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6 months later...
Trey pov
It's almost time for the baby to come. Nia and I are currently on good terms. I know she is still a little bit upset about the baby. But I don't blame her.
"Bae, I'm home"Nia said.
"Hey how was she"I asked.
"They were good. She was so excited to look through the bags"She said.
"I can imagine"I nodded.
She giggled. Nyomi held on to my leg.
"Daddy can I please get tablet"She whined.
"No babygirl. I've said this a million times you are too little"I said.
She stood up and smacked her teeth. She went Nia.
"Mommy can I pretty please get a tablet"She asked
"Does that pretty please have sprinkles"Nia smirked
"Yes it does"Nyomi said.
"Then yeah. I'll get this weekend"Nia kissed her forehead.
"Nia Nicole"I said.
"Tremaine Aldon"She snapped back.
"I just told her no"I said.
"Come on baby. She's 4"She said.
"Exactly she's too young. I don't want my baby on instachat and snapgram"I said.
"Just get her iPad mini and put passwords on it. So she'll need our permission for every app she wants"Nia said.
I though to myself.
"You smart. But okay"I shrugged
Nia pecked my lips which turned into a full make up. She smirked and walked away. My phone rung. It was Callie.
T: Hello
T: Who are you talking to
T: Like right now
T: Aight I'm coming
I hung up. I ran to get my keys and wallet and phone. I pushed past Nia.
"BOY WHAT THE HELL"She yelled.
"Sorry baby. Callie in labor"I rushed.
"Well go"She said.
I ran and drove to the hospital.
"Is there a Callie Taylor here"I rushed
"Ummm yeah room 354"The lady said.
I went to the room. Her and her boyfriend was there.
"Hey August"He said.
"Wassup"I dapped him.
Hours later she gave birth to my son. She named him Cameron Jaron Smith Jr. That's not her boyfriend name. Who is That? A guy ran in.
"Sorry I'm late Callie. Is he here yet"He said.
"It's okay and yes, he's here"She said.
Nia and Nyomi rushed in the room.
"Hey baby. Is he here yet"She kissing my lips.
"Hey and yeah"I said.
"He's right here"Callie said.
Nia walked over. She studied the baby.  She studied me then back to the baby. She chuckled. She walked over to me.
"Lemme talk to you right quick"She said with smile.
I nodded and stepped outside the room.
"That's not yours"She said.
"What the fuck, Nia. That is my baby. That's my seed. That's my son"I fussed quietly.
"Mhm k"She smirked.
She stormed back in the room. Delusional ass.
"You gonna tell him, Callie or I am"The guy said.
"I will"She mumbled.
"Tell me what"I asked.
"You're not the father of Cameron....He is"She said.
I was heartbroken. She played me. For 9 Months.
"Trey"Nia said dryly.
"What Nia"I asked.
"So when do you want me to whoop her ass"She asked.
"Wait til she healed"I said.
Nia stormed up to her and slapped the hell out of her.
"Wait til these 6 weeks over. It's gon me and you sweetheart. You gon learn to not fuck with my family"She said.
"Bitch please"Callie spat.
Nia slapped her again.
"Remember this, hoe. I don't give a single damn bout your spitting. I wanna see what yo hands do. So wassup biatchhhh"She said hyping up.
I had to grab this girl. She wiggled and kicked. I still manage to drag her out. I walked her to her car.
"Nia, you can't do that kind of stuff. Especially in a damn hospital"I fussed.
She smacked her teeth.
"Okay whatever. Nyomi, you going with daddy"She asked.
"Yes ma'am"Nya answered.
I nodded. She got in her car and sped off. Me and Nyomi went to my car and went home. We got there but Nia wasn't there. I FaceTimed her.
N: Hey bae
T: Wassup. Where you at
N: Your house
T: Why
N: Nothing really
T: You rarely go to my house tho
N: I'm just using your gym
T: Oh okay
N: I'll be home in another 1 or so
T: Okay
N: Bye baby I love you
T: I love you more
She smiled then hung up. I drove over to my house. Nyomi ran up to her room. I went in the gym. Nia was lifting weights.
"Baby"I said.
She jumped a little.
"Trey...don't do that. You was finna give me a heart attack"She said quickly.
I laughed.
"Sorry"I chuckled.
She put her headphones on and continued her workout. I left out the room. Callie texted me.
"Trey, I'm sorry. I can make it up to you. Meet me at my house at 8 Tommorow👅💦"
I smirked.
"Alright. See you then😋"
"Okay Zaddyy😍"
I laughed. I showed the texts to Nia. She slapped me and nodded.
The next day...
"Hey baby"Nia said cheesing
"What you so happy for"I chuckled.
"I finally get to do I've been waiting to do"She said.
8pm at Callie's house.
Callie pov
Before we get into that, Imma introduce myself. I'm Callie Lashay Taylor. I'm 20 years old. Yes, I was a stripper. Now I'm living...well living off of Trey. I have a handsome baby boy named after his daddy. Cameron😍. Some may say that I was wrong to do Trey like that but hey I don't see it.
It's 8 o'clock. Cameron starting crying.  I laid him down for a nap. There was a knock at the door. I did my happy dance and opened the door.
"Hey daddyyy"I said smoothly.
"HEY BITCH"Nia said poping up.
She begin to fight me. I fought back of course. She stopped.
"This hoe busted my lip"She said.
She started back fighting me but harder. She really whooped my ass.

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