Comfort in love.

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(A/n)~I know. An authors note at the beginning. Ok look. I am way to lazy to write a key. Just look at one from another chapter. Anyways on with the story!

(C/n)'s P.O.V.
I still can't believe this. I just got fired from my job. I have rent due tommorow. I can't miss another pay day. I'll be kicked out! I sit on a bench in the park I was walking through and in spite of myself I start to cry. Why me...

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

. Am. Bored. As. Hell. What should I do... Park! There's a park near here! I can go for a walk! I get up and get ready. I walk towards the park. It's a really nice day but I've got a weird feeling in my gut...

(C/n)'s P.O.V.
I really could use a miracle right now. I also wish I had someone to talk to... But most of the people I know are at work today. I sigb and keep letting my tears flow down my face. They're so warm and wet. I hate crying in public... Which is the only reason this isn't a full blown break down.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
I get to the park and wander around. It's really cool out. My stomach is feeling as if something bad has happend. As walk around I hear quiet whimpers. I follow them and find my friend and erm...crush (C/n) crying on a bench. Shouldn't she be at work? No matter. I silently sit next to her and hug her. Before I can say anything to let her know its me I've been slapped.

I laugh. "Ow..."

"OMG! (Y/n)! I am so sorry! I didn't realize that it was you!"

"Its fine...I had it coming. Now. What ever are you crying about?"

"I...I was fired."

"Oh...why does that bring tears?"

"I have rent due tommorow and if I miss another pay day I'll be kicked out."

She starts to cry again and I hug her again. I stroke her hair. She burys her head in my shoulder.

"My parents would never take me in again. And everyone I know already has a roomate or not enough space. What on earth do I do (Y/n)!?"

"Not everyone."

"Who are you referring to (Y/n)?"

She looks up at me and I give her a sad smile as I gently wipe her tears away.

"Me silly. Come back to my place with me. We can get your stuff tomorrow."

"W-what!? Are you serious?!"

I cock my head and give her a confused look.

"Why would I lie to you?"

"You wouldn't...Thank you thank you thank you so much!"

"Of course. Lets go."

Instead of letting her walk I pick her up bridal style and start to walk. She squeaks and holds onto my shirt as if I'm going to drop her. I walk home while she death grips my shirt. When we get back I unlock the door skilfully and swiftly without dropping her. I open the door and walk inside. I close the door with my foot. It automatically locks. I walk over to the couch and set her down. She fell asleep about halfway here. I walk away and start to make dinner. Its pretty late... I set the bowls of pasta on the dinning table and walk back into my small living room. I slowly wake (C/n) up.

"Hey. I made dinner!~"

"Ngh. Ten more minutes..."

I smirk and lift her into my arms. She yelpz at tge sudden movement and clings to me. I giggle and carry her to the table and set her down in her chair and proceed to sit in my own.

~Le time skip to after din dins.~

After dinner I do the dishes and (C/n) goes to look around. She comes back into the kitchen and looks at me as I finish.

"Would you like to watch a movie?"

"No thanks (Y/n). I'm tired."

"Ok. Follow me and we'll get you set up."

She nods her head and follows me. I walk into my room.

"Why are we in your room?"

"It's your room for tonight. You had a long day. The showers over there. If you want to take one just use my soap."

I grab my pajamas and walk out but before I make it out the door she grabs my wrist.

"I can't stay in your room! Its just rude! You are already letting me stay here but will not take your room on top of it! I refu-!"

I turn around and plant a kiss on her lips. She wasn't moving so I pull away from the kiss and walk to the living room leaveing a stunned (C/n) in the doorway.

~the next day after (C/n) was moved in~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
"(C/n)! I'm going out! Stay safe and lock the door for me!" I yell to her and head out to get groceries.

(C/n)'s P.O.V.
I lock the door as told and go back to my room. As I unpack my things my mind keeps wandering to the kiss (Y/n) gave me. Heat rose to my cheeks. I quickly keep un packing while music plays in my room to distract me.

A little while later (Y/n) get home. I can tell by the jingleing of the keys and swish of bags. And then there's the obvious-

"I'm home (C/n)!" That was yelled to me.

I walk into the kitchen to see groceries and start to help put them away.

We finsh that but...(Y/n) has something behind her back. It looks awkward to hold.

"Watcha got there (Y/n)?"

She removes it from behind her back. It's food from my favorite fast food place.

"Whats this?"

"Your dinner."

She sets it on the counter and gestures to it. I give her a look that says- 'and what about you!?'.

"I'm going to eat a sandwich later I'm not hungry right now."

"Eat with me."

"But I'm not-"

"Please? It'll make me feel better."

"Fine. Take your food I'll be right there."

~After food~

(C/n)'s P.O.V.

There were no dishes so I told her that I'm going to bed. Before I make it to my door I'm pinned to the wall by (Y/n).

"W-what are you do-!"

She kisses me. Shes kissing me again. This time I have time to kiss back. She pull away and puts her mouth right next to my ear.

"I love you (C/n).~" She whispered.

I blush.

"I love you too, (Y/n).~"

~End~(A/n)~ Hey guys! This one-shot was requested by Dodesz03

just wanted to say thank you to them for being so active on this book and all of the requests!

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