that's the only reason he stayed last night right?" The voice whispered as it echoed through my head.

"It doesn't matter we're just friends" I choke out halting at the door that'll lead me to the pool. The voice fades as I peak through the frosted glass to make out out Peter's blurry figure. My feet feel like they're nailed to the ground, and my hand seems frozen to my side as I try to lift it, but stays still.

"Well he is" the voice whispers once more before I push through the door stumbling over my feet, and I hope I don't look to frazzled. I can faintly make out my breathing, but everything seems muted as Peter turns around in the pool towards me.

Our eyes lock, and my heart plummets at the thought of him staring at me. Does he think I look nice? I think a small hopeful smile appearing on my face as I glide to the pool steps.

"He's only staring because he's judging..." But the voice fades as I step into the pool and Peter swims over to me our eyes never breaking.

"Hey" he whispers as I slowly swim over to him. "Hi" I reply wishing I could start a conversation. His smile grows and I can see he's nervous for some reason by looking into his eyes.

"What do you want to do?" I ask hoping I don't sound to eager as I swim around myself not wanting to drift to far from him. "Well we still don't know a lot about each other so... We could play twenty one questions" he states looking back at me nervousness vanished from his brown eyes.

I nod liking the idea of getting to know him better "you go first." I state not finding a reason to wipe the goofy smile from my face. "What's your favorite color?" He returns my overly excited smile.

"Oh how original, but I would say blue" I giggle as we swim together down to to the other end of the pool. He playfully rolls his eyes waiting for my question. "When's your birthday?" I ask.

"Oh because that's original" he laughs as I splash water at him making him turn to shield hi face. "Just answer" I demand in a slightly whiny voice. "August 27" he finally proclaims after splashing me back.

"How did you find out your dad was Captain America?" There's the dreaded question making me laugh dryly. I flip on my back letting the water soak through my hair and ooze over my face as I float.

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