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September 16, 2016

"I miss you."

A sweet smile played on Jacqueline's lips as she looked down at her phone. Her heart swelled with love and happiness with just hearing those words. It also hurt with sadness as she remembered that this was the only way she communicates with her boyfriend until November.

"I do too, Pete. Another two more months."

In August, Jacqueline moved from New York City to Baltimore as she was attending Johns Hopkins University Medical School. She was ecstatic. There was no place Jacqueline would rather be in to be able to get her PhD in BioMedical Sciences.

Even so, she left her whole life behind in New York City, including the boy that was on her phone right now with a small frown on his face.

"That's so far away, Jack." Her boyfriend groaned as he put on a plaid shirt with a blue sweater over it

Jacqueline smiled fondly, watching him get ready for his first day of sophomore year, "Maybe I can sneak in the weekends with you. I don't think it's that much of a flight."

The way her boyfriend's face lit up was Jacqueline's excuse as to why she screenshotted her screen.

Another picture to add to the album.

Jacqueline has been dating Peter Parker for over three months. The two had been inseparable throughout much of summer, as if they were two peas in a pod. Tony was slowly getting used to seeing Peter around but, he was still very skeptical of the boy and extremely overprotective.

"Are you sure?" Peter's grin was another excuse of Jacqueline's to add more to her album

The girl giggled and smiled, noticing that he now took a screenshot, "Yeah, why not? I feel like that'd be better than staying cooped up in this dorm while my roommate goes out with her boyfriend."


Jacqueline had met Natalie the first day she had moved into their dorm, over a month ago. Natalie was this extroverted and charismatic person that was all smiles and laughs, an individual that loved any and every person she met. Jacqueline fell absolutely in love with the girl from the moment they introduced themselves to each other.

Natalie was this 22 year old Afro-Latina from Miami who lived in New York City for a few years when she went to Columbia University before coming to Johns Hopkins for medical school.

The older girl had had her boyfriend there to help her move in. His name was Leo Valdez, an electrical engineering major at MIT. He was a tan Mexican 22 year old who was born in Houston, Texas but moved around a lot. He had settled in one spot for the past seven years, New York City, where he met Natalie.

The couple had met at a summer camp they both attended in New York. Leo had apparently hated Natalie from the beginning as he had seen his friends take a liking to her. Natalie hated him back. It wasn't for any apparent reason, he was just too cocky. It wasn't until later that summer that he had finally admitted to himself that she was a naturally very likable person. By the end of the summer, the two had gone from enemies to friends to lovers.

He was just as charismatic as Natalie and Jacqueline found it hard to believe that they had been enemies. The two seemed to work like a well oiled machine and were head over heels in love with each other.

Jacqueline nodded, looking over to her roommate's side of the dorm, "She actually just left like 20 minutes ago since she has a 9 am class but yeah she and Leo go out every weekend just to unwind and see each other. It's cute but I get lonely in here so, might as well go see my favorite guy. Though, I do warn you, I'll probably be working on school stuff when I'm there."

Peter chuckled as he looked at himself in the mirror, fixing his hair before grabbing his backpack and turning to grab his phone from wherever he had it standing, "I don't mind. Just as long as I get to see that beautiful face of yours in person."

A blush creeped up Jacqueline's cheeks as she giggled in response. Peter had a satisfied smile while watching her. He loved it when she blushed. What he loved more was her murmuring 'stop' as the blush grew, this rendering her to cover her face both to stop him from seeing her ever growing blush and to stop herself from becoming as red as a tomato.

"Is that Jacky?"

Jacqueline took her hands away from her face, her smile widening as she watched Peter move to the side as his aunt came into view. She missed this woman so much. The young girl was excited to see her over the weekend.

"Hey, May!" Jacqueline smiled

"You look so beautiful! How are you?"

The girl's smile grew wider as she had a quick conversation with May before Peter had to rush out of the house if he didn't want to miss the train.

"So, what time is your first class again?" Peter asked, slightly out of breath but smiling down at his phone with his earphones plugged in

Jacqueline looked at the time on her phone and sighed softly, hitting her head against her pillow, "Half an hour from now. I have an exam later today and I have to turn in an essay and -"

"Breathe, Jack." Peter laughed, "You're gonna do great on your exam and I've read your paper, it's phenomenal. You've got it, and everything else you need to do today, in the bag."

Jacqueline's heart swelled once again. She was reminded of how great of a person Peter was. She watched as her boyfriend got off of the train and, looking at the surroundings, was walking into school.

"Good luck on your first day, Pete." Jacqueline smiled

Peter smiled down at his phone, at his girlfriend. He thanked her and told her that he couldn't wait for the week to pass by quickly so that they could meet over the weekend.

When the two hung up, Jacqueline let out a long exhale of happiness as she laid on her back. She looked up at her ceiling, her thoughts lingering on her angel of a boyfriend for a few more moments.

A notification tone had Jacqueline turning her head over to her phone that laid flat on her nightstand. A large smile was on her face as she saw that it was a text message from Peter. He had sent her a selfie of him and Ned smiling widely with thumbs up, the text saying 'sending good vibes for your exam today. call you after school xoxo.'

Jacqueline smiled softly before getting up from her bed. This was a great start to a long day.

Flight [Peter Parker] - Book Two of WealthWhere stories live. Discover now