A beautiful voice

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(Y/n)~ Your name
(C/n)~ Crushes name
(Y/l)~ Your last name
(C/l)~ Crushes last name
(F/c)~ Favorite color
(F/s)~ Favorite sweet
(F/a)~ Favorite animals
(C/e)~ Crushes eye color
(C/h)~ Crushes hair color
(B/f)~ Bff's name
*More will be added & the list will be on every chapter*

(Y/n)'s POV
Time for class. Lets see after lunch I have math and then choir. I love choir. It's probably my favorite class. For multiple reasons.
One- I love singing! Its really fun!
Two- My teacher is the sweetest.
Three- My crush is in the class and its the only class we have together this year!
Yep thats about it. It's really my only enjoyable class. All the others are really boring. (Sorry if you like other classes!) On my way to math class I see (C/n). She sees me and smiles. I smile back and keep walking with a light blush.
*Time skip to choir cause why not*
I'm in choir waiting to get my assigned seat.
"Hello students! I hope you had a good summer! Now for assigned seats."
I sit in the back corner next to (C/n). I think I almost had a heart attack. My. Crush. Is. Sitting...NEXT TO ME?!?!?! And this teacher leaves the seats the same... All damned year. Welp seeing that I'm not awkward this could be my chance to make a move. The first class has nothing going on so its perfect move making time. I tap (C/n) on the shoulder.
"Hmm? Oh hey (Y/n)!"
"Hey (C/n). So serious question. How do feel about lesbians?"
"I'm lesbian so if that helps...?"
She smiles sweetly. Yass!!!! Move time!
"Hey meet me by my locker after school?"
"Sure. *RIIIINNNGGG* See you then."
She smiles and waves bye to me.
*Time skip to lockers*
I wait by my locker for (C/n). I see her and start to prep myself for what I'm about to do. She walks up to me as the halls start to clear.
"Hey (Y/n)! What'd you need?"
"Nothing really."
She looks at me slightly confused. I put my plan into action. I grab her wrist and switch places with her in one swift move. She is now pinned to the locker.

W-what are you doing (Y/n)?!"
"(C/n) I really like you. Like alot. So I wanted to know how you felt about me?" I whisper in her ear.
"I-i l-like you t-too!"
Shes a stuttering and blushing mess but I think it's really cute. I lean in towards her face. I lean in to the point of the connection of our lips. She freezes but melts into it. We pull apart for air.
"Will you be my girlfriend (C/n)?"
"Of course I will (Y/n)!"
We hug. Once we pull apart I grab her hand and we walk out of the school.

End~(A/n)~This story was requested by~ xX_Howling_Hood_Xx I hope you liked it my friend!!!:3 See you guys in the next one!

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