Can You Trust Me

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Kelsey's POV

I never went back to my room like I planned on doing because I didn't want to walk past a mirror or anything else that could harm me more because it seems like I'm not getting out of this phase quickly.

I thought last night counted for something, I thought me knowing his secret counted for something, and I thought our near kiss counted for something so it felt like I was being pulled up the mountain by Peter, but now I realize I'm going to have to do it on my own.

How could I be so naive to give up something I had protected for so long, that I had taken blows and harassment for. How could I fall back into this trap I wondered as I wandered down the halls.

I was also half tempted to go to the kitchen considering I haven't eaten for a day and a half, but the voice in my head stopped me. "Look at yourself, you should be ashamed you even thought that you deserved to eat" the voice whispered with clear disgust.

I glared down at my thighs hating the feeling of them rubbing together. It seemed like my inner ego was right, but I hated to admit so I passed it off as I wasn't hungry. My horrific sobbing had stopped, and were replaced by little tears silently gliding down my cheeks.

I pulled my plush white towel tighter around me hoping it would keep out the cold air from my defenseless skin. A shiver escaped my body proving that my efforts were failing, so I reluctantly slumped back to my room.

"Ready to see the reason Peter said what he said?" The voice asked evilly. Another tear fell from my eye even though I squeezed them shut hoping to stop the constant pain. Why is it that my worst bully's always been myself?

I quickly stepped into my room avoiding the mirror at all coats even against my inner self's obligations. I quickly changed then shuffled out. I walked to the kitchen considering that's were my dad was most likely to be, and I felt like I just needed to see him.

I probably looked disheveled and out of breath, but I could care less i just needed reassurance that the one person that loved me was still apart of my life.

"Yeah we need to get a hold of him" I heard my dad state in his bold captain voice that he only used when something was wrong. I almost turned around worried I would interrupt down important superhero stuff, but I just needed to talk to him see him reassure myself.

"Dad?" I asked my voice breaking as I peeked around the corner only to see him, Nat, Sam, Wanda, Vision, and James. "Kels what's wrong?"

I wondered whether he asked that because I barged in on there meeting, or if it was because my face was still streaked with dried tears and my eyes were red and puffy. "Nothing's wrong I just wanted to make sure you were okay" I whispered suddenly regretting decision. My dads worried expression broke out into a bright smile, and he pulled me into a warming hug.

"Sorry my hairs wet" I mumbled against his shoulder making him chuckle. "Yeah why is your hair wet?" Nat lightly chuckled stepping next to my dad. She rested her hand on his shoulder probably not even thinking about until I sent her a teasing look.

"I went swimming" a nervous laugh escaping my lips for some reason. Now everyone was eyeing me suspiciously making me shrink back. "Did something happen your face is all red" Nat stated and I instantly dropped my head.

"Oh you know chlorine" I stared still gazing down at my shoes. Sam grunted clearly not believing my answer. Why does everyone care about what goes on in my life?

"I thought Tony said there was no chlorine in the pool. Something about hypo allergenic testing." Glared t Sam hoping my look was intense enough to make him shut up.

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