Should I be scared?

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(Y/n)~ Your name
(C/n)~ Crushes name
(Y/l)~ Your last name
(C/l)~ Crushes last name
(F/a)~ Favorite animal
(F/s)~ Favorite sweet
(F/c)~ Favorite color
(Y/e)~ Your eye color
(Y/h)~ Your hair color
(Y/hl)~ Your hair length

(C/e)~ Crushes eye color
(C/h)~ Crushes hair color
(C/hl)~ Crushes hair length
(B/n)~ Bff's name
(W/t)~ Weapon type
*Will add more the list will be on every chapter*
!There is curseing in this chapter!

(Y/n)'s POV
It is really late. I have no clue why I can't sleep. It's like 1 in the morning. I have a really eerie feeling in my gut. Almost like someones watching me.

(C/n)'s POV
Look at her. She has such beautiful (Y/hl) (Y/h) hair. And her (Y/e) eyes. I love her so much.

(Y/n)'s POV

Well since I can't sleep Imma go get food. As I lift up my body I look out my bedroom window. The view is usually amazing but I think I saw a pair of eyes and a big smirk. I look again and theres nothing there. Weird but not that weird. I do live in an apartment...that is on the fifth story.

(C/n)'s POV
She looked right at me! My love looked at me. Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha...SHE WILL BE MINE.

(Y/n)'s POV

I walk into the kitchen and see a glint in the window. At this point I'm freaked out so I grab a poptart and go to my room. When I am done eating I try to fall asleep again. I'm about to finally fall asleep when...

(C/n)'s POV
She saw my (W/t). Oh well it'll be fine as long she says she loves me too. I slip through the window that I took the screen out of. I think now would be a good time to leave this box of presents here. I drop the box on the floor. It was loud oops. I need to hide near the hall to (Y/n)'s room.

(Y/n)'s POV
I launch up and run to the living room. I see what made that noise. There is a box on the floor. Except...this wasn't even on the counter before. I look around the house and find the a window is open. Oh geez I need to replace the screen on here. I close the window and here something go into my room. What. The. Actual. Fucking. Hell.

(C/n)'s POV
As soon as I can I make a run for it. I need to be in her room when she finds me. I don't bother to hide. I just stand in the middle of the room. Its so dark only her flashlight will reveal me, to her beautiful eyes.

(Y/n)'s POV

I carefully walk back to the bedroom and see first. As I move the light from the flashlight around I freeze half-way There is a person in my room. Not just any person either. That is my crush (C/n). How in the name of hell did she get in here.

(C/n)'s POV
She has seen me. Time for action.
"Why hello my love..."
"W-what did you ju-"
I put my finger over her lips as if to shush her. I make a quiet shh sound and remove my finger. Her lips are very soft. I-I have to do this. (Y/N) IS MINE! ALL MINE! HAHAHA HAHA HAHA HAHA...MINE ALL MINE!!! I lean in closer to her face. UGH NO MORE HESITATION!!! I forcefully and passionately kiss her. To my every surprise she kisses me back with the same passion and force. She pulls away. Why my love? Why?

(Y/n)'s POV
I pull away from the kiss. I really need to tell her how I feel. Its like in anime. My crush is damn yandere and I'm her Senpai. I have to tell her I love her so she knows I'm hers.
"(C/n)...I have no idea how you got in here but can I...can I tell you something?"
"O-of course s-senpai!"
I new it.
"(C/n) I am glad you snuck in to my home tonight. It gave me the chance to tell you that...I love you. I love you more than anyone else in the world."
"(Y/n)~S-s-s-senpai loves me. You"
"I love you too."
And with that she took my hand and kissed me. I then led her to the bed and we cuddled until and into our sleep.

~End~(A/n)~ I hope this was ok. It was a request by @faithfulpem I really hope you enjoyed. K the cat out!

(C/n)'s POV
Hah. See, now (Y/n) is mine. All mine! No one else can ever fucking have my love. HAHA HAHA HAHA MINE NOBODY CAN TAKE HER FROM ME. SHE IS MINE. You are mine. I know you are reading my thoughts! Reader~senpai is mine. No one can change that. Because Reader~senpai is reading this as (Y/n)~senpai! So really you are mine. I love you Reader~senpai. Have a really nice day.


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