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Trey pov
I watched Nia video on YouTube. I chill at my house all day. It's lonely but I'll be fine. Aug called and asked if I wanted to get something to eat with him, Breezy and Mo. Me and Chris argue when Nia name is brought up. I met them at the place. We ate and talked without arguing for once.
"So when Nadia having her baby"Aug asked.
"Man Ion know. It's gonna be soon tho. What Tyga doing"I said.
"Denying everything. The nigga swear he never mess with the girl"Chris said.
"Bro, he need to just step up before you know who kill em"Mo said.
We all nodded. We finished and went to the trap. All girls had boxes everywhere.
"Aye what's all of this"Aug asked.
"Nia"Saiyr said being interrupted.
"I'm stepping down"Nia said.
"Why"Aug asked.
"Because...I want to do something better for my life and for my child's life too. This is the next step. I hope you respect that"She said.
"Of course Ni Ni. Just don't forget a nigga aight"He smiled.
"Me too"Breezy butted in.
"Okay"She nodded.
1 week later...
Nia pov
Me and Nadia are the mall. Only for a little while tho.
"Wassup babygurl"This tall, chocolate man said.
"Hey"I smiled.
"Uh what's your name"He asked.
"I'm Nia"I answered.
"Oh..I'm Derek"He shook my hand.m
I nodded. We exchanged numbers and went our separate ways.
"He's cute"Nadia nodded.
"Yeah"I said.
"Want me to put ya on"She asked smiling.
"Dia..no. You know I ain't ready for all that"I side eyed her.
"Come on Ni Ni. Give him a chance"She begged.
"I'll see"I rolled my eyes.
After we left the mall, I took Nadia home then went to pick up Nyomi from Saiyr. Then we went home. Derek and I have been texting all day.
'Can I come over to see ya?😊' - Derek💙👀
'Sure I guess. 123 Savage Street'
'Bet.😉'- Derek💙👀
I laughed to myself. He arrived.
"Hey"I sighed.
"Wassup babygurl"He kissed my cheek.
I giggled.
"Mommy, whose this"Nyas asked.
"This is my friend, Mr. Derek"I said.
"Oh hi Mr. Derek. I'm Nyomi Rai Wilson-Neverson"She said.
Trey taught her that.
"Nice to meet you, Nyomi Rai Wilson"Derek smiled.
"Wilson-Neverson"She mumbled.
We chilled out for the rest of the day.
4 Months Later...
Me and Derek are dating now. Nadia had her baby. It's a girl named Tayla. She is so beautiful.
'I'm finna bring Nya'- Trey❤👍🏾
'Okay. See y'all then."
As for Trey, we decided to let everything go and just friends. Like we were years ago. We co-parent with Nyomi. He knows about Derek but he doesn't like him of course. He doesn't care about it either. They arrived.
"Hey Mommy"Nya cheered.
"Hey baby how was your time with daddy"I asked.
"It was fun. He took to the movies and bought me all the candy I wanted"She bragged.
I looked at Trey. He stared at Nyomi with big eyes.
"What did I tell ya bout all that sugar, Rai"I said.
"I drunk it down with water"She smiled.
I chuckled.
"Go unpack ya stuff with ya water filled cavities"I said.
She ran upstairs.
"Was she good"I asked Trey.
"Yeah. She got a smart mouth tho but we both know who she got it from"He chuckled.
"Shut up"I laughed.
"I gotta get going"He sighed.
"Okay"I nodded.
He pulled me in a bear hug.
"Bye Nia"He said giving my butt a squeeze.
Derek walked in the door.
"Uh bye Trey...be safe"I said.
He kissed my cheek and left.
"Ion like that nigga here"Derek fussed
"Well you just need to get used to him baby"I said.
"Nah he feeling on ya all the time. You smiling all up in his face. You still love him, don't you"He yelled.
"Yeah but only..."I said being interrupted by a slap in the face.
He grabbed my hair and dragged me everywhere punching me. Kicking me. Beating me.
"You not gonna make me look bad, Nia. Nah go and did ya self up. You look dumb"He yelled.
He left the house. Then I thought. Nyomi. Even though I was weak, I ran upstairs in her room and locked the door.
"Mommy, what happened to you"She asked.
"Don't worry bout it. I'm sending you back with your daddy okay. Please don't tell him about this"I said.
"I can't promise that"She said
"Nyomi. You will not tell your father"I said.
I texted Trey.
'Hey! Can you come get Nya? Something came up'
'Yeah omw"- Trey❤👍🏾
'She'll be on the porch waiting'
'Uh ok'- Trey❤👍🏾
Trey pov
Her lying ass. 'Something came up' my ass. I drove up and Nya was sitting on the porch waiting for me. I walked up.
"Hey daddy"She said.
"Hey babygurl. Where's ya mama"I asked.
She pointed to the door.
"But you can't go in there"She said.
"Whatever"I shrugged walking in.
I heard cries and whispers. I walked softly upstairs into Nias room. She was turned towards the headboard.
"Nia"I said.
"Trey Leave please"She said.
"Not until you show and tell me what's wrong with you"I said.
She turned around. Her face was bruised and beat up.
"I got my ass beat again...you happy"She said raising her voice.
"Huh...no. Why would I"I asked.
"This is wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have hurt Trey. Sometimes I hate you just for hating me"She fussed
"I don't hate you. I love you"I said.
She shook her head.
"You had love for me"She mumbled.
I took a deep sigh. I stared at her for moment. I took a pic of her and sent it to Aug and Chris.
"Who did this...that nigga Derek"I asked.
"Nah"She shook her head.
"Then who did Nia"I asked.
"I'm not telling and I'm asking you to leave"She said.
"NO I'm..."I said getting interrupted.
"LEAVE...LIKE RIGHT NOW. I WANT YOU TO LEAVE"She screamed standing up charging at me.
"Okay. I'll bring Nyomi back...Sunday"I sighed throwing my hands up.
Tears ran down her face.
"I wanna ask this one question. Will stay with him like you did with Corry"I asked.
"Ion know"She mumbled
"Come on Nia. Say it. Tell Me the damn truth"I fussed.
"I'm scared"She mumbled
Chris and Aug busted in the door.
"Lemme see yo face"Chris yelled.
"You told them"She fussed.
"He did. Now I said lemme see yo mothafucking face Nia"Chris yelled
"Stop yelling at me"She cried.
Chris touched her bruises.
"Ni Ni, you leaving him"Aug said.
"Who did it"Chris asked.
"I'm not telling"She mumbled
"Aight"Aug nodded.
"NYOMI"Chris said.
"Yes Uncle Breezy"She answered.
"Who did that to your mama"He asked.
"Uh...I don't know"She mumbled staring at Nia.
"Yeah you do. Spill and I'll buy ya a snowball"I said.
"Nyomi please"Nia pleaded.
Nya looked confused.
"Mr..Derek"She stuttered.
"So Derek did hit you, Nia"I turned to her.
"I'm stressed out. Just Leave. All of y'all. And take Nya with you"She said.
She glanced at me and hung her low.
"Goodbye Tremaine"She said.
I stormed out.

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