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Month Later....
Nia pov
It's been a month or so since me and Trey has talked. He had to go on tour about 2 weeks ago. Anyway I'm sleep since I stayed up editing a video last night so I could post it. My phone started ringing but I just ignored. It kept going off. Nyomi ran in my room.
"Mommy, daddy's calling"She squeeled.
I answered.
"Wassup goregous"Trey smiled through my FaceTime.
"Hey daddy"Nya cheered.
"Hey baby"I sighed.
"Daddy, me and mommy miss you...when ya coming back"Nya asked.
"In about another 2 weeks"he told her.
"But you're gonna miss my birthday in 3 days...I'm turning 5"She said sadly.
""I know baby girl but imma make sure you have the best birthday even if I'm not there"He assured.
"Okay"She said with a frown.
She got up and left my room.
"She'll be fine baby"I said.
"What are you doing for her birthday"He asked.
"Uhhh just a small party"I shrugged.
"Small? Hell nah. I want it big...huge. My babygirl is turning 5"He fussed.
"Okay baby...I'll handle it just on your music"I said.
"Nope"He said popping the p.
I took a deep sigh.
"Aye imma send a crew down there...just let them do their magic"Trey said.
"Fine whatever"I said.
"I gotta talk to you later...I love you"He said.
"Love you more"I smirked.
He hung up. Great.
3 days later (Saturday)...
It's Nya birthday. Trey FaceTimed me.
"Lemme talk to Nya"He said.
"Hello to you too"I giggled.
"Hey baby"He chuckled.
"Nya...ya daddy on the phone"I called.
"I don't wanna talk to him"She said.
"She doesn't wanna talk to you"I sighed.
"Well tell her I love her and happy birthday and give her a kiss for me aight"Trey said sad.
"Awww baby don't be sad...she just doesn't understand after she sees all the decorations...she'll forget it"I said.
"Yeah I guess"He shrugged.
"Where are you...thats a plane"I asked.
"Yeah I'm heading to New York"He said.
"Oh well be safe baby I love you"I said.
"Love ya too"He said.
I hung up. I went to Nya room and tickled.
"Daddy said happy birthday and he loves you and..."I said pecking her cheek.
She smiled.
"Lets get started"I sighed.
Me and Nyomi got dressed. She has a princess dress and I have on a white romper with a trail on the back. mm^^^ I drove to Trey's house since he wanted it there. A lot of guests were already there.
"Introducing the birthday girl....PRINCESS NYOMI"DJ yelled causing everybody to scream.
I walked Nya in. She smiled. The scenery so goregous. Nya ran off with her friends. I stood and took the decorations and my baby is really growing up.
"Its beautiful isn't it"A person asked.
I didn't even turn their way.
"It is"I sighed.
The person tapped my shoulder so I turned their way.
"TREY"I yelled jumping in his arms.
He held me close and tight.
"DADDDYYY"Nay cheered.
He put me down and crossed his arms.
"I don't wanna talk to you"He said mocking Nya.
"I'm sorry daddy"Nay said.
"I know babygirl"He said picking her up and swirling her around.
"Go have fun wit ya friends baby"I told her.
She ran off. I looked at Trey.
"You know I hate you right"I asked.
"Mhmm"He said before smashing his lips into mine.
It getting heated so I pulled away. I started cheesing. Trey looked one direction for a minute. I turned around the whole gang came in.
"Hey what all y'all doing here"I asked shocked.
"Girl, we weren't missing my god daughter's birthday"Saiyr said.
"Mommy, I wanna open my gifts"Nya whined.
I nodded. We sat her in her special seat and let her open gifts. Mia got her a mini black Lamborghini. Kayla got her a snowball machine with her favorite syrup. Kristiana got her a bike and Saiyr got her some Jordan sets. I already got her gift which was getting her room redone and of course life. Trey got her a puppy and they named it Nyla. My little baby is 5.
3 Months Later...
Trey pov
I woke with hair all in my face.
"Nia..move yo hair"I groaned.
She sighed and turned over and went back into her sleep. I got up and my personal routine. I went downstairs and watched tv and went on my social media. Nia stumbled downstairs.
"Morning"I said.
She smiled.
"Good morning"She said.
I walked over pecked her lips. She plopped on the couch and I sat next to her as she tapped on her phone.
"Do you wanna build a coffin"I asked.
