We Keep Secrets Now?

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Natasha's POV

I leaned my head against Kelsey's door wondering where I went wrong maybe it wasn't me, but she always opens up for me except this time.

She was fine before left or she convinced us that she was, but now we're back tow were we started with in and all of us worried.

"Nat you should probably get some rest" I hear Steve's calm voice ring through my ears. I lift my head nodding as follow him to his room which surprises me, and he can tell.

He blushes slightly letting his head drop to examine the tile floor. "You didn't look like wanted to be alone." An with that we didn't say anything else for the rest of the walk.

Once in his room he led me to the bed while he started making a pallet on the floor. "Steve we can share a bed" I giggled. His head shot up with the dumbest really face, and I grabbed his hand pulling him up with me.

We crawled under the covers on opposite sides of he bed, but his hand still rested on mine which was enough body contact for me as we drifted off.

Time Skip

My eyes blinked open to see a squirming Steve next to me with sweat drilling down his head. I looked out the window to see it was still nighttime and inwardly groaned.

He suddenly shot up making me jump slightly. His eyes frantically scanned the room, and his breathing sped up. "I have to check on her" was all he said before darting out of bed with me on his heels.

"HYDRA" was he shouted back at me as I chased him down the hall. I furrowed my brow wondering what triggered his panic attack, but once he stopped in front of her door I knew. HYDRA took Kelsey in his dream.

We slowly tiptoed in together not wanting to wake her, and have her worrying even more. All he needed was conformation that she was safe, an honestly I needed it to.

"Look Steve she's fine" I whispered smiling as she seemed so at peace, but he was focused on something else, someone else to be exact.

Kelsey turned slightly to leaning to this persons bare chest, and his arm wrapped around her tighter, and it was Peter Parker-Stark.

I whipped my head around to see Steve's eyes flaring with rage, so in one swift movement I pulled him to the hall not wanting to wake the teens, an have this talk at midnight.

"What is she thinking" he growls never letting his eyes leave the door. I reach up and gently rest my hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down he doesn't change positions.

"Steve you've raised to be a smart girl I think you can trust her" I try to reason attempting to pull his gaze from the door. "Then why is there a guy in her bed" he growls.

"You know she's been having a hard time she probably just needed a shoulder to cry on." His expression of anger falters and is replaced with a hurt one as he lets his head droop.

"Why didn't she come to me?" He asked meekly like he'd been stabbed in the gut repeatedly. I glance down to see we're moving back to his room, but it seems we intertwined or hand along the way, but I don't feel the urge to pull away.

"Steve we were gone when she needed someone, and I'm not saying that to make you feel bad but Peter was the only one here. Besides what do you think would've happen I she walked in on is tonight. She would be in this position instead of you, and that's last thing she needs right now."

He nods as we enter his room, but I can tell he's not done with this because it did hurt him I see it in his eyes like I do Kelsey's.

Kelsey's POV

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