An Accident

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~Yo. Depressing chapter. Wasn't a request just...Lets just say author chan is lonley and had a dream a week or two ago that really hurt me. So inspiration. Here you go. Kinda short but it's more of a; author needs to vent, you want a chapter, this is what you get.~

~(Y/n)'s POV~

I wake up to my alarm and roll out of my bed wandering into the closet. After school I'm going to my friend and crushes house. (C/n) insisted that I come over for awhile after school today. I take down my over sized lavender sweater and black jeans, slipping them on. I grab my black converse and put them on over my black socks. On my way down stairs I take my school back and hair tie. While my mom makes me some toast I put my hair into a cute pony tail. She gives me my food and I thank her walking out the front door. As I walk (C/n) runs up to me in an over sized hoodie and ripped blue jeans. She also has white converse on and her hair in two adorable buns on either side of her head.

"Hey (Y/n)! We're still up for hanging out this afternoin right?"

"Yeah (C/n). You should now me by now. I don't go back on my word."

She grins at me and we walk the rest of the way to school together. When we arrive we slipt up heading to our home rooms. A few hours later its time to go home. As I walk through the corridors of our highschool (C/n) runs up to me and grabs my arm running of dragging me with her.

"(C/n)! What are you doing!?"

"Your to slow!"

After ten minutes, it normally takes fifteen, we're at (C/n)'s house. She takes me inside and we collapse on her couch. I take my bag off of my shoulders and sit it to the side on the floor. (C/n) does the same and we chat for a while. After about an hour I get up to use the restroom and she go's to get a drink. When we come back she had left her drink on the table and was going to come get me. (C/n) trips on the floor, she always had been clumsy, and falls into me. I catch her and stare at her face. Before I can stop myself I lean in and gently place my lips onto hers. She squirms away from me shocked, with tears in her eyes.

"What was that?!"

"I-I....I'm sorry I-"

"No! (Y/n)! No! Sorry won't cut it! What was that?!"

"I-I didn't mean to! I've had a crush on you for a while now and my body moved on its own! It was an accident! I-I honestly didn't mean to!"

I freeze and my face lights up.


"(C/n)! Please I-"


I quickly grab my bag and run out of the door tears pouring down my face. I get home five minutes later. I honestly don't think I've ran so fast before. I run straight to my room and drop my bag locking the door. I slide down the door and pull my legs to my chest sobbing. I can't help it. I just got rejected. But thats not the worst part.

I just lost my best and only friend.

Girl crush x Girl reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now