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Nia pov
I woke up and sat up. Nya wasn't there. Trey probably got her but gotta make sure. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I slipped on some tights and a sports bra with a tank top on top. I walked to Trey's room. I knocked on his door.
"Trey"I said.
He opened his door.
"Is Nya in here wit you"I asked.
"Yeah...she woke up early and wanted to watch some cartoons"He said.
"Oh okay"I said.
I began to walk away.
"Aye Happy Valentine's, Nia"Trey said with a smile.
"Thanks"I smiled.
"Go get ya nails and stuff done...you deserve a lil something for today"He said.
"Really"I asked.
"Yes Nia I'm serious"He chuckled.
I cheesed and hugged him tightly. He gave me 100 dollars and walked back in his room. I did a happy dance. I called Saiyr.
S: Heyyy
N: Hey boo what you doing
S: Girl nothing
N: Oh you and the others wanna get our nails done
S: I'm down
N: Alright call everybody else and we'll meet
S: Sounds like a plan
N: Kay byeee
S: Byeee
I hung up and changed my tank top into a yellow croptop that has CAUTION on it. I put on my black vans and put my hair into a messy bun and left. I arrived and Saiyr, Tamia, and Kayla were outside.
"Bout time"Tamia said.
We walked in and signed in and all that and got our nails. It took about 3 hours for all of us. I drove to Trey house. I walked in and went upstairs.
"TREY...NYA...NYOMI"I yelled.
They didn't answer.
"Excuse me"A man in a black uniform said.
"Yes"I answered.
"Mr.Neverson asked to give to this to you"He said.
He handed me a paper and walked off.
'Sup goregous. Me and Nyomi are busy with some stuff. You can take a nap if you want. Trust Nya is safe. If you're hungry, it's stuff in the fridge so help yourself. Happy Valentine's DAY! ~Trey❤'.
"Awwww"I blushed.
I wasn't really hungry so I took a long ass nap.
3 hours later...
Trey pov
I walked in the house. I dropped Nyomi off at Mia house. I walked upstairs and went into Nia room. She was sleep. Man she's beautiful. I started to set up my gifts for her in her room. I finished and needed to wake her up. I took a rose and touch her nose. She rubbed it irritated. I did it again. She twitched it. I touched her nose then neck. She sat up and scratched her neck.
"Man"She whined with her eyes closed.
I swear this is a whole baby.
"Nia wake up"I said.
"Uh uh"she mumbled.
I kissed her cheek which made her smile and sit up. She looked around and got excited. She jumped on me and layed her head in my chest.
"Thank you so much"She said.
She stayed silent and held on to me. I felt my shirt getting damp.
"You crying"I asked.
She sat up and did something that I've waiting on for 3 years. She kissed my lips passionately. I felt it was meant to be.
"Get dressed and meet me downstairs"I smirked.
She nodded and led me to the door. About 30 minutes, she came downstairs in the dress I bought. I smirked super hard and looked her up and down. She noticed and giggled. 
"Stop you're making me blush"She whined.
We walked to our limbo. I helped her in and got in behind her. We drove to our location.
Nia pov
It was boat.
"You're not taking me on that, Trey"I said.
"I am...come on, NiNi"He said.
I smacked my teeth and nodded slowly. He led me to the boat. It was a small dinner set up. I smiled. We sat down and ordered our food.
"You're beautiful this evening, Nia"He said nervously.
I laughed.
"What's funny"He asked.
"You're cute when you're nervous"I said.
He smirked. We ate our food and made conversation. Trey was trying to tell me something but he got too nervous. We finished and went to the rail. I stared out in the water. It was pretty. I stared in Trey eyes as he did the same. He kissed my lips.
"Be mine Nia"He asking.
"Sure"I said.
He kissed my lips and added his tongue. He stopped and smirked.
"Lets...go"He said.
I nodded and followed him to the car. We picked Nyomi.
"Mommyyy"She cheered.
I hugged her tight with a smile.
"Did you have fun with Auntie Mia"I asked.
"Yeah we watched movies and she did my nails"She said cheesing.
"That's great baby"I said.
She stared at Trey for a minute.
"What time is it"She asked.
"Umm 8: 41....why"I sighed.
"T, you went over the curfew....thats will be a snowball"Nya scolded.
"Fine"Trey chuckled.
She smirked. We drove home. I took a shower and put a shirt on and went to sleep.
Trey pov
I woke up to a small knock at the door.
"Come in Nya"I said.
Nya came in and shut the door behind her. She jumped on my bed.
"I want details"She squeeled.
"Grown folks business"I sighed.
She rolled her eyes and grabbed my remote.
"I don't wanna watch Trolls today"I said.
She gasped.
"I know I didn't hear you say you don't like Trolls"Nia said coming my room.
"I didn't say that....damn"I sighed.
Nya pop my leg and shushed my me. She watched her Trolls. Nia kissed my cheek.
"Want breakfast"She asked.
"Yeah thanks"I answered.
She nodded and walked out. I got bored and went downstairs with her.  I left Nya by herself with the Trolls.
"Yes I'm coming in about a hour.....Okayy and you getting my damn nerves....I will be safe duh...I don't know...hold on"Nia said on the phone.
I walked to her and grabbed her waist.
"Are you going to work today"She asked.
I pecked her lips and shook my head no.
"He's not going...let the girls go then...thanks bye"She said hanging up.
I looked her up and down.
"That's was Aug if that's what you're wondering"Nia said.
"Nah I wondering how you so fine"I asked.
"Boy"She pushed me playfully.
"Saiyr found a house around here somewhere that's nice so I'm getting off work early so I can pack"Nia said.
"You leaving already"I asked.
"Yes Tremaine"She sighed.
"Why you trying to leave fast for"I asked.
"Because if something failed, I want to be secure not homeless"She said
"You refering to if we broke up"I asked.
"Being honest...no I refering to if Corry finds your house"Nia said.
"You ain't gotta worry bout that....I got the best security in the city next to Aug"I chuckled.
She gave me the 'mhm' look and started cooking. Nya slid down the stairs rails. Nia snapped her neck that way.
"NYOMI RAI WILSON...IF YOU DON'T SIT YOUR TAIL DOWN, IMMA.....just sit down baby"She yelled but calm down.
"Yes ma'am"Nya said.
Nia turned back to get food. I kiss her cheek. She fear in her eyes. Shes scared.
"Hey...I got you"I said holding her waist.

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