2 people 1 confession

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(Y/n)~ Your name
(C/n)~ Crushes name
(Y/l)~ Your last name
(C/l)~ Crushes last name
(F/c)~ Favorite color
(F/s)~ Favorite sweet
(F/a)~ Favorite animals
(C/e)~ Crushes eye color
(C/h)~ Crushes hair color
(B/f)~Best friends name
(C/f)~Crushes friends name.
(H/l)~Hair length
(H/c)~Hair color
(E/c)~Eye color
*More will be added & the list will be on every chapter*

(Y/n)'s POV~
Just another day of school. It's so boring. But luckily I have 1 fun thing to look forward to. It's Friday. And not just any Friday. It's the Friday of the sleepover my friends and I have been scheduling for over a month. I'm so excited! Me, (B/f), (C/f) and (C/n). Thats everyone. We are doing it at my place since my house is the biggest and my parents are out of town until Monday. I'm so excited!
*Time skip to after classes. Cause school be boring shit.*
I'm waiting outside for (B/f) and the others since they've never been to my house. I see them walking towards me and I wave. When they get to me we start walking.
"So you guys excited?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Geez (B/f) take it down a notch."
"Fine. What about you two?"
"I'm excited! (C/n) what about you?"
"Knowing (Y/n) it's going to to be fun!"
I blush at her comment.
After a little bit of walking we make it to my house. I fish around in my bag for my key. I find it and take it out. I unlock the door and step aside. They look astonished by the amount of decor there is.
"My parents helped me last night to decorate before they went out of town for their trip. Pretty nice right?"
They all yelled that in unison. I might go def with how much yelling they're doing. They run in and look at me.
"Just put you stuff over here." I say as I set my stuff down. They come over and put their stuff down. They then proceed to explore and grab snacks. I hear the door bell.
"One sec!" I grab my wallet and run to the door.
"Hello are you (Y/n) (L/n)?"
"Yes I am."
"Aren't you a little young to be answering the door and posing as someone?"
Damn my short stature!(Sorry if your tall but you are kniw short.)
"Actually I'm an 18 year-old senior in highschool."
"Do you have anyone that can vouch for you?"
I hear a set of foot steps come from behind me.
"Hey (Y/n) whatcha doing?"
"Hey (C/n), I'm attempting to pay for the pizza that I ordered this morning and scheduled to arrive 10 minutes ago. But apparently I look like a 14 year-old." I say glaring at the man.
"Yeah you are short. But if you just look at the acne, the chest, and the emo outfit,(Also you are emo in this story. You can change it in your head though. I just happen to be emo so it's easier to write.) you can tell that you are obviously an extremely emo senior try to be sweet and get pizza for her friends."
"Well see she says so, so gimme my pizza and the other food so I can pay you and you can go on your way." I say with emo sassyness.
"He walks back to the delivery car amd comes back with my 4 pizzas, 2 things of bread sticks and a dessert tray.
"Yo! (B/f), (C/f)! Come here get the food from this guy!"
They come running down from upstairs and take food from the delivery man.
"Thanks you put it on the kitchen counter. Heres your money. Have a lovely day." I hand him the money and shut the door. I turn around and see my friends staring at me. I walk to the food table and separate the 4 pizzas and I put them side by side. I put the bread sticks on a dish and put dessert tray on a small table off to the side.
"Ok so I got one pizza of everones favorite kind.(You pick the flavors). I also picked out garlic bread and cheesy sticks. The dessert tray has different cheese cakes, cookies, cupcakes and candies."
After I'm done explaining my little surprise to them their mouths are watering. They all yell their thank yous and give me a hug. I go to my room while they start eating. I come back down with my Bluetooth speaker and my phone. I start to play loud music.
*Time skip to room set-up*
"Ok guys. We have partied really hard and it is 1 in the morning. I have two guest rooms and my room. Who wants the room to themselves?"
(B/f) and (C/f) look at each other with light glint of sneakyness in their eyes.
"I want my own room!!!" They both yell. They race to the guest rooms.
"I guess your with me (C/n)."
"Ok!" She seems fine with it. She grabs her bag and heads to my room. I follow her and cant help but notice that the other two are talking in the hall. I walk into my room and close my door behind me. I miss an important detail in the process though. The handle is on backwards. I turn around when I hear the knob being locked. I try to turn it. It's locked!
"Have fun guys! We'll let you out in the morning!"
I hear them laugh and run down the halls. I sigh.
"So looks like theres no escape."
I have my eyes closed while I lean against the door. All of the sudden i feel I pull and I'm standing up face to face with (C/n). She puts her finger in front of my mouth.
"(Y/n) (Y/n) (Y/n) such a temper you have. But it's always been one of your attractive features."
She slowly backs me up into the door.
"You are really pretty you know. Your (H/l) (H/c). Your (E/c)'s. Your personality. Your adorable shortness.(Sorry for this next part!) Your f*cking sexy ass body. (Again sorry) You are so f*cking perfect. Don't you see how amazing you are?!"
I'm so confused. Why would she like me? I don't get it. Shes the perfect one. Shes considered a prep. I'm a emo. Why would she like me.
"Don't even think about down gradeing your self. You are so smart and amazing. I love you (Y/n). Do you love me too?"
"I-I do. I do love you."
She pulls my collar and connects our lips. We kiss. Best. Night. Ever.

End~(A/n)~Hi I really hope you like it! This was requested by Dodesz03 I hope you like it.

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