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Trey pov
Me and the boys chilling in the trap.
"Trey that's fucked up"Breezy sighed sitting down on the stool.
"What is"I asked.
"Have you seen Ni Ni interview"Aug asked.
"She did a interview"I asked.
"Yeah nigga"He nodded.
"I know she was talking shit so why would I"I shrugged.
"Actually she was very respectful. She didn't really any thing bad bout you. She just told to stop calling her a hoe and stuff"Chris said.
"Yeah...it surprised me though. Nia usually stab people who do her wrong"Aug sighed.
What the fuck. I decided to watch it myself. I watched her interview. Now I feel bad. I'm the one who fucked up not her. I completely bashed on Nia. I'm so fucking dumb sometimes.
"Hey Breezy...hey Mo...hey Aug....hey Trey"Now said coming in.
"Aye wassup Ni Ni"Breezy asked.
"Nothing much"She shrugged.
She went up to her office.
"Should I go apologize"I asked Chris.
"Duh...you did her dirty"He said.
I nodded and walked up to her office on her door.
"Who is it"She asked
"Its Trey"I said dryly.
She took a deep sigh and told me to come in. She sat back down and crossed her arms.
"Ni Ni"I sighed.
"Its Nia...but thanks for not calling me a bitch or something else"She corrected.
"I wanna apologize for all I did and said...I cheated not you"I said.
"Trey, you hurt me. Then talked about me like a dog. Did you mean those things"She asked me.
"Of course not"I said.
"Then why did you say...in front the whole world"She said with her eyes watering.
"Nia I swear I didn't mean to...I just blacked out aight"I sighed.
She stood up and turned around to wipe her tears away.
"I'm sorry for hitting you and smashing your car....you made it seem like I'm some hoe without a job KNOWING DAMN WELL I DO. I WORK EVERYDAY FUCKING DAY IN MY LIFE AND YOU WANNA BASH ME"She screamed with tears flowing down her face.
I couldn't say nothing.
"Y'know...thats not even the reason why I'm mad...I felt you're always gonna hurt me"She confessed.
"I'm never gonna hurt you"I said.
She shook her head and layed it on her desk. I walked over and hug her tight.  She tried to push me away but I stayed put. She cried in my chest.
"Want me to take you home"I asked.
"No. I got it"She said wiping her tears.
"Its not safe Nia...lemme just take you home please"I said.
She finally nodded. We walked downstairs. Mia turned around from talking and looked at her. She quickly rushed over. She wiped her remaining tears and hugged her.
"Its okay boo"She said rubbing her back.
She glanced and made the meanest face.
"Can I speak to you for a moment...Nia baby we'll be back in a few boo"She told Ni.
She pulled to a corner and slapped the shit outta me.
"Trey, Imma say this and you think bout it...Nia issa tough cookie with a soft heart. This better be the last time I see my sistah cry over your bullshit...if you want to be her, show her that and bashing her ain't it"She said.
"What do I do"I asked.
"Uhh...stay with her. Hug her and tell her how much you love her everyday. Snacks and movies. She will try to push you away but stay put"Tamia said.
Okay. I gotta do this. Me And Nia went to my car.
"Aye I love you"I sighed.
"Drive"She said dryly not looking at me.
I sighed and drove to her house. I walked in and sat on the couch. She looked at me then went upstairs. I went to sleep.
Nia pov
Why is he here? This nigga went to sleeping on my couch.
"Trey...Trey...get up"I said shaking him.
"mmm"he mumbled.
"I don't like folks sleeping on my couch...you know that"I said.
"I can sleep with you"He asked
I took a deep sigh.
"Whatever"I mumbled.
He picked me up in bridal style to my room. He laid down. I sat next to him. He kissed my temple and went to sleep. I made sure Nya was still napping before I went to sleep also.
3 hours later...
Trey pov
I woke up with Nia laying on my chest. She looked so peaceful. I admired her beauty. I decided I can go get her a few snacks with a snowball. I slid from under her and went to her bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my keys and wallet.
"Where ya going"She asked in her raspy voice.
"To handle some things with my girl"I said.
She instantly frowned.
"K"She said laying back down.
I kissed her forehead.
"Tell your girl...I said hey"She mumbled.
I chuckled. I walked to Nya to check on her. That's is my big baby. She sat on her bed watching Moana with her hair...everywhere.
"Nyomi"I said.
She looked at me and smiled.
"Heyyy T"She cheered.
"Aye I'm finna go get Mommy some snacks, you wanna go"I whispered.
She nodded. I put her in some joggers and a red shirt I found with some black jordans. I can't do hair. She pulled it in a messy bun.
"That'll do"I shrugged.
We sped out.
We walked in the tv. Nia sat on the couch. She looked bothered.
"Mommy, we got you some snacks and a snowball"Nyomi said handing her snowball.
"Thank you but you can put them up for now...I gotta talk to T bout something"Nia sighed.
Nya nodded and walked away. I sat next to her. She fear in her eyes.
"Trey...I finally want to tell you but please don't get mad"She sighed.
"Go"I shrugged.
"So you know...Corry used to beat and...rape me"She said.
I nodded.
"Well he had a reason"She said.
"Nia, we're trying to move forward"I said grabbing her hand.
"He did it because Nyomi isn't his....she's yours"She mumbled.
"Nya is mine"I asked her.
She nodded quickly.
"And when were you going to tell me"I asked her.
"I don't know...Corry didn't want m3 to tell you and that's would have added to the harm"She sighed.
"Nia,  I don't care bout that stuff wit Corry....I ain't scared"I snapped.
"Of course you don't care...he didn't never put his hands on you. I had to protect myself and Nya. I'm sorry for not finding the right time to tell you"She said looking down messing with her nails.
I took deep sigh and pulled her to my lap.
"I guess I understand you...in return I need for you to do a favor for me"I said.
"What is it"She asked raising her eyebrows.
"Be mines again"I said.
She looked down and sighed. She glanced at me and nodded.
"I'm trusting you to not hurt me again. Don't fuck up"She said getting off my lap.
"I love you"I said
"Make me believe that"Nia said.

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