Peter's Past

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Being a Stark meant everything was broad casted live whether it be on Facebook or just on TV even your birth, and you can go on demand and watch it for five dollars to this day. Sometimes it highly annoyed me as a child and if any kind of camera got to close I would scream and knock it out of there hands, so I am definitely a Stark.

Around the age of four my mother abounded me and my dad, and it was in the magazines before I even knew. Yes I was created from a one night stand, and my parents mostly dealt with each other, but it was obviously becoming to much to handle considering how they yelled at each other every night. It was broad casted everywhere within two days that she left, and that probably broke dad more than her leaving.

Starting kindergarten, I skipped preschool because dad said it was below me, proved to have it's challenges. You stand up and announce your name so you can get a dumb dumb, but once the words Peter Stark escape your mouth everyone looks at you differently. At recess everyone wanted to play with me, and some even gave me there toys which I gave back not wanting to be that kid.

As I child I could never comprehend someone only being your friend for your reputation, so let's just say I was says to trusting.

When I was six dad announced to the world that he was iron man, and it proved to make life more difficult. Not only had he been missing for three months, but now he was a superhero.

So I asked if I could change my name to Peter Parker to avoid unwanted attention at school, but it also made me feel closer to mom. Dad agreed always giving me what I wanted, but I knew that it pained him to say yes.

Growing up he was hardly ever around, so I spent most of my time hanging with the butlers or Pepper, dads girlfriend. She was nice but I could never see her as a mom, but when dad wasn't home she would have to do.

Whenever he was home though I usually sat on his lap while he did paperwork in his office, or worked on a new experiment in the lab. Spending the time I did with him I quickly learned that I to wanted to help people like he did, so I tried building a suit of armor when I was eight and jumped off the couch pretending I could fly. Dad did not think it was amusing, and banned me from watching the news. He thought that a life like his would be to dangerous for me, so tried to persuade me towards the business aspect which worked for quite some time.

Junior high started and even though I went by Peter Parker everyone still knew me as a Stark considering I was always at the press events and galas. I eventually got over trying to make real friends, and just settled for whoever wanted to hang out which was everyone.

It wasn't until my eighth grade year that I actually started liking girls, and all of them seemed to like me but I had eyes for only one, Liz Allen. My friends said I wouldn't even have to talk to her, and she would be all over me considering I was extremely smart, but I knew the real reason.

A last name may not mean much to some people, but for me it was a blessing and a curse all in one. So again I got over the idea that she might only like me for
my name and went for it.

She said yes, and we dated for the rest of the year. In that year I was probably the happiest I ever was. I snuck her into the tower when dad wasn't home, and hid her from Pepper never really wanting to explain to her what was going on.

Liz was even my first kiss, but it wasn't a romantic make out session like the movies instead I made a fool of myself by conking our foreheads together.

After the night that we kissed I decided to stop by her house and take her out as a surprise, but what I saw was more of a surprise and an eye opener because through the window I saw her and Flash making out on her couch. I called it off telling her what I saw, and she didn't even deny it and almost seemed pleased with herself.

It was now summer and I spent it ignoring my friends, and either lying in bed or running errands around the tower. Dad was gone which wasn't unusual, but it seemed to hurt more this time around. Everywhere I looked something in me just kept reminding me that I was alone.

My freshmen year my dads colleagues seemed to come around more which didn't bother me since I just spent the days in my room, but it worried my dad considering when he left I was perfectly fine. He tried talking, but he was never any good at pep talks so I locked him out and he usually talked through the door.

Up until mid April my life was normal, but I was just mopping in my room one night avoiding every call or text I got when I was bitten by a spider. I have no idea where it came from all I know is that it burned like hell and left a giant swell on my hand. The next month was a blur as I'm not really sure what led me to become Spider-Man, but all I really knew was that I couldn't have an ability like mine and not help people that needed it. Little did I know that Spider-Man helped me more than he helped others because I came out of my depression after a few weeks of seeing people's happy faces after I helped them. I even started talking to my friends again.

So I made my own suit and enhanced my powers to the best of my ability without being caught. It wasn't until six months after that my life changed and I'm not sure if it was for the worst or the best. My dad approached me one night while I was on patrol, of course I was in my suit so he had no idea who I was, but I was still scared. He needed my help fighting a war, and I could tell he was nervous by the way he looked at me. I heard him talking about some problems among the team and with the accords, but I had no idea it was this big of a deal, but then again he had no idea he was talking to his fifteen year old son either.

He gave me a new suit which I much appreciated, and we were off to Berlin. Several times people asked me to take the mask off, but I knew better if anyone found out then my dad would find out, and that would be the end of Spider-Man. I fought alongside dad trying to do my best understanding that his best friend was on the other side. The captain and I even got in to it a little him telling me I had no idea what was going on, but I knew more than any of them thought.

After that I returned to the tower hoping none of the butlers noticed my absence and would report it to my dad, which they didn't since to them I never left my room. A few months passed before the tower was put on lock down mode for reasons I had no idea why, but my dad scrambled into my room completely frazzled muttering something about HYDRA.

I remember hurriedly peeking out the now tinted windows only to see several trucks full of people in front of the tower. "We have to go the staff will get our stuff, but we have to leave now" dad said shoving me out the door. "Wait my backpack I need it" I yelled running past my dad and reaching for my bag as several bullets went off.

Sirens blared in my ears as the world slowed as I ran to the quinjet that was parked on the dock. Friday was calmly reciting safety regulations through the intercoms but no one listened, and it was complete madness trying to get to the dock.

I never actually came face to face with a HYDRA agent because once my dad found me he yelled at me the entire time to the quinjet, and it was funny because everyone froze and cleared the path for him.

It was just him and me on the jet, he said he had to take me somewhere no one else could go, but at the time I didn't know he meant the avengers facility.

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