🚧Blind date mix-up🚧

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I want to apologize for leaving this book un-updated for so long. The past few months have been very hard for me and lacking in insperation for my writing and art. That being said what has accured in the last few months is private so please don't ask the details. I have gotten a little inspiration back so I will be finishing the requests I need to and maybe more. So without further ado lets start back strong.
~Lemon chapter~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I have a blind date today. We will be going to a resturant where we have a reserved table. My outfit is nice sexy and simple all in one.

 My outfit is nice sexy and simple all in one

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~Time skip to the restaurant~

I walk over to the reserved table to see a woman dressed in light pink clothes.

I walk over to the reserved table to see a woman dressed in light pink clothes

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She smiled at me as I sat down and a waitress came to take our orders. And oh hell was she sexy.

 And oh hell was she sexy

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She smiles at us both. My eyes wonder her clevege as she begins to address us.

"Hello lady's! My name is (C/n) and I will be your waitress today." She explains while setting our menu's down and catching my wondering eyes.

"Thank you (C/n)."

I pick up my menu and look through the drinks as Veronica orders hers.(Veronica is your blind date btw). I decide on my drink and food handing (C/n) my menu making sure to brush my fingers discreetly with her gloved ones. She smirks lightly realising what I'm up to. Veronica orders her drink and meal as well. (C/n) nods smiling while wandering off to get our drinks.

"So (Y/n), what do you do for fun?" Veronica questions.

"Hmm? Oh I guess my favorite hobby is (Your fav hobby). I also like (2 of your other hobbys)."

"Cool! I like (one of your listed hobbys) and playing hockey!"

"Intriguing." I say distracted as (C/n) returns with my red wine and Veronicas Coke.

"What've you got there (Y/n)?"

"Erm....Grape juice..."

"Cool! I just got a coke."

(C/n) 'accidentally' dropped napkins on the floor by me. She kneeled down and gathered the napipkins with one hand while touching my thigh with the other. (C/n) rises again and wonders of after apologising for being so 'clumsy'.

"Whats your favorite band?" I ask trying to be polite.

"(Band or artist you DON'T like) is really good! What about you?"

"(Your FAVORITE band or artist) are the best."

About another 30 minutes of mindless small talk accures before (C/n) comes back with our food. She is just in earshot of what I'm saying.

"Before I eat I'm going to the restroom." I say excuseing myself.

Veronica nods and I walk away. I enter the singular person bathroom only for a gloved hand to stop the door before it closes. (C/n) slips in and smirks locking the door behind her.

~Lemon start~

She walk up to me and whispers heatedly-

"Who is that woman to you?"

"A blind date. I barely know her."

She smirks and backs me into the wall.

"Then why don't we have some fun?~"

I smirk "Sounds good to me.~"

She leans in and our lips connect. They fit together perfectly as we move in sync with eachother. Her hands travel my body. Up and down in a melodic motion. She licks my bottom lip as to ask for entrance. I comply lightly parting my lips.

Our tounges meet in the middle and we battle for dominance. She won. Her tounge traces the roof of my mouth and travels down and traces my teeth. She parts from the kiss and kisses the corner of my mouth. She traces her tounge down my neck and to my collarbone. She nibbles and bites at my weak spot. I bite my lips and whimper.

She pulls away but is still very close to my neck. She licks that spot and the says, "Found it." Her hot breath tickles my neck. She goes back to sucking on my sweet spot and I can't hold it in anymore.

"Aaaah.~" I moan out.

She smirks against my skin. Ahe moves up by my ear and nibbles my lobe as a she says; "So naughty.~"

I whimper and she tugs one my dresses zipper.

"G-go ahead." I breathe out.

She smirks and un-zips my dress. It slips of my shoulders and to the floor. (C/n) lifts me up and pushes me against the cold wall. I shiver since I'm only in my underwear, stockings and boots. She undoes my shoe laces with one hand and then then pulls them off one by one. She licks my collar bone and sets me down.

I mess with the hem of her dress. (C/n) gets the idea and removes the dress leaving her in just lacy black under garments. I blush and look away. She kisses me up and down my body. I let out small moans as she leaves hickeys on my inner thighs.

"On your knees sweet heart." (C/n) commands.

I oblige shyly and do what I'm told to. (C/n) pulls my panties down and rubs my entrance.


She inserts one of one of her fingers into my entrance. She moves it around inside of me causing me to whimper out her name.


She adds another finger and scissors me. As she thrust in and out I become weak and start moan more. She adds a third finger and thrusts in and out of me and continues to until she hits my 'weak spot'. I moan loudly and she re-angles so she will hit it every time she thrusts. After a few more thrusts I cum onto her fingers and she thrusts in one more time and pulls out licking her fingers. She lifts me into her lap.

"Give me your number cutie and we can do this again sometime.~"

~End~(A/n)~I hope you enjoyed this and the fact that I actually went through with the lemon part this time. Even though it's shitty as all hell. This was requested by: Dodesz03

Girl crush x Girl reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now