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The next day...
Nia pov
I woke up in my hotel. Yes, a hotel.
"Babygirl...Nyomi get up"I said shaking her.
She sat up with her wild, curly hair. She rubbed her eyes.
"Good morning"She said.
"Morning Babycakes"I said pecked her cheek.
I flat ironed her hair and took a pic of her. MM⬆️⬆️⬆️ I posted it on Instagram with 'Morning from me and my babycakes🌎❤😘 Love you😍' under it. Nya and I got dressed. Trey FaceTimed me. Trey is also in the gang. He's had a small crush on me for a while. He's a great guy though.
Me: Hey Trey
Trey: Wassup goregous
Me: Quit lil boy
Trey: Aye I'm finna pull up
Me: I gotta drop Nya off
Trey: I know that...come on
Me:  Aight bye
I hung up. I got Nya and left. We got Trey car and he sped off.
"You selling"He asked me.
"Yeah gotta get a new place"I said.
"For what"He asked.
"I just wanna move"I shrugged.
"He hit you again, Nia"He asked serious looking at me.
"Trey, look at the road"I demanded.
He turned back to the road.
"You still didn't answer my question"He said.
"No. We hid from him so can we move on"I said.
"NiNi I'm just trying to protect ya"He snapped.
"Okay and I thank you, Trey"I said.
He pulled at a Starbucks. I got out and went to get Nya. Trey beat me to it tho.
"Thanks T"Nyomi said smiling.
"Welcome babygirl"He said pecking her cheek.
He held her in his arms. We walked in.
"Y'all can go sit down...I gotcha"Trey said.
I smiled and nodded. After a while, He came and sat on the other side of the booth while Nyomi sat next to me.
"When ya going back to school Nya"He asked.
"In 2 weeks"she sighed.
"Is that a bad thing"Trey asked.
"Don't get me started...who wants to color the same shape for 2 weeks then a lil sandwich and a bag of Lays....No One"She fussed.
"It's ya lunch, Nyomi"I said.
"Mommy, look...I am a girl...A girl who gotta eat...I need some Popeyes and McDonald's in my life"She sighed.
"I understand"I nodded.
The waiter came with our drinks and stuff. I got a cinnimon roll and a caramel frappe, Trey got a iced coffee, and Nya got a cookie and orange juice.
"You guys are a beautiful family"The waiter said with a smile.
"Thank ya"Trey said.
She walked off.
"T since you're in our family now I like the blue cotton candy snowball...hint hint"Nay said.
We laughed.
"Mommy, where's daddy"She asked.
Trey made eye contact with me.
"Uhh he's gone baby"I coughed.
"When is he coming back"She asked
"He can't, Nyomi...now finish ya food"I said.
She nodded slowly.
"Aye look Nya...don't worry bout him aight...lets imagine this snowball imma get you after work"Trey said.
She smiled.
"Okay T"she said.
He took a piece of my cinnimon roll. I slapped his hand.
"Nigga that thing is big...you can share"He said.
"I don't share food"I said.
"She only shares wit me"Nya said.
He smack his lips and then licked them.
"So..uhh What you gon after him, Nia"He asked me nervously.
"Buy a house and raise my daughter"I said.
"Dating wise"He sighed.
"Ummm don't know...maybe find a guy who can cherish me and my daughter"I shrugged.
"Oh okay"He nodded.
We left and dropped Nyomi off at my mom's house and went to the house.
"Sup NiNi"Chris greeted me.
"Hey breezy"I said.
"Hey si"Kayla said.
"Sup boo"I said.
I walked to my office upstairs. Aug came in and sat down.
"Aye you selling"He asked.
"Yeah what you got"I said.
"5 pounds of weed and some coke and xans"He answered.
"Aight"I nodded.
He put it on my desk and walked out. I sighed.
"Lets go get some cash"I said to myself.
30 minutes later...
Me and Trey are in the spot. He never let's me sell by myself.
"5 ounces of coke"A man said.
"900"I said.
"Ion have that much"He said scratching his neck.
"Then get to stepping nigga"I said.
"Please"he pleaded.
Me and Trey pulled our guns out instantly.
"Leave"Trey said.
The man nodded quickly and ran away. We laughed.
"We're some fucking bullies"Trey chuckled.
"It's fun"I giggled.
I sold all of my stuff and headed back to the house. I went to turn my money in to the head, Aug.
"You sold everything"He asked.
"Yes"I said handing him the money.
He counted it and got his 25 percent.
"Aight you made 5,500 today"Aug sighed handing me cash.
"Okay"I said.
I walked out. I went to my office and changed my clothes. I stepped in Trey's office.
"Can you drive me home"I asked.
"Yeah"He said.
He stood up and led me out. We got in his car.
"Don't forget Nya"I said.
"Girl I got this...how can I forget NyNy"Trey said.
"Whatever"I giggled.
We got Nyomi and went to my hotel. Trey got out and walked with us. I made to my room.
"Thanks Trey...I got it from here"I said smiling.
"Aight catch y'all later"He said.
He began to walk away. I opened the door and my mouth flew open.
"Trey...TREY COME HERE"I said loud.
"What...whats wrong"He asked quickly rushing to us.
He looked inside the room.
"Somebody broke in here"I mumbled.
"Aye don't cry...please It's okay, Nia"He said hugging me.
"Mommy, what happened"Nyomi asked.
I dropped to my knees and hugged her tight.
"It doesn't matter"I told her.
"Nia, get everything packed up...y'all staying at my crib"Trey said.
"Trey, I don't..."I said.
"You are staying"He interrupted me.
I nodded and started packing. It was easy since we only stayed for a day. Trey helped us and took the bags to the car. We drove to his house. I don't think I've ever been here before. It was a goregous mansion.
"Oh my gosh"I sighed.
He smiled and held my hand. He helped us out and told a guard to get our bags.
"I didn't know you living this good"I said.
"Well with the game and music together...get a lot"He shrugged
We walked in. Nyomi instantly cheered and danced around.
"I like your house, T"She cheered.
"Thanks, babygirl"He said.
He showed us our room. IT WAS HUGE NIGGA.
"Trey, you didn't have to do this"I said.
He pulled me into a hug and gave my butt a squeeze.
"I did"He said.
I blushed. This is my day before Valentines.

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