She smiled at her.
"Nia"I said sternly.
"Huh....sure Baby whateveryou want"She nodded.
"Let's go"I said.
"Wait where"She asked looking up from her phone.
"Mhmm"I mumbled taking her phone. 
I looked at it. 'Aye good morning🥀' 'Morning❤' 'When ya want me pick you up todat?' 'Umm...about 1' 'Aight bet👍🏾' 'Yeah😏'.
"Whose this"I said.
"My brother"She mumbled.
"You don't have a brother"I said.
"Yes I do...I have 2 siblings. I just don't know my sister"She argued.
"Oh okay"I mumbled.
"He's taking me to meet her...do you mind"She asked.
"Of course"I told her.
"K"She said standing up and going upstairs.
At 1 o'clock in the afternoon...
Nia pov
My brother drove up. He knocked at the door. I opened it. I haven't seen my brother in 2 years. He left after I started dating Corry and joined the gang. He smiled bright at me
"Wassup NiNi"He said.
"Hey Nick"I hugged him.
Nick is my older brother. I'm youngest out of three. He's 25.
"Have you talked to mama and them"He asked plopping on the couch.
"Nah they stopped speaking to me after you left. They said it was all my fault you left"I said.
"Oh I'm sorry bout that"He sighed.
"Oh it doesn't matter...if they can disown me for struggling, fuck them. I don't need them."I shrugged.
"Those are still ya parents"He said.
"Nah...parents love and support their kids. I didn't feel that"I said.
"I understand....I told them that I was coming to see you"He sighed.
"What did they say"I asked
"They begged to see you and your daughter...they miss you Nia"Nick said.
"Mhmm they said the same thing when they kicked me out"I mumbled.
"Just talk to them and if you wanna leave them we'll leave"He said.
I crossed my arms and sucked my teeth.
"Fine...whatever"I sighed.
He smiled bright. I introduced Trey and Nick to each other and it was all cool. First we went my birth associates house. Ugh. Nick knocked and a woman answered in a few minutes
"Hey baby...you and ya friend come on in"She said.
I sighed and went inside.
"Whats ya name sweetie"She asked.
"Nia Nicole Wilson"I said.
She stared at me for a moment then shook her head.
"Nia baby....I'm so sorry. I didn't attend to kick you out and say those hurtful things. I just.."She said.
"It's too late for that"I said.
"Nia, I know I haven't been a mother at all to you in the last few years but I can make it better"She told her
I felt a tear rush down my face.
"Why are you saying this now? You kicked ya daughter and grand daughter to the curb like we weren't shit and now you're just get up and make it better...news flash. it's not"I said.
"Can we just talk"A man said coming in.
I sat on the couch and crossed my legs as Nyomi sat next to me.
"Okay...Nia, you had a baby by an alcoholic. We were disappointed then you joined a gang. A gang. It made us worried and we felt like we wouldn't be safe over that"He said.
"First off I didn't have Nyomi by an alcoholic. I'm actually with her father and he is a perfect dad to her"I said.
"Corry? Nia face it. He's sick"The lady said.
"I'm not with Corry. I'm with Trey and he's the father"I said.
"Oh"She mumbled.
"I know. Y'all was trying to help me but disowning me wasn't it. I was homeless for while so I didn't have a choice. Hell it was either getting hit or  risking going to jail and losing my baby. Yeah I have my ass beat like a slave and all I could think is why did parents leave me? What could I do better"I fussed.
"Stop cussing in my house"The man demanded.
I don't give a fuck.
"Oh and I'm grown. Don't tell me what to do if you didn't even try to raise me. YOU GAVE UP ON ME. LEFT ME WITH NOBODY BUT MY DAUGHTER. But I shouldn't cuss. Damn right imma cuss. I have the right to. So Imma get the FUCK out and do what the FUCK I wanna do"I yelled.
They looked down.
"I'm not letting you speak to OUR parents like that"Nick shouted over me.
"Nick, seriously shut up. You shouldn't have shit to say. Those are yo parents not mine"I said.
"Let's leave"Noah said grabbing my arms.
I snatched it back.
"Nah. Birth associates it was terrible to see you. You should be a shame of what you've put me through. No food. Barely having clothes. Now I can say I made it without y'all."I said.
"We're sorry, Nia"The lady said.
