Saddened Love

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~Trigger warning. {Suicide talk, depression, loss of pet.}I managed to trigger myself while writing this. Please know I love you and it gets better.~

~Chat area start~

Hey (Y/n), how've you been?

I've been not okay...

What happened?

My (pet type) passed away a couple days ago. I miss them so much!

Oh no! Do you mean (pet name)?!

Yes...I've had (pet name) since I was a teen...(he/she) was my best friend for so long...

I am going to come over and cheer you up!

No...I'll be fine...

Nope. I'm already on my way.

(C/n) it's fine!


Ugh fine whatever. No stoping you now I guess...

~Chat end~

Welp. I guess (C/n) is coming over. About an hour and a half later shes in my apartment on my couch attempting to cheer me up. She's tried multiple things. Funny faces, Jokes, games, tickling me, offering me my favorite food, etc. We are currently mid argument.

"(Y/n)! You will to be happy again damn it!"

"We both know that I will not."

"And why not!?"

"(Pets name) was my world! They helped me through so much! Knowing that they are gone is killing me (C/n)!"

I'm in tears.

"It all hurts so fucking much! They helped me live through my shitty life! I-I can't think of living without them! But they're gone now! They left and are in a better place! And it hurts so much to not have (p/n) here!"

(C/n) gets up and hugs me as I sob.

"Life will never be the same! If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here right now! I would be where they are!"

"(Y-Y/n)...Calm down. I've got you. It's ok."

She strokes my head as I cry.

"Hey (Y/n)?"


"Do you mind if I try one more thing. I think I now one thing that will cheer you up."

"Go ahead. Nothing is going to cheer me up. It won't- Mmph!"

She kisses me. In my shocked state I almost didn't kiss back. She pulls away and wipes my tears.

"I'm here for you know and I always have been. You know why?"


"Because I love you so much (Y/n)."

"I-I l-love y-you t-too (C-C/n)..."

She kisses the top of my head and pulls us to our feet.

"Now lets go get (f/f) for real. You deserve it."

I smile for the first time in days and nod as we leave hand in hand.


~Hey! Yo gurl is back lovelies! I missed you! I'm sorry for going MIA on this book for so long! But I have lots of new stuff out too! I just had lost inspiration for this book. But after my break I'm back! I'm sorry for the short chapter! This one was requested by the lovely~ Chatnoirladybug12344. I love all of you so never hurt yourselves life and depression sucks. Trust me I know. But if all you need is to know you matter to one person well you mean the world to me. I love all of my readers so freaking much! Wheter you vote or not doesn't matter. Your comments make my day and make it so much easier for me to try and fight through my own severe depression that I've had for almost 4 years now. Thank you all for being amazing and this book is starting its new schedule of tuesday updates from now on!<3~

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