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Nadia pov
I knocked at Nia door. She opened with a smile.
"Hey sis what bring you by"She asked letting me in.
"Nothing just checking on ya"I said.
I sat on the couch. Trey came out the kitchen
"Sup Tremaine"I chuckled.
"Nadia"He said.
"Sis your belly is growing"Nia said.
"I know and I hate it"I whined.
She laughed.
"I know how you feel. Nya was huge. I though I was having twins"She said.
Trey rolled his eyes. Nia shot him a look.
"Have you talked to Nick"she asked.
"Umm nah. He doesn't talk to me at all. I texted him about my pregnancy and this nigga gon say k"I said.
"Well he moved when I was having a baby so you're lucky"she sighed.
"You know our birth associates are having a dinner for us on Saturday"I said.
"Yeah"She sighed.
Trey phone went off and he looked at it.
"Baby Callie ain't feeling good. I gotta check on her"He said getting up.
"Go"Nia said dryly.
He jogged out.
"He always has to check on her. She always not feeling good"Nia mumbled.
"Sis it's okay"I said.
"Fine it's whatever"She shrugged.
After a while I left.
Nia pov
Trey came in after 2 hours. He handed me some Wendy's.
"How was California"I mumbled.
"Her name is Callie"He corrected me.
I smacked my teeth.
"You need to stop acting like that. Treat her with respect. It's not hard"Trey fussed.
"Are you stupid? Trey, it bothers me to know that you have a baby by another girl. But I need to stop acting. Nah I'm expressing how I feel"I argued.
"I love you and that's all that matter. What you made for"He asked.
"You have another family, Tremaine. You're going on tour later. It always gonna be Callie and the baby or music. WHAT ABOUT ME AND NYA? HUH"I semi yelled.
"I am not going to forget you or Nya. Yes, the baby is going to need my attention"He said.
"Whatever"I said walking away.
I stormed upstairs. I curled up in my bed and cried. It's not fair. What did I ever Do? He held me in his arms. I fell asleep.
The next morning...
I woke up. I went to bathroom. My face is dried from crying so much. I did my hygiene stuff. I sat in bed. I need to get my thoughts together. Trey woke up.
"You Okay"He asked.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Aye you're gonna fine baby I love you"He said.
"Love you too"I mumbled.
He nodded and laid back down. I got back up and slipped on black joggers and a crop top with some black Jordan's. I grabbed my purse and phone and  keys and left. I went to the park.
"Well well well if it isn't the main chick"Callie sighed.
"It's Nia. Wassup California"I said.
"Look I don't want to make trouble. I want to be on good terms"She said.
"I can do that"I sighed.
"Okay but why you out here. Something bothering you"She asked.
"Yeah"I said.
"What is it"She asked.
"You and this baby. It's like he has another family that's important. Once the baby is here, what happens to me and my daughter"I confessed.
"I'm sorry that you feel that way, Nia. I promise I won't try to hurt your family"Callie told me.
"Okay"I said.
"This is strictly for the baby. He can pick he or she up or you can too"She assured.
I looked at her. I laughed.
"Why are you being nice to me"I asked.
"Cause that would be confusing. We hate each other. Trey stuck in the middle"She shrugged.
"You right"I sighed.
We talked about random stuff then I left. I walked in the house.
"Hey mommy"Nya cheered
"Hey babycakes"I smiled.
She hugged my leg. I kissed her cheeks.
"Daddy made breakfest for us"She said.
"Okay you ahead and eat. I'll be right back"I said.
She nodded and ran off. I jogged upstairs. I walked in my room door and bumped into Trey.
"Hey"I said.
"I need to talk to you at breakfast...please"He mumbled.
I nodded slowly. I slipped my shoes off. I went downstairs and washed my hands.
"Did you wash ya hands, Nyomi"I asked.
"Yes ma'am"She said eating her bacon.
I fixed my plate and sat down.
"You wanted to talk to me"I said.
"Yeah so bout what ya said last night"He said.
"Trey, I'm over it"I sighed
"You sure"He asked.
"Yes as long as she plays nice"I said.
"Plays nice. What's that"he asked.
"She won't ...that She won't hurt my family"I said with my voice cracking.
He finally looked at me with sympathy. He began to eat and I did the same.
"Mommy, that lady can't take me away from you"Nyomi said
"I know baby. I won't let her"I said
"Aye where did you go"Trey asked.
"Uhhh the cafe"I said.
He nodded. I think me and Callie conversation should in between us.

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