I chuckled and held Nyomi hand and walked out. Nick came out a few minutes later and he slammed the car door and face me.
"Don't"I said wiping away my tears.
He sighed drove away. He finally drove to a small condo after a while. We got out and he knocked on the door. A girl who looked like me a little stood there.
"Hey how can I help you guys"She said with a smile.
"Umm I believe we're your brother and sister"Nick said.
"Nick and...come in"She mumbled quickly.
We went in and it was goregous inside. We sat on her couch. She sat in a chair. She took a deep sigh.
"Okay so y'all are Nick and.."She said.
"Nia"I said.
"Nia...I remember you"She stared me down.
"How did you not know me"I asked her.
"Well I'm Nadia first off and when I was 6, my father and birth mom thought I should live with my aunt. I haven't them in forever"She sighed.
"Oh"I said.
We told her everything that's happened. Mostly for me.
"Oh god. That's terrible, Nia"She gasped hugging me.
She put her number in my phone.
"We should bond. I know we just met but we're sisters"She said with smile.
I nodded. We left. I got a text from Nadia.
Nadia🙃🌸: Heyyy😊
Me: Wassup😏
Nadia🙃🌸: So Do you wanna go to the mall tommorow if you're not busy?
Me: Sure what time?!
Nadia🙃🌸: Umm. Is 12 okay?
Me: Yeah see ya then😄
Nadia🙃🌸: Okayyy😘
I can't believe I met my parents after years and met my lost sister. It's been a day. Nick took me and Nya home. Finally. We walked in the house. I walked around checking everything. I do that every time I come in this house. Trey jogged downstairs without a shirt.
"Hey baby"He said pecking my cheek.
"Hey what you doing"I asked sitting the stool by the island.
"Nothing really...went to the trap then studio then back here"He said.
"Oh okay"I nodded removing my shoes.
"How were your parent and them"He asked me.
"Uhh my birth associates are terrible to me. They kept apologizing but I snapped. They just dont understand"I said.
"Oh that's bad"He sighed.
"And my sister. Her name is Nadia and she's really nice and sweet. She like me a little. But she got moved to her aunts years ago so she didn't really about me"I said.
"Oh that's great baby"Trey said.
I looked at him and he was all in his phone.
"TREY are you listening to me"I asked.
"Huh yeah baby....look I gotta handle something real quick...I'll be right back love you baby"He said quick pecking my lips.
He jogged out. What the hell? I took Nyomi's bath and tucked her in for bed and read her a book. She fell asleep. I took a shower and got in bed. I Couldn't sleep though. I decided to watch tv downstairs and wait on Trey. It's 2 am. Trey came in the door and stared dead at me.
"Hey why you up"He asked sitting next to me.
"I couldn't sleep"I said.
"Oh I can help"He smirked.
I shook my head and stood up and went to my room and laid down.
"What you doing"He asked.
"Sleeping"I said dryly
He smacked his teeth and laid down behind me. He held my close and dozed off. I went to sleep after him.
Nia pov
Trey phone started ringing.
"Baby your phone is ringing"I sighed
He stayed silent. I groaned and answered it myself. It said 'Callie💦'.
Me: Hello
C: Hey daddy how are you
Me: And who the fuck is you
C: This is Callie...the girl from the club
Me: This his girlfriend so bitch why are you calling my man
C: Oh I didn't know...can you tell Trey I said call me back please
Me: Hell no...what y'all need to talk about
C: I think *Sigh* I'm pregnaut
Me: Don't call this damn phone no more
I hung up. I made me and Nya breakfast. He came stumbled downstairs.
"Morning baby"He said.
"Mhm"I mumbled.
"Where my food"He asked.
"Make it"I shrugged.
He smacked his teeth.
"What's yo problem"He asked.
"Not mine....your problem"I said.
"What are you talking bout"He asked.
"Just know that we're done and you and California have a child on the way congrats"I said.
He looked confused and realized.
"Look Nia I'm sorry it just happened and"Trey said.
"TREY, we're done...get out"I said calmly.
He nodded and went to pack his stuff. He finished and came downstairs with his stuff. Nyomi just stared.
"Daddy is gonna see you soon okay love you Nya"He said before kissing her cheek.
He looked at me. He pecked my lips.
"I'm sorry and I love you so much. Don't forget that"He whispered in my ear.
"Leave"I said.
He nodded and left.

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