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Nia pov
Me, Tiffany, Nya, the girls are spending the day together since this is Tiffanys last day here. I looked in the mirror at my outfit. My yellow outfit is cute asf right now this. I took a couple of pics.
"Bae...baee"I whispered in Trey ear.
"What chu you want Nia"He groaned.
"Which one"I asked holding my phone.
He looked me like I was crazy.
"You done lost yo damn mind waking me up for this"He fussed
"Baby please"I said.
He rolled his eyes and picked one.
"Thank you baby"I smiled.
"Mhm ya welcome"He said laying back down.
"Come on Nya"I said.
"Can Nyla come"She asked with a frown
"No Nyla can stay here with daddy, ok"I said.
She nodded. I drove over to Treys house. We walked in. His mom met me at the door.
"Oh hey Ms. Neverson"I waved.
"Hey Nia baby come on in hea. Whats brings you by"She asked.
"Im just picking up Tif"I said.
She smiled.
"I hope yall have fun now"she said.
"Do you wanna go"I asked
I felt bad that I was leaving her here by herself.
"Oh no baby Im fine. The boys are here"She assured
I nodded. Tiffany came and we left to the mall to meet the girls. They were standing at the entrance.
"Bout time nigga"Kayla said.
I laughed.
"Aye watch yo mouth in front of Nya"I said.
They nodded.
"Anyway Girls this my future sister in law, Tiffany, and Tif, these are my sisters, Kayla, Saiyr, and Tamia" I introduced.
They all said their heys and wassups. We started shopping and everything. Tiffany fitted in with us perfectly.
"To the food court"Mia cheered.
"Arent we getting our nails done"Tif asked.
"Girl yeah. Afterwards we always eat first so our nails get messed. We all learned that lesson"Saiyr said.
We all nodded remembering that time. We went to the food court. They had a Chinese place, Subway, Raising Cane, American Deli and a Mexican place.
"What yall getting"Kayla asked looking over the restaurants.
"Ummm I think Im getting American Deli"I said.
"Whats that"Tiffany asked.
We all gasped.
"Dont tell me youve never had it before"Mia asked being dramatic.
Tif shook her head.
"You like spicy food"Siayr asked.
"Yeah"Tiffany said.
"I got the perfect thing"I said.
I got me and Tiffany the buffalo tenders meal from American Deli. Kayla got Chinese. Tamia and Saiyr got Raising Cane.
"Mmm this is good. What is this"Tif asked chewing on a piece of tender.
"Buffalo tenders"I answered.
She rolled her eyes in pleasure. Trey facetimed me.
Me: Hey baby
T: Hey you having fun with the girls?
Me: Yeah its good
T: Thats good.
Me: yeahh
T: Well imma let yall get back to having fun without me
Me: It's ok boo
T: I know. I love you
Me: Love you more
T: Bye.
He hung up. We finished eating and went to get our nails done and then went to Trey house. We walked in and greeted his mom. 
"Did you girls have fun"she asked.
"Yes ma'am"I nodded with a smile. 
"That's good"She said turning back to the tv.
Me and Nya soon left and went home. Trey was still sleep. I rolled my eyes as I watched him snore and roll over. 
"Tremaine"I said putting my hand on my hip.
He didn't respond.
"TREMAINE"I yelled hitting his leg.
He jumped up and looked at me.
"Have you really been sleep all day"I asked walking into the bathroom.
"Yeah. What time is it"He asked in his raspy,sleepy voice.
I tap the home button and looked at the time for him.
"Its 4 minutes til 7"I said. 
"Basically 6:56"He shrugged. 
"Duh smart ass. Now why you sleeping all day"I asked taking my makeup wipes and facial cleanser that I use everyday, Neutrogen grapefruit cleanser.
"You acting like I cheated"Trey mumbled. 
I glanced in the room at him sitting at the edge of bed.
"The fuck you just say"I semi yelled.
"I said you acting like I cheated"He argued.
"Why would you say something like that"Iasked crossing my arms.
"Cuz you overreacting over me getting my rest like you do know I work all day everyday AND I still take care of you and Nya too. You need to realize that I get tired"He fussed.
"That isn't an excuse for what you said Trey"I said.
"It isn't like I actually cheated so it doesn't matter"He shrugged.
"But you did"I mumbled. 
He walked into the bathroom and hugged me from behide. 
"Baby I know no matter how many times I can apologize, my...mistake will haunt you but Imma make sure that I provide more than enough love, care, comfort and anything you want so I can help remove it from your memory and move on. I know I shouldn't have said that so I'm genuinely sorry baby and I love so much"He said in my ear which made me melt inside.
I looked up at him and pecked his lips. 
"Im sorry baby for picking an argument and you know youre  forgiven for your mistake and we are moving on"I smiled.
He tighten his grip on me. My phone started ringing showing Nadia name. I answered.
Me: wassup sis
Dia: tygasaidhecoming*cries*idontknowhattodo
Me: Dia..DIA calm down and slow down
Dia: Tyga just texted me and said he's coming back to town and he wants to see his daughter
Me: so he believes you. that's bullshit
Dia: Nia, what am I gonna do?
Me: I-
"I might have a good idea"Trey looked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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