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Trey pov
I woke up in Breezy crib. I walked downstairs as he was watching tv.
"You couldn't cook for a nigga"I asked.
"I thought you wouldn't have an appetite"He said dryly.
"What's wrong wit you"I asked sitting on the couch.
"Nah the question what the fuck is wrong with you, Tremaine"He asked angrily.
"Nigga chill out"I sighed.
He turned the tv off. He looked at me then chuckled. I scrunched my face.
"Man...the thought that she gave you her heart...NIA GAVE YOU HER HEART...and you broke it"He yelled in my face.
"Nia...shes fine"I shrugged.
"Trey, You fucked up"Chris said.
"How"I asked.
"You and a lil shawty hit it off last so you need to tell Ni Ni today before I do"He said.
I ran out and sped to her house. I took her emergency key and went in. She was sitting on the couch with her laptop.
"Hey baby"She squeeled getting up to kiss me.
"Hey"I sighed.
She focused on her laptop.
"Whatchu doing"I asked sitting on the other couch cause I know she finna hit me.
"Editing my intro"She said.
It went silent.
"Aye I need to tell you something"I took a deep sigh.
"Shoot"She said putting her laptop down.
"Umm last night...well this morning I was informed that..."I paused.
"That what"She asked.
"I cheated on you"I said quick and mumbling.
"Wait Trey I can't hear...speak up"She said.
"Nia, I'm sorry...so sorry but I cheated on you BUT it was on accident because I was drunk"I said.
She looked down and tears formed in her eyes.
"Ni Ni say something baby"I said.
"FUCK YOU TREY...I let you go and you do me dirty what the fuck is that....I wanna know...who was the hoe"She screamed.
"Just a stripper...it didnt shit to me"I said.
Nia pov
I looked at him. Is he stupid? I blacked out. Next thing I know I'm beating the shit out of him.
"Aye keep you hands off me"Trey yelled in my face.
"Or what Tremaine"I yelled back.
"You do too damn much"He groaned.
I walked in the grabbing a large hammer. I walked past him and went outside. I threw the hammer through his windshield.
"That's shit you deserve"I yelled.
"I knew I wouldn't never fucked wit ya dumb ass...fucking hoe"Trey said.
I ran in my kitchen and grabbed my knife. He is really trying to die.
"Repeat that"I said.
"Man...we're done...i don't nothing else to do wit you"He groaned.
I don't know how but he left. My phone went off. He tweeted 'I've realized that if a bitch wanted to be with you. She wouldn't stab you in the back. She would be disappointed but not lige threatening😔SMH😪'. Awww he thinks I care about his depression. How cute. I finished editing, dropped Nyomi off at Tiana house and went to work.
"Aye why didn't me my favorite couple broke up"Daija, my hair stylist, asked.
"How did you find out"I asked.
"Oh he went on some interview thing going off about it and how you gon smash the niggas car Ni Ni"She chuckled.
I shrugged. My phone rang.
"Hi this is Tamara Goodwin and I wanted know if you wanted to do a interview tommorow at 10"Tamara asked.
"Gladly"I said dryly.
"K see ya there"She said hanging up.
"Are you going to watch the interview"Daija asked.
"Nah...most likely he saying stuff that's irrevelent"I shrugged.
"Girl watch it...now"she sigh.
I laughed and search for it. I found and began to watch.
"What happened between you and Nia Wilson"The person asked
"Aight so I got drunk...and made a mistake. Me being honest...I told her and apologized for it. Then this biych went crazy"Trey said.
"What did she do"The person asked.
"Smashed up my car and hit me like I'm a damn dog"He fussed.
"Are you pressing charges"the person asked.
"Nah...her dumb ass too broke for that"He shrugged.
"Well there you have it folks...background of Trey Songz and Nia Wilson breakup"The person said.
The interview ended. I laughed so hard.
I got dressed and took a pic and posted it and 'My time to express my emotions towards bullshit😂❤ Thanksss😘' as the caption. MM^^ I looked cruteee❤. I dropped Nya off. I drove to the location. I was about to park until a lady ran in front of me. She tapped on the window for me to roll it down.
"Is there a reason why you're trying to get hit"I asked.
"Umm are you...Ms. Nia Wilson"She asked trying to catch her breathe.
"Yeah"I shrugged.
"Okay you can park and meet me rightttt...there"She said with a smile.
I nodded. I park and met her.
"Okay so our show has rules. Please try to be respectful to Ms. Tamara. Please Do not talk loud. Not chewing gum. Be honest but respectful. And try not to cough or sneeze as much. Yes, cursing is allowed but don't over do it"She explained.
"Okay"I said.
She showed me to my sit and gave me coffee. Ms. Tamara came in.
"Good morning Ms. Nia how are you"She asked.
"I'm great"I said.
"Okay let's start shall we"She said.
I nodded.
"Okay so I'm sure you have seen Trey's interview, how did you react"She asked.
"I was surprised at how quick He turned on me but it didn't shock me for him to get out of character"I said calmly.
"Right so he said that he wasn't pressing charges because you had little money. Is that correct"She asked.
"Absolutely not. I work as a YouTuber and make 1000 dollars for every video I make and I am a model. He shouldn't came me at that part"I said.
"Why do you think he said that"She asked.
"I guess he's refering to when I had to stay with him for a month or so"I shrugged.
"why"She asked.
"I was running away from an abusive relationship and he OFFERED for me to stay"I said.
"Oh and you have a daughter. Is he her father figure"Tamara asked.
"Yeah. He treats her better than her actual father. I give him that credit"I answered.
"What are your feeling about him for yourself"She asked.
They didn't him all these damn questions.
"I have no hatred towards Tremaine. Why should I? He helped when nobody else did so I couldn't turn on him now. What happened...happened for a reason. I hope he's happy eith himself. I still love him. I just didn't love the fact that he hurt me"I said.
"Well anything else you would like to say"she asked.
"Yes. Trey, you refer to me. Say Nia Nicole Wilson. All that bitch, hoe, dumb ass and other shit ain't called for. Call me what my mother named me. It's Nia so respect that"I snapped
"Finished"She asked.
"Yes ma'am"I sighed.
She closed.

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