Truth or Dare

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(Y/n)~ Your name
(C/n)~ Crushes name
(Y/l)~ Your last name
(C/l)~ Crushes last name
(F/c)~ Favorite color
(F/s)~ Favorite sweet
(F/a)~ Favorite animals
(C/e)~ Crushes eye color
(C/h)~ Crushes hair color
(B/f)~ Bff's name
*More will be added & the list will be on every chapter*

(Y/n)'s POV
    Just look at her. So beautiful. Her (C/e) eyes are so beautiful. The way they glimmer when someone says something she likes. And when she walks her long (C/h) hair flows behind her like a princess's. And her voice is my very favorite sound. Her adorable laugh is my favorite song. I love everything about her and have for almost two years now.
   "(Y/N)! Are you even listening to me!?" (B/f) asked or yelled... I can't tell.
   "Sorry no what were you saying?"
   "I'm having a sleep over. Your coming. And don't start! (C/n) will be there since me and her are friends. Me, you, (C/n) and Lilly. Ok?"
    "WILL TOO! I'll make sure of it. Ok?"
    Great not only do I have to be social but (C/n) will be there! But hey you know what? Imma still have a good time!

*Time skip to sleep over. Brought to you by your love for (C/n)!*

     Its time to talk to people. I knock on the door and (B/f) opens it. Great I'm the last here. What ever.
     "Lets play truth or dare!" Lilly suggests. Damn it I hate that game.
     "Good idea Lilly!"
    I space out since no ones asked me... or (C/n). Somethings fishy here. I here a snap in front of my face and I came back to life.
    "Truth or dare (Y/n)?"
    "Dare I'm no baby!"
    "I dare you to kiss (C/n)! On the lips!" Imma kill (B/f)!
    At this point I know I'm beet red. I hate life. I glance at (C/n). Shes red too. But why? She doesn't like me. Does she? Probably just embarrassed. Yeah thats it. Shes embarrassed.
     "I won't do it in front of you!" I say finally. (B/f) points to the closet. I know its small inside. This women is trying to kill me. I get up after a minute. For some reason so does (C/n). I guess we're doing this. I make my way to the closet with (C/n) right behind me. We get inside. The closet is small so we chests.
     "We don't ha-"
    I'm cut off by her pushing her lips onto mine. At first I'm surprised but I ease into it. After a minute we separate but after like ten seconds she pulls me back. My turn to be in control.
    I silently push her into the wall while still kissing her. We pull apart for air but go right back to it right after. I put my arms around her waist whilst she has hers around my neck. She playing with my hair. After what feels like hours we here someone clear their throat. We pull away and see none other than (B/f) at the small entrance to the closet.
    Best night ever!

~Authors note~ Hi guys how was my first one shot? I don't usually right stuff like this but I hope it was ok. Any requests? Just ask! See you next chapter. Kitty~Chan out!

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