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Trey pov
I groaned as I woke up. I stayed up most of night cleaning up my home and talking to Nia on the phone. I stumbled over my house. I watched my family laugh and talk to each other.
"Good morning y'all"I sighed.
"Good morning Trey"They said.0
"So that...girl is really your fiance"Erica asked with scrunching up her face.
"Yeah"I sighed.
"But y'all ain't even dating. Y'all broke up for good remember"She asked
"I know"I said.
"Erica shut the hell up"Leon said.
"Really Le"She yelled.
"Yes really you've been messing wit Nia since she got here"Tiffany shouted over her standing up.
Erica spat on her.
"Fuck you. Fuck all of y'all. Tif we know that you just here for the money"She said walking upstairs.
Tiffany ran and grabbed her hair and just throwing straight up licks. Leon and Adrian broke them up.
"I hate yo dumb ass"Erica screamed.
"I don't even care"Tif shrugged.
"AYE ALL OF Y'ALL SIT DOWN"My mama said.
"But mama"Adrian started.
"Adrian, Erica, Tiffany, Leon and Tremaine sit y'all ass down now"She scoffed.
We all sat down.
"Y'all are sisters and brothers act like it. And Erica, I took you in for a reason. My kids are doing great in their lives and Imma need for you to stay in your place"Mama said.
"Man whatever"Erica scoffed
"Ok let's get disrespectful then. Leave MY blood kids alone or that lil fight gotta be way bigger next time"Ma shouted
Erica nodded.
"Y'all dismissed"She said.
We all walked upstairs.
"Well damn"Adrian shrugged.
Erica slammed her guest room door and cried.
"Aye bitch don't slam my shit ever again in yo life"I said.
She screamed. We all laughed.
"TREMAINE"Nia yelled from downstairs.
"Huh..hey baby"I greeted.
"Who you yelling at"she asked looking at Leon and Tiffany.
"It's Erica"I sighed
"I wanna whoop her ass from yesterday"Nia rolled her eyes.
"Nah Tiffany beat ya to it"Adrian chuckled.
"She didn't whoop my ass"Erica shouted
"Mhm whatever hoe"Tif rolled her eyes.
We all laughed.
"Well Trey I'm dropping Nya off"Nia said.
"Wait why"I asked.
"Cuz I can. Now bye"She smacked her teeth.
Nia pov
I rushed out of Treys house. I jumped in my car. I sped over to Kayla house. I'm meeting with girls to talk about my engagement. They left so early that they didn't know. I got out and knocked on the door.
"WHO IS IT"She yelled.
"Bad bitch wit a fine body"I answered.
She laughed and opened the door.
"Hey girl what's up wit chu"Kayla greeted smiling.
"I got some news for y'all" I smiled sitting down
"What bitch"Mia asked smacking her gum.
"I'm getting married"I said.
"You lying ass bitch"Mia sat up.
"I'm not lying"I chuckled.
"where the ring"Kayla asked
I held it up. Saiyr looked at it closely.
"Oh bitch he spent money money"She gasped.
I laughed.
"Congrats boo"Mia smiled.
"Thank you"I said.
We all group hugged
"So somebody finally became crazy enough to marry one of us"Saiyr said.
"Righttt"Kayla agreed.

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