Possessed by Hell & Saved by Love

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~strong language this chapter. Like stronger than usual!~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm walking through the streets of my town on my way home from a long day of work when I'm pulled into a dark alley way. But when I look up I see something terrifying. A demon is pinning me to the wall. It has grey eyes and long black hair. Its skin is blood red with weird black tatoo marks. Its wearing a short black dress and a long red over coat.

"You will do just fine!~"

"W-what are you talki-!"

Before I can finish I lose control over my body. I'm trying to fight back but I lose all control and can only watch what this demon is making me do. We get back to my apartment. I have a headache. Fuck this. I force the demon to the back of my mind and take control without any struggle...She must not need to do anything right know...Whatever I'll take it.

I walk into the bathroom and undress myself. I turn the hot water on and get into the shower.

After my shower I get into my pajamas and eat dinner. Then I lay down and go to sleep. When I wake uo the next morning I'm not in control. I struggle to win control. I push her to the back of my mind and get ready for work.

(C/n)'s P.O.V.(You guys work in the same office btw)

As I drive towards the office I see (Y/n) walking. We are on a back road so I slow down to drive next to her and roll my window down.

"(Y/n)! Want a lift!?" I ask smiling.

"H-huh? Oh, (C/n) sure."

I stop the car and she hops in. She buckles up and I role down my window as I drive off towards the office. I glance at her and shes looking out the window thinking. The way her hair flows in the wind is so beautiful. It looks like something right out of a romance movie. I look back at the road. As we approach the office (Y/n) gets squirmish. She sets her head in her hands and mumbles something inaudible to me.

"(Y/n). We're here, are you ok?"

"I'm fine!" She snaps quickly gets out of the car and walk into our office building.

What is up with her...? Whatever. I get out and grab my brief case as I walk towards my desk someone grabs my wrist from their desk.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you. I get...mad when I get a headache like the one I have right now. Thank you for the ride by the way."

"Its fine! And no problem. I was actually just borrowing Jefferys car for the morning. I'm walking home like I normally would."

"Ok sounds good maybe we could walk-shit! I have get back to this project outline!"

(You do project outlines for your team and sometimes small projects that you outlined.)

She releases me and puts her headset back on. I walk away simce I have a meeting soon. Is she ok...?

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

~In your head~

"Will you leave me be you damn demon!?"

"No! Your body is perfect for my assignment. Plus I think its fun to piss you off. Have fun with your project dear!~"

And its gone. Goddamn it!

~Back irl~

"I really need to finish this outline..."

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