🍋Drunk girl's🍋

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(Y/n)~Your name
(C/n)~Crushes name
(Y/l)~Your last name
(C/l)~Crushes last name
(F/c)~Favorite color
(F/s)~Favorite sweet
(F/a)~Favorite animal
(C/e)~Crushes eye color
(C/h)~Crushes hair color
(Y/e)~Your eye color
(Y/h)~Your hair color
(Ad/t)~Alcoholic drink type


(Y/n)'s POV
I hate it... I hate my thoughts...I hate that alcohol is my only escape...I hate that it makes me stupid...I hate it all. So tonight will be my last night out and tommorow I'm going to end it all.

As I walk out to my car I get a call.

Y~You C~crush
C~Hi! (Y/n) I know that you like a good drink right? Would you mind coming with me to the bar?...my car broke down and I'm to far to walk.
Y~....Sure I was going there anyways. I'm on my way get ready, ok?
C~Ok! It will take me about 30 minutes to get ready so take you time!

~Call end~
Ugh really?! Well if (C/n) is coming along then I'm going to look good at least! I go inside to change.

~Your outfit~

~Crushes outfit~

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~Crushes outfit~

Once I get changed I go out to the car and get in

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Once I get changed I go out to the car and get in.

*Time skip*

I'm down the road of (C/n)'s house when I see her come out in what might be the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life. If this were anime then I'd have a nose bleed. Oh wait fuck I do! I pull into her driveway and when she opens the car door I throw a sweater at her.
"Hey! What was that for!?"
"I-i-i....I don't think its good to flaunt that...at least until we're there..."
"O-oh thanks!"
"aka your to damn sexy..."
"Did you say something?"
I yell whilst pointimg out the window. I drive as fast as possible.
"Hey! I didn't have time to see it..."
"It's fine. You live there."
"Oh, right."
*Time skip brought to you by my exhaustion*
We arrive at the local club/bar and get out. Sadly (C/n) takes of the sweater and leaves it on the seat. I can't look at her for to long... My eyes like to wander. It looks like I'm going to be the great protector.
*Time skip. I mean we aren't even to the lemon yet and we aren't even close either*
Me and (C/n) are dancing she's already drunk. That or she just likes being up against me. Some drunk af dude walks up to us.
"Hey ladies! Me and my friend some friends for the night. Wanna come have some fun?"
"No thank you." (C/n) says politely.
"Common toot's why not."
"We said fucking no!" I reply.
"Eh you'll come after you see my guys."
"Will not!"
"And why not?!"
And drunk me replys-"Cause We're gay!"
He is confused so I grab (C/n)'s hand and we bolt for the hotels.
"One one bed room please!"
"We'll pay tommorow thanks!"I say as we take the key and bolt for the stairs.
We get to the room and go inside. (C/n) puts the do not desturb sign up. I lock the door and close the windows. I look in the mini fridge. I happen to know that they keep a bottle of shots and some beer in the fridges on the house. I get out the shots bottle and two beers. I hand a beer to (C/n) and have mine along with some shot crap.
We are both drunk when I have my usual break down whilst drunk.
"I can't take this anymore...I can't do this anymore! I don't want to do this anymore. But still put up with it because of the fact that I love you (C/n)! I really don't know anymore. I have told myself to just end it all. And thats what I planned on doing tonight. But know your here and know you know to much! Wh-"
I'm cut of by lips on my own.
"I love you too (Y/n) so please don't go anywhere to far... Because I will follow you."
I stand there astonished by what (C/n) just said.
"Yes really!"
She kisses me passionately and full of force. I kiss her back with the same amount of force and passion. We back up onto the bed fall onto it. I land on the bed and (C/n) is on top of me. She releases the kiss and I sit back a little bit. Now that I'm farther onto the bed (C/n) crawls on top of me causeing me to fall down. She kisses me again after a few seconds she bites my lower lip asking permission to enter. I playfully deny. She move one of her hands in between us. The next thing I know (C/n) squeazed my breast. I can't help but gasp at the sudden action, allowing (C/n) to get what she wants. We battle with our tougnes until (C/n) wins. She searches through my mouth leaving no spot unexplored. We go back to fighting for dominance. I end up winning so I search her mouth. I don't think this will let people know shes mine. I release the kiss and go down to her neck. I kiss and suck all over her neck leaving hickeys everywhere. When I get to where her shoulder and neck connect she moans with plessure so I decided to stay in that spot for a minute. After a minute I kiss her passionately and massage her breasts. After a minute I sit her up and remove her dress. I go straight to kissing her body. After leaving hickeys everywhere I kiss her breasts alternating between the two. I use my hand to rub her through her panties-which are quite wet might I say.
I look up and stop rubbing her.
"Say that you want me."
She looks surprised.
"I-I want you to take every last drop of my innocence!"
"Please! Please! Please! I want- no, I need you! Fuck me please (Y/n)!!!!"
I decide to be nice. I take off her panties and rub her. I take her by surprise when I plunge two fingers into her. As I thrust in and out out I hit her g-spot.
"*loud moans* (Y-y/n)!!! I-I'm going
After that she cums. I lick it all off my fingers and off of her pussy.
"Your so sweet love."
Shes a blushing mess.

*I'm so sorry but I can't keep writing this so time skip to when shes done this same kinda thing to you.*

We both have hickeys all over us. We cuddle up under the covers and drift to sleep. And you know what? I don't feel so depressed anymore.

~End~(A/n)~Hi so I hope you liked this and yeah so bye...

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