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Kelsey's POV

"Kels I know this isn't the ideal situation, but living at the compound is our safest option right now" he said trying to stop my sulking. "Nothing about our lives is ideal" I snap back barely lifting my head from the window sill. I stared out the window watching as the signs of civilization became more scarce. "Don't be like that do you know what would've happened if I hadn't shown up at the time I did?" He asked but I refused to move. "You would be dead right now" his voice cracked and I knew that he thought of losing me to was to much.

"I worry that one day I'll come home and you'll be gone forever, and it'll be my fault because I was to busy protecting the world to protect my own daughter." I looked up and we stared at each other his eyes pleading for me to say something. I sighed defeated. "For three and a half years we've lived like this, so why all of sudden do they care?" I mumble turning back to the window.

"That's the thing Kels they've cared for awhile it just takes awhile to put a plan into action." He sighed again while looking up seeming really confused, and I wasn't making it much better, but last night I had to pack up all of my stuff and leave my friends and boyfriend with out a single word, and can probably never contact them again.

We passed a huge building with a dock with planes freshly landing, It had lots of windows which would be strange since our apartment had one, and it had smaller buildings off to the side. It truly was stunning, but that didn't mean I wanted to live here. Something about the tight quarters of our apartment was comforting considering it's all I've ever known. Even though it was tight the idea of space still seems scary to me. The idea of people always being there also scares me. It's been dad and I forever and sometimes just me how was I supposed to adjust when everything I've known is being thrown out the window.

"How about you go look around while I talk to the team, I don't want you up there when I break the news" dad said as we pulled up to the facility. I skeptically raised my eyebrow at him wondering what news he had to break. "What news dad?" I asked innocently, and immediately I noticed the hesitation cross his face. "The team doesn't know you exist, actually no one does except Nat and apparently HYDRA, but I thought it would be safer if no one knew" he said regretfully, but I didn't get mad knowing that was the last thing he needed instead I
leaned over, and kissed him on the cheek to show that it was okay.

Steve's POV

I slowly walked to the kitchen knowing the team would be in there trying to help Vision make lunch. As I did I wondered if this really was the right decision bringing Kelsey closer to us to make sure someone was always with her, or if putting her in the public eye would make her more of a target.

"Hello Captain Rogers" Vision said making everyone turn there heads towards me and my luggage bag. As I assumed everyone was there, but it looked like something exploded over the island. "We were trying to help, but..." Wanda tried explaining while examining the mess. I laughed trying to lighten my own mood, but how could I.

"We heard about what happened, and Stark and Peter are on there way to" Nat said standing up to join the me. "Is she here?" She whispered turning so no one could see, and all I did was nod, but that's all I could muster. "I know I have to tell them, but..."

"Tell us what?" Tony asked as he strode in with Peter on his heels. He didn't look like HYDRA just attacked him instead he was in a stark white suit with a glass of champagne in his hand.

Tony seemed unfazed by the attack unlike me making me wonder even more if this was the right choice. I looked the two over noticing Peter seemed a bit more frazzled than Tony, standing father back, chewing his lip. Everything about him seemed different compared to the last time I got to see him.

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