Water parks, Love and Fun

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(Y/n)~ Your name
(C/n)~ Crushes name
(Y/l)~ Your last name
(C/l)~ Crushes last name
(F/c)~ Favorite color
(F/s)~ Favorite sweet
(F/a)~ Favorite animals
(C/e)~ Crushes eye color
(C/h)~ Crushes hair color
(B/f)~ Bff's name
*More will be added at the list will be on every chapter*

(Y/n)'s POV
Time to go to class.

(C/n)'s POV
There she is! The most amazing person I know! Her name? (Y/n) (L/n).

(Y/n)'s POV
Ack! (C-c/n)! Why is she coming this way?! I should act like I didn't see her.

(C/n)'s POV
Did she not see me? Oh well. I'll just scare her then. I grab her shoulders.
"OMG! (C/N)! Y-you scared t-the crap o-out of m-me!"
"Lol I can tell your a studering mess!"
I giggle while she blushes at my comment.
"I'm kidding. I think your studering is cute!"
"Mmhmm! Now lets go to class."
"By the way (Y/n) I was wondering if you and (B/f) wanted to come with me and my friend to the water park after school?"
"S-sure. I-I'll ask (B/f) t-too."
"Yay! Can't wait!"
With that we go our seperate ways.
I get bombarded by my 'Body guards'. Aka. Over protective friends.
"I was talking to (Y/n)."
"(C/n) we can't keep telling you. As the most popular girl in school you are expected to only talk to and like popular kids."
"This damned school does not run my life!"
I yell as I run off.

(Y/n)'s POV
As I walk to class I hear (C/n) yell-
"This damned school does not run my life!"
I feel bad for her. All of the sudden I'm knocked down and have someone on top of me. They're crying. I look up to see none other than (C/n) trying to get off me. She stands up and offers me her hand. I take it. But before I let go I pull her into a hug.
"It's ok (C/n). I'm here for you."
The warning bell rings.
"We have to get to class. I'll see you later (Y/n)."
"S-see you (C/n)!"

(C/n)'s POV
After I yell at them I have to run. As I run I run into someone. I look and see (Y/n). Oh shoot. I scramble and get up off her. I then extend my hand to her. She takes it. But she dosent let go, instead she pulls me into a warm hug.

"It's ok (C/n). I'm here for you."

The warning bell rings.

"We have to get to class. I'll see you later (Y/n)."

"S-see you (C/n)."

With that we both head to class.

*Time skip to after classes*

(Y/n)'s POV

Schools over. We are going to the water park today. We are all meeting at my house since we each have been here before.


I rush to the door to find my friends. "Hey guys!"
"Hey (Y/n)!" They all say in unison.
I grab my things and step outside.
"Are you ready to go?"
Both (B/f) and (C/n)'s friend nod their heads.
"Actually can I use the restroom before we go?"
"Sure (C/n). Follow me you two can sit on the couch."
I walk back inside and everyone except (C/n) sits on the couch. I lead (C/n) down the hall to the out of sight bathroom.
"Here you go."
As I'm about to go back to the living room (C/n) grabs my wrist and pull me into the bathroom closing the door and locking it behind us. She pins me to the wall and is looking down.
"(C-c/n)? W-what a-are- mph!!!"
I feel her lips on mine and blush. Her eyes are closed and shes crying. I close my eyes and kiss back. She pulls away and looks at me. Shes still crying and i cant wipe her tears because she has my hands pinned above my head.
"(C-c/n) are-"
She uses one of her hands to hold my hands up and puts her other on my mouth. She kisses my neck gently and my eyes widen. I strugle in her grasp and get free. Before i get lose she bites my neck gently and I moan lightly. She lets me go and I look in the mirror. The bite mark is visible. I blush more and (C/n) starts to whisper.
"I'm sorry...for the mark. I couldn't help myself."
We here a bang crash and yelling.
I unlock the door and run out with (C/n) on my tail. We run in to see oir friends in a fist fight.
"(C/n) needs to stay away from low rankings like you and (Y/n)!"
"The hell does that mean bitch!?"
I was about to tell them to stop until (C/n) grabs my wrist and our bags and bolts out the front door.
"Where are we going (C/n)?!"
"The water park!"
She pulls me off to the bus stop.

*Time skip to the water park cause I can*

We get to the parks and (C/n) drags me to the private locker rooms. We rent one for the next 24 hours amd walk in. It has beds couchs and a mini kitchen. It also has a bathroom. (C/n) and I begin to change into our bikinis not really careing if the other sees each other. Once we are changed (C/n) and I head out. She leads me to a restaurant and gets us a table. We sit down and order our drinks and food.
"(Y/n)...your not a low life. You now that r-right?"
Shes trying not to cry.
"Of course I do."
We get our food and chat as we eat. When we are done we go out to the park to explore.
"Hey (Y/n) can i tell you something?"
"Of cousre. What is it?"
She pulls me to a couples ride. She holds my hand.
"I love you (Y/n)."
"I love you too (C/n)."
I pull her into a kiss.

~The end~(A/n)~ I hope you like this! It was requested by Dodesz03 I apologize for the long wait.

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