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Trey pov
I sped to Callie's house. She opened with a smile that quickly faded.
"Hey"She said softly.
"Hey nothing...because of you, my baby left me"I fussed.
"I didn't know you were with somebody....you can't be mad at me because you weren't loyal. You played both of us"She argued.
"You pregnant"I asked.
"Yes"Callie mumbled.
"Am I the father"I asked.
"...yeah"She said.
I shook my head and left. I called Mia phone.
Mia: Hello
Trey: Wassup Mia
M: Why you always mess stuff up?
T: It was mistake
M: Thinking you cared for my bestfriend was too
T: I didnt mean to
M: You know that girl has been through enough and you do this. You're one of the few people she trusted.
T: I know
M: No you don't.
T: Yes I do and Imma get her back
M: I don't want you near her. You've did enough to her and I'm sick of seeing her cry.
T: Stop me then
She hung up. I just sat in my cat thinking. I texted her
Me : I'm sorry and I need you
Nia💕🔥😍: Oh okay...
Me: I'm serious
Nia💕🔥😍: Mhm.
Me: Nia.
Nia💕🔥😍: Yes?
Me: Nevermind I'll be over to see Nia in a while.
She left me on read. I drove to my house to take a nap.
Nia pov
I did a video with Nya. She did my makeup and I did hers. It was fun. She watched tv while I edited then posted.
"Mommy are you finish"She asked.
"Just did...what ya wanna do now"I sighed.
"I want daddy"She whined.
"He's coming to see you later"I said.
"Why can't he just stay here like He usually does"She cried.
I wiped her tears.
"He...found new love and I made him leave"I said holding my tears.
"He's sorry"She said.
"You can't speak for him Nyomi...I need time away from him okay and that's more time with you"I said giving her a light smile.
She stayed frowning.
"Can I get a pretty smile from my pretty girl...pretty please with sprinkles on top"I smiled.
She smiled. I tickled her and she wiggle and laughed. The doorbell rung and I answered. It was Trey.
"Nyomi your daddy here"I called.
She ran to the door and jumped on him. I went upstairs and did some laundry. I know. 'You're avoiding him' Not really. Nya ran to me.
"Mommy come downstairs with us please"She squeeled.
"No baby I'm fine"I shook my head.
"Mommy please"She whined.
I sighed and followed her.
Trey pov
I watched as Nya practically dragged Nia down the stairs. Nia plopped on the other couch. She constantly looked at her phone.
"Mommy and daddy"Nya snapped.
Nia looked up at Nyomi.
"Mommy, you tell me that I should always forgive so you should forgive daddy. Daddy, you were wrong so say sorry and get my mommy a snowball"She said.
Nia looked back at her phone.
"Nia"I said.
She looked at me like why are you talking to me.
"I'm sorry....I was very wrong to do you like that and I want you to forgive me"I said.
"I forgive you"She sighed.
Nyomi clapped and danced.
"I can't be with you though...I'm scared I'll get hurt again"She mumbled.
"I promise I can change"I said.
"You said that last time but you have child on the way and I feel you should be with her"She said.
I looked down and told her I understand. I kissed Nya goodbye and told her I love her and left.
Nia pov
Tiana is watching Nyomi tonight because the girls wanted to take me out. You know I was down. I got dressed in a burnt orange body suit that Saiyr bought me. I curled my hair. Nyomi is staying with Aug since she wanted to play with his nieces. I pulled up and went in. I invited Nadia since the girls wanted meet her.
"Nia...over here"They yelled.
I chuckled and walked over.
"You looking fine"Tamia squeeled.
I smiled and swirled. Nadia showed up. She looked around then her eyes landed on me. She rushed over us.
"Wassup sis"She said hugging me
"Heyyy"I said.
"Hey I'm Nadia"She waved at the girls.
"Sup I'm Kayla. This is Tamia and that's Saiyr"Kay said.
We had a couple of drinks but I'm still sober tho. Mia pulled on my shoulder. That hurt.
"What bitch"I asked.
"Look"She sighed.
I see Trey, Breezy, Mo, Aug, and another guy. My mouth dropped. I don't care that Trey here. Where is my child if Aug is here?! I charged over in Aug face.
"She at my sister house...chill NiNi"He said before I could say anything.
I looked at him for a minute.
"I should punch you for not telling me but okay"I sighed.
He laughed. The unknown guy rushed beside August.
"Aye wassup shawty"He said licking his lips.
"Nigga get off my lil sister"Aug groaned pushing him away but he won't budge.
I laughed.
"I'm Tyga but you can call me Ty"He said.
"I'm Nia"I said.
"Man come on leave her alone"Chris said.
"Don't y'all see a nigga trying to chill with shorty"Ty said.
"Man whatever"Trey groaned.
Aug grabbed my arm and pulled to the bathroom hallway
"August why y'all doing that"I semi yelled.
He looked at me surprised. I never yelled at Aug, Breezy or Mo. I never yelled at Trey until we dated.
"If ya don't lower yo damn tone. Talking to me like that. We trying to protect you. That nigga Ty been trying to hit it with you"Aug argued.
"Okay and"I said.
"He a fuck and duck with you"Aug sighed.
"Oh"I said.
"Don't leave with him and don't get no drinks with him. Understand"Aug said sternly.
"Yeah"I rolled my eyes.
He pulled me in a hug. I smiled and walked back to the girls. Dia cheesing like a bitch over here😂.
"What's wrong wit You"I laughed.
"Just know I gotta ride tonighttt"She sung.
"Dia"I sighed.
She walked off. Tf. I didnt really feel like dancing tonight. I sat down at the bar. Trey stared at me from across the room. I just starting reading comments under my video. Trey made his over.
"Hey"He said.
"Hi"I said.
"You good"He asked.
"Yeah just bored I guess"I shrugged.
"I'm sorry for cheating on you Nia...Im truly am. I've realize you're the unique gem I need please"Trey pleaded.
"Trey, you really hurt me tho the she's having a baby. It's not mine it's y'alls"I said.
"Nia baby, No words how sorry I am or how much I want that baby to ours"He said.
"But...I don't know"I said.
"I do"He shrugged.
I looked at him. He smashing his lips into mine. We made out.
"Please Ni"He said.
"...Fine but we're taking it slow"I said.
He pulled me into a kiss then hug. I took in his scent. It's my favorite.
"I'm finna leave. See you later"I said.
"Aight imma swing by to make sure you good"He said.
I nodded and left. I drove home. Nyomi is staying with Aug sister. I got undressed and slipped my bed. About 15 minutes, there was banging at the door. I stumbled downstairs. I went to my security room and it was Trey and the other boys (I don't asked who is it or look in the door cuz people crazy at night). I opened the door they busted in here.
"Damn y'all busting in here like y'all own stuff"I sighed.
They laughed. They sat on the couch. I got a bottle of water. I sat down and was finna open it.
"I want some"Trey smirked.
"Yeah me too"Breezy said.
"Get me one while ya at it"Aug sighed.
I looked at them and rolled my eyes. I got them all some water.

"Where's your friend, Ty"I asked.
"That's Chris friend"Aug said.
"Man we just in the studio and he wanted to go. I didn't know he gon checking Ni Ni out"Breezy said.
I laughed.

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