Getting to Know the Father

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Peter's POV

"So... Do you like sports like football?" Steve asks awkwardly twiddling his thumbs. We're in the kitchen eating lunch while Kelsey and my dad are out. "No sports have never been my thing" I sputter trying to consider each word carefully.

His broad shoulders slump a small smile playing on his face like he's relieved, and he chuckles when he sees my confused complexion.

"Sorry kid it's just that I had a history with guys that were bigger than me, usually jocks, and I didn't want some jerk with there hands all over my daughter" he chuckles embarrassed like he's just confessed his bigger sin.

"But maybe times have changed..."

"Trust me times have not changed, and I understand what you're saying because I seem to be there number one target" I sigh and now it's Steve's turn to be confused.

"But you're a Stark shouldn't that alone make everyone shut up." And he's not trying to be funny his statement is genuine almost like he cares. "You'd be surprised how a fancy name can secure you friends and bullies for life." I try to play it off as if its nothing since this is captain America, and more importantly Kelsey's dad.

"I mean when your dad drops you off on the first day of fifth grade in his Ironman man suit people are bound to torment you about it" I laugh dryly examining my sweaty hands.

"That doesn't make it right though" he counters, and shake my head. "It doesn't but I want to hear about your fights I mean mine are about Flash stealing my lunch money, so I'm sure yours are much more impressive."

"Yes fighting organizations like HYDRA are never easy but at least they have reasons for what they do, stupid reasons, but reasons while teens bully each other for the pure joy of seeing someone squirm" he sighs looking down at his own hands.

"When I was your age I was actually smaller than you, so I was an easy target with a big mouth that never knew when to stop." My stomach churns at the thought of standing up for myself, but I could never risk it.

"I wish I could stand up for myself but... I I'm to weak" I sigh another response on the tip of my tongue. A statement that would give away my identity for sure because I can't fight because if I do it'll raise suspicions about my inhuman senses.

"Kid I'm sure you're smarter than any of those guys that pick on you, so maybe you can't resort to fist fight, but you can't out think them which is what matters the most."

I nod a smile playing in my lips because I actually could take them in a fist fight I even took with the captain in front of me, but he doesn't need to know that. All he needs to know is that I'm a gentlemen that's willing to do anything for his daughter.

Kelsey's POV

"So why would did you do it again, I mean become Ironman?" I ask curiously sipping my coffee. Tony took me to this nice little cafe on the outskirts of Albany. He said it was a nice way to get out of the compound without to much attention turning to us.

"I was captured several years ago, and was supposed to die but this guy he made a thin galled an arch reactor and implanted it within my chest to keep me alive. There leader wanted me to make them a missile, and I would be set free but I didn't want a weapon of that power in there hands considering they already had several of my weapons. So I built a suit that was powered by the reactor, and escaped. When I got home I declared that my company was no longer manufacturing weapons because I saw better way around it."

I nod listening intently while sipping the scourging hot beverage in my hands. I planned on getting a water, but remembered Peter and I's earlier conversation so I went for a simple latte. Now though I was regretting it as it sloshed lazily in my stomach, and burning and eating away at my gut.

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