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October 9, 2016

Jacqueline shapeshifted into a bird, making her way to Oceanus and Menoetius. The Sea Titan obviously had the upper hand with a sea serpent as his weapon, no matter how odd that sounded. It seemed that the Titan of Violent Rage was just that. All he could really do was snarl and summon monsters. He wasn't angry enough. Jacqueline was adamant in changing that.

"You've failed to impress me yet, Menoetius." Jacqueline said as she shifted back into herself, standing beside Oceanus

"You're not easy to please, are you, mortal?" The Titan responded with a sneer

"Oh, I am." She told him, smirking softly, "You just haven't met the criteria yet."

The Titan of Anger growled and she just smirked, rushing towards him with Oceanus on her side. Menoetius was far too preoccupied now with the demigod and the other Titan to keep his mind on Jacqueline's friends, which she appreciated.

Oceanus and Jacqueline encircled the Titan of Rage, who only seemed to get angrier. The teenage girl delivered blows at him and Oceanus followed after her example. When Menoetius dodged her blow, Oceanus struck and vice versa.

With every blow, Menoetius got angrier and more sloppy. Peter was right. His strength really was his greatest weakness after all.

"You think you can defeat me?" The Titan asked her, "You? A puny girl who barely understands the extent of her power?"

Menoetius had the nerve to laugh. Anger boiled in the girl's blood. All her life, she'd been facing bullies. Another one came into her life and she wasn't going to let him degrade her like how so many others did.

A hand made out of water materialized before them and she closed it into a fist, entrapping Menoetius in it. The Titan yelled out in anger and the girl only smirked, closing the fist tighter.

"I think I understand my power well enough." She told him

"The Earth Mother will rise." Menoetius told her, a sneer on his face as eyes full of hatred flared down at her, "You will fall at her mercy. You could have been someone great at her side, Jacqueline Stark. Now, you are nothing but an enemy to Gaea. You've made a grave mistake."

The girl noticed how Peter and everyone else was standing a ways away from them, quietly assessing everything. Elijah and Oliver seemed as if they were ready to step in for her if she needed any help.

Jacqueline's face was hard-set, "You're the one that made the mistake the moment you kidnapped the people that we love. No one messes with family."

The Titan of Rage let out a yell as he tried to break free out of the fist's hold. Jacqueline gave Oceanus a nod. He had a soft smile on his face as he thrusted his serpent forwards as if it were a sword. The serpent's mouth opened excitedly and Menoetius's scream was short lived as the reptile chopped his head off.

Jacqueline made a face at that but, it seemed to be effective as the Titan disappeared into golden dust moments later.

"That was... repulsive." Elijah broke the silence, "Do you think the snake got to actually eat his head or maybe it just disappeared to dust too?"

"Why's that in any way important?" Oliver asked

"Just wondering, man."

"Was he killed?" Peter asked nervously

"Nah," Elijah responded easily, "He goes to Tartarus until he finds a way to come back."

"That seems... daunting."

"You get used to it. There is no end."

Jacqueline shook her head at the boys before turning her attention up at Oceanus, who loomed a few inches over six feet, "I cannot thank you enough for what you've done for us today, Oceanus."

The Titan looked down at her, stroking at his green beard, "You've managed to gain my trust, Jacqueline Stark, Daughter of Poseidon. I won't take it lightly if you bother to break it."

"Consider me warned." She smiled softly, "I'll make sure to speak with my father."

Oceanus placed a hand on her shoulder, a warm smile on his face, "You fought formidably, young demigod. It is an honor to be an ancestor of yours."

Jacqueline felt her heart warm at this, "Where will you go?"

"Back into my realm. I have been gone for too long because of that idiot, Menoetius. I must be going off."

"I look forward to meeting you again."

"The notion is shared, young demigod." The Sea Titan told her

Everyone watched as Oceanus walked off to the edge of a cliff and dived off. Now, all that remained of their battle were the weapons from the monsters.

"Whoa," Elijah said, "He's like a real life Aquaman except, y'know, greener and uglier."

Jacqueline wanted to roll her eyes at the boy but, now, all she really cared about was Peter. The brown eyed boy reached her in just a few steps, a shit-eating grin on his face as he brought his hands up to link around the back of her neck, his thumbs on her cheeks.

"Hey, you." He told her

"Hey yourself." Jacqueline responded, her smile as wide as his, her hands on his hips

"So, I guess all this adventure and excitement'll be put on hold?"

"For now." The teenage girl smiled softly


Peter tilted his head down to give her a sweet kiss and the girl smiled against his lips, happy that he was finally with her.